March 14 2017

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Manifest Powers Using Mandalas At Inner Awakening|Maheshwara Puja


In this video, taken from an Inner Awakening session on 14th March 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the Veda-Agamic science of using Mandalas to experience higher states of consciousness and manifest extraordinary Shaktis (powers). He elaborates on the Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala which holds the mother energy of the cosmos. This energy when awakened in the individual leads to manifestation of all powers.

Video - Manifest Powers Using Mandalas At Inner Awakening

In this video, taken from an Inner Awakening session on 14th March 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the Veda-Agamic science of using Mandalas to experience higher states of consciousness and manifest extraordinary Shaktis (powers).

Video Audio

Transcript - Manifest Powers Using Mandalas At Inner Awakening


Listen now... that Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala which you have, please pick it up in your hand. See this represents the Mother Consciousness. This has the Mother energy installed in the form of Sri Chakra and Sri Yantra and Mother component energy centres. State of Sadashiva is masculine, manifesting powers of Sadashiva is feminine. It is only Mother can create. Please listen, Father can be source material but creation itself can be done only by Mother. It is Mother Energy that only educates the Kundalini. Understand if the other Mandalas awaken your Kundalini like a stream this just explodes it. And I am going to now completely work on Mother energy now. In each one of you that mother energy, when mother energy awakened only all best manifestation starts happening. All the power manifestation starts happening in you only with Mother Energy. The literal translation of the word Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni means - the Bhuvana means the whole Milky Way is one Bhuvana. Like that 242 Bhuvanas exist totally; each one them having zillions of planets and stars. So for all these Bhuvana the womb is Devi, Adi Shakti. So she is represented, awakened in that energy. Now that energy only will be awakened in your inner space that Kundalini. One funny thing with these mandalas, words cannot explain them. Only when you work with them you will see. Actually if you just keep this Sadashiva mandala next your bed and sleep, you will see that you are in a different space all together. You will see you are in different space all together. So let Me work with your Mother energy, the Mother Component. So all the powers in which you are initiated will start manifesting now. Even the powers that working... power over the silicon means all the electronic objects will start manifesting. All the software’s I developed as on now will start working on you. So, Bhuvana means the Milky Way, whatever we know is only inside the Milky Way. Like that 242 Bhuvanas exist. Adi Shakti who is the womb for all these to happen.... she is called Bhuvaneshwari. Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni her energy is invoked in all of us now. (3:26)


Sakshi Pramana - Exploring New Life after Inner Awakening (Sri Nithya Akhandananda, Philadelphia, USA)

Inner Awakening Testimonial


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