May 28 2017

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Sanyas - Building New DNA

Video - Sanyas - Building New DNA

Sanyasis are not trained just for their own enlightenment, they act as a bridge for millions of people to cross, on the path of enlightenment!

Video Audio

Transcript - Sanyas - Building New DNA

00:07 In my life the moment I left, they try to trace me back into Ramakrishna Mutt. Only once they met me. The moment I know that they know that where I am staying, I left the Ramakrishna Mutt. After that, seven and a half years they do not know where I am. Only after I started my public life, through the public flyer they came to know Swami is staying in Erode. They do not know seven and half eight years where I am. From 1995 to 2001, they do not know. Only in 2001, they came to know that where I am. They do not know where I am! That really helps to build a complete new personality as far as for sannyas is concerned. See grihastha life is separate, each one has their place. But surely, nothing like the sannyas breakthrough. That breakthrough really … does something totally different to you.

01:14 That is totally diff, you see, the purpose and the whole sannyas concept is for a different level na. It’s for differently all together different level. See whatever is said and done, it is sannyasis who are trained as a Acharyas. They are trained just for their own enlightenment. You see the grihasthas living on the path of enlightenment is like a boat, they can save themself. Sannyasis on the path is like a bridge, not just saving themself. They are there for millions of people to cross. Umm. So boat and the bridge cannot be compared whatever is said and done. So all these kind of a ideals and ideas I do encourage. Anywhere I am not encouraging means I am not seeing you qualified so I am compromising. My compromised answers are not my reponses. What I lived is my response! What I lived and living is my response. Anything else is for your level. 02:32


Quality of a True Leader

Video - Quality of a True Leader

This discourse delivered 28 May 2017 is from the Sadashivatva program. One who forms opinions about people and evolves his opinions when people evolve is a leader.

Video Audio

Transcript - Quality of a True Leader

00:06 Who can form opinions about people and evolve their opinions and people evolve. That is the leadership quality. You see, forming opinion is middle class man’s quality. Evolving your opinion when people evolved is the leader’s quality. Only a strong man can evolve his opinion without discomfort. A middle class man can never change his opinion. Only a strong man can say, you see, it is based on principle I formed the opinion, now you have evolved in your principles so now I am evolving my opinion. That’s all. Keeping the principle and personal relationships separate. That happens only for leaders. You need a strong personalities to do the job. 00:58


Is Choice Freedom?

Video - Is Choice Freedom?

In this discourse delivered on 28th May 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda debunks the myth that choices are freedom and reveals the true nature of freedom: getting liberated from powerlessness.

Video Audio

Transcript - Is Choice Freedom?


I really want you guys to understand one thing - you have a utter complete freedom. Don’t think, “Oh! I am going to be staying in this same campus forever”. No. Don’t think, “Oh! Every morning I am going to get up 4 o’clock”. No! Understand first one thing; this whole thing is to drop this incompletion that choices are freedom. Choicelessness is freedom. As long as you have choice -

If you are asked to get up in the morning 4 o’clock you will feel bound. If you are asked not to get up you have to sleep morning 4 o’clock you will feel bound - “Why am I not allowed to do yoga? Why am I not allowed to do my spiritual practices?” You will feel bound. If you are asked to travel all over the world - “Why am I not allowed to be in the Swamiji’s presence and asked to go all the time around, around, around?” If you are asked to stay here – “Why am I all the time contained inside one small campus not allowed to travel all the time?” If you are given both choices ok travel when you want, stay when you want – “No, no, no.... why am I not given a stable life and constantly altering changing life?” As long as you have a choice it is bondage. You don’t know I am telling you... as a experiencer of the real freedom I am telling you, the day I decided I have no choice other than Arunagiri Yogishwara’s choice, I know I am free. In choicelessness you stop existing and you are free. As long as you believe choice is freedom suffering can never be taken out of you, bondage can never be taken out of you slavery can never be taken out of you. The moment you know Swamiji is my choicelessness... Swamiji is my choicelessness; today He decides - I will get up morning 4 o’clock, great! Tomorrow He decides - I will get up morning 4:30, great! Day after tomorrow He decides - I will get up morning 5 o’clock, great! Then, when that choicelessness even mentally intranalysed, liberates you from your existence.... that is freedom. That is freedom.


For quite a long time, you see... no for quite a long time I was just sleeping not attending the morning routine... at least last 6 months... and no morning satsang, no routine, nothing. But the day I decided “okay for the mission, the work I have taken up, I just need to alter the biological clock and start the work.” The day I decided, just four five days I did not sleep. My team knows till morning 8:30 I did not sleep. Just setting the biological clock. Now I am back. If you have habituated yourself like this you can never get back to routine. All it took is three four days for me to shift... reset the clock, back! Choicelessness makes your individual ego redundant; that is freedom. Your individual ego is nothing but the bunch of fears of tiredness and boredom and “will I able to do it?” Who asked you to do it? Just get out. I will do it. Vacate your body and mind, get out of your body and mind. I will do it. Understand, all choice... when you have choice see how you feel. It is just a tumour with the puss of tiredness and boredom and the self-doubt “will I able to do it?” hmmm... cheap attention need of the slaacking baby. Just decide, Choicelessness. He is my choicelessness, over! SURRENDERING TO THE BEST LEADER IS THE GREATEST FREEDOM YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THAN SURRENDERING TO YOUR IGNORANCE AS FREEDOM.


What do you know about your freedom? You are such fool you can easily be cheated; the five six choice given to you itself is restricted freedom. The society, the choices it gives you, that five six choice itself is a conspiracy to let you not move beyond that five six. What is the freedom in education? Doctor - means, become a doctor, marry a doctor, make all your kids doctor, make doctor friends, die as doctor. Engineer - become engineer, tell your sons not to study engineering, tell your friends not to study engineering. Tell the whole world not to study Engineering and die seeing the whole world still chooses engineering. ☺ All these choices itself is a conspiracy to give you the idea you are free. I tell you, you lived with choices for years.... have you felt the true freedom? Actual freedom is nothing but freeing you from that self-doubt of tiredness and boredom “will I able to do?” and stopping your stupid comparison idea; that’s all. When you remember ‘morning 4 o’clock I have to get up’, the self-doubt and the tiredness and boredom which comes in you, if that can be killed you are free. What need to be attended is not changing morning routine but changing the tiredness and boredom; because if you change the morning routine this tiredness and boredom is going to come back again for some other reason. For some other reason it is going to come back. Making your powerlessness redundant is the freedom, not your attitudes and activities connected. Understand if your idea of freedom is about your activities - what you can and what you can’t - you will never experience freedom.


I can just tell you, “Design your life, design your routine, I will completely support you. Do it.” You do not have the bliss points to hold you up. Like a circus tent needs pillars to hold itself up, you need bliss points to hold your life up. You do not have so many bliss points to hold you up. So, you will start putting naturally pain points as the poles and try to hold you up. I am ready for experiment. I can tell you “Hmmm. You design your routine, design as long as you want stay in this campus, when you want you travel and teach, or when want you travel and come back” I can give you completely, I will support you completely with whatever you needed. It will take maximum three months for you to collapse in depression... because you do not know what to do with your life, how to handle your life. How many of you understand exactly what I am saying? That is why I am saying... choice is not freedom. Understand, choice is freedom is a conspiracy done to you to put you in depression. Because the system cannot supply enough intelligent and intelligence to you, it gives you the false idea of freedom and lets you suffer with it. System cannot give you so many Enlightened Beings to guide you and evolve you. So it has to give you false idea of freedom, so you continue to believe your false freedom. What is the freedom you have? You may have a house in New York or Los Angeles or Houston or Texas or Oklahoma; but same bank... same mortgage. Making your powerlessness redundant in your life is freedom. Then you will see, if you need to stay here you will stay, if you need to travel you will travel, if you need to comeback you will come back; everything in powerfulness, everything in joy. Understand I have no interest in binding you. None of the rules I am framing is interested in binding you. It is only interested in empowering you. What am I insisting? I am insisting on coming for morning yoga and Pancha Kriya and Puja and Satsang. See, by that five hours is there anything I am making it productive through you or you go and meet My interest. When you do Yoga who is becoming healthy? YOU. ☺ When you do Pancha Kriya who is becoming healthy? ☺ When you sit and do the Puja and melt who is becoming emotionally rich and who is reaching Bhava Samadhi? Even if you don’t do Puja I will be sitting in Bhava Samadhi. When you listen to these great truths and grind in your system, who is getting empowered? Understand, I am not using Integrity to control you. I am using Integrity to empower you.


That morning... you see that is the best routine after 30 years of thorough spiritual analysis research and development I have evolved that morning 5 hours routine. World’s best spiritual things I have compacted in that morning 5 hour routine. All big thing or bad thing does not happen in one day. The way you live, suddenly you wake up to be fully enlightened or suddenly you wake to be worst criminal; in both ways ball rolls day by day. So, this routine is the ball rolling for suddenly for you to wake up one day “WOW... I am Enlightened!!” Real freedom is freedom from powerlessness. Actually what need to be changed is not morning waking up 4 o’clock. The tiredness or boredom which comes inside you when you remember about waking morning 4 o’clock; because if you don’t change that, even waking up morning 10 o’clock will be a big routine. Life is liberation from powerlessness.




Nithyananda Pratyaksha Pada Puja Nithyananda Pratyaksha Pada Puja Nithyananda Pratyaksha Pada Puja - The Lotus Feet of His Holiness


Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang Nithyananda Satsang

Jeevartha Sadas

Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session - The Happiest Sannyasi Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session Jeevartha Sadas - 2nd Session


Energy Darshan Energy Darshan Energy Darshan

Sadashivatva Session

Energy Darshan - IMG_8670.jpg Energy Darshan - IMG_8608.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8475.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8474.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8473.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8472.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8451.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8411.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8410.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8382.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8359.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8356.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8338.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8337.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8335.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8334.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8333.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8328.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8327.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8326.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8325.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8322.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8309.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8305.jpg Jeevartha Sadas - IMG_8304.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8281.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8280.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8276.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8275.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8274.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8273.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8271.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8270.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8269.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8266.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8244.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8241.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8239.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8236.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8233.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8231.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8226.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8225.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8222.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8221.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8219.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8210.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8209.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8202.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8201.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8196.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8195.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8192.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8181.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8180.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8179.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8172.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8171.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_8170.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0110.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0098.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0089.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0068.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0063.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0061.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0050.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0049.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0046.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0045.jpg Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0041.jpg


Ppp N Satsang - IMG_0032.jpg

Photos Of The Day:




