October 18 2010

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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Junk DNA during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Karmic Healing, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism explained the two parts of DNA which you have; one is known to scientists and is responsible for your form, disease and all of that and the second one is unknown and called by scientists as junk DNA. His Divine Holiness calls the second one, Jeevatman DNA and when this is awakened, extraordinary powers express and life will become extraordinary joy and the known DNA, with those biomemories and disease will be dried, because that is not your blueprint. His Divine Holiness instructed all to open up to the jeevatman DNA because this will lead you to the Ultimate.

Video and Audio

Karmic Healing

Video Audio



Today’s subject is The Science of Karmic Healing. I have some research, references and conclusions to share with you, then I will add My own experiences and bring the whole thing to new understanding by throwing light with My understanding and My experience. The scientists say that human species has evolved with two stranded DNA found in every cell determining the form. One part determines the form the other determines the potential diseases and spiritual gifts. And another one research says DNA contains blueprint for one life’s purpose and divine personality.


Scientists are very clear about what we think is not our original blueprint, means the one part only we are able to study. The two parts of the DNA we are able to study still now only one part and scientists are really feeling that is not really our blueprint. The unrevealed DNA, the part which still they are not able to discover or make it clear, logically able to understand is called, they are naming it as a junk DNA. I can say the part which is discovered is junk DNA. The part which is not discovered, still yet to be realized. Maybe I can use the word… even the words like bio memory all these are too small words. They are using the word junk DNA or shadow DNA that contains information about who you really are on a level of spiritual beingness. I can say that part is what I can give the name jeevatma. The part which they are calling as junk DNA or shadow DNA, I will give the name as jeevatma. Of course, I can give the name individual self DNA, individual self DNA. Because the junk word is too small; even the shadow word is too small. The healing modalities clear karmic blockages and stimulate this dormant versions of the DNA. So these are the discoveries. Whatever now I said are from various scientific researches the discoveries and conclusions from various scientists.


Now I will try to explain exactly what I experience in these lines. Scientists are absolutely right when they say, ‘there’s two part in DNA’. Only one part they are able to study which is responsible for form and diseases. There is other part which is responsible for spiritual gifts. I tell you the other part which is responsible for spiritual gifts only carries this extra sensory power; all the siddhis. That only carries the divine personality.


Understand, that part of the DNA only constantly fights when I evolve you. Whenever the evolution happens that DNA only fights that is the why when you fight with Me you will see that whole body pains. See, when you are conceptually fighting with Me, whole body will pain. Because it is you are not fighting with Me, you are fighting with part of you which I am awakening. Understand, this part which already science has understood; this part carries the ordinary samskaras and bio-memories. See this carries the microcosmic samskaras, whatever you got in this body, those samskaras; from the body of fish to this body.


In Indian tradition Vedic tradition we claim fish is the first individual which has the capacity to collect samskara. Of course even before fish you can collect samskara but it is untransmittable. That is why matsyavatara is first avatara. Please understand, as fish any engram you collect only can be transmittable. Till then it is so subtle, negligible; it cannot be transmittable. That is why in Vedic tradition we call first incarnation is matsyavatara. Then the avataras, then the incarnations, expand and grow.


Actually you need to understand everybody is an Incarnation who knows they are Incarnations. That’s all. See, Incarnations means what exactly; taking birth again and again. If you know you took birth again and again that will lead you to Enlightenment and you are an Incarnation. That’s all; nothing else. If you know you took birth again and again and again and it’s a reality you will just realize, Oh God ehhh I am doing this same thing. That’s Enlightenment; then you are incarnation. Understand when I say in 2000 I realized I am an incarnation that is what I mean. It’s not that before 2000 I was not incarnation. Only in 2000 I realized I am an Incarnation. You understand what I am saying. You see when you realize, you took birth again and again and again, that suddenly makes you an Incarnation. That just makes you an incarnation. So even now all of you are incarnations.


Now if you realize that truth you are an Incarnation you can write a biography, autobiography of an Avatar. With that understanding when you look your whole life back you will understand whole thing was very, very, synchronized way, very energetic way, was planned for this peak hit. For this peak hit only everything was very energetically planned in a synchronized way. Now you will not understand that. You will say it is a big chaos. No it is not. It is not. No chaos is a big chaos. You thinking that everything is chaos is the biggest chaos; nothing else. You thinking everything is chaos is the biggest chaos. Nothing else is chaos.


It’s a very revolutionary idea, which I heard from Ram Surat Kumar, that Yogi Ram Surat Kumar, saint who lived in Arunachala. Many of you have heard about him and very revolutionary thought; very revolutionary process. When somebody goes to him for liberation and all that, it’s a little unconventional, untraditional; he will, he always used to keep a rope bunch of rope, I have seen. And he will completely tie them; he will tie their leg, he will tie their hands and he will make them sit sometime even 24 hours he will make them sit and these poor fellows have to be sitting and naturally five-six hours the dedication will be there. You see five-six hours Oh this swami is making me; that dedication will be there and you will sit with patience. But after ten hours naturally the patience will wither away; completely the patience will wither. You can’t, you see just imagine ten hour your hands and legs are tied and made to sit and you don’t know when he is going to release you. See if you know in one day he is going to release you, you will not have a problem. You don’t know when he is going to release you; so first five six hours the dedication will be up. That part will be up. Everything is Ok but after ten hours what will happen? That is when the suffocation will start and especially physical tying up is such a survival thing, nobody can tolerate more than maximum ten hours; ten hours is the maximum. You can’t tolerate more than that. That’s the maximum.


Especially people who come to him for enlightenment all these things, is civilized people. They are not traditional trained criminals who are habituated for prison or hand cuff and all that; all civilized cultured people. So ten hours will be too much. Then their, that microcosmic bio-memory, see the dedication which they carry in microcosmic bio-memory will be exhausted. Let Me give you the example of this microcosmic bio-memory macrocosmic bio-memory. From the fish body till now whatever you collected is microcosmic bio-memory. That part only the scientists are able to analyze and understand as a known DNA. Let us call that as a known DNA. And the other part which I call jeevatma DNA, the individual self DNA that part is a macrocosmic bio-memory.


Please understand, macrocosmic bio-memory means whatever has happened in the cosmos. Whatever has happened in your body when I say your body your body means not only just this six feet; whatever ingredient added to make this six feet; means when you are first time fish and the fight which you had with your spouse fish, that memory will be there. Whatever you collected from the fish body it will pass to the next body, next body, next body. From that body till this body whatever was collected and transmitted is what I am calling microcosmic bio-memory and whatever has happened in cosmos is macrocosmic bio-memory. A certain dedication or love will happen in microcosmic bio-memory. With that only you recognize My microcosmic bio-memory. You see in My microcosmic bio-memory something extraordinary expresses. So your microcosmic bio-memory’s dedication recognizes that.


And after sometime that ten hours passes the ten hour will be over; this Ram Surat Kumar’s ten hour. If you see his photograph he will always be having a thick of coconut fiber rope, coir rope. He will be having it. So he will tie the people with that only. He will tie their hand and leg very tightly. They can’t move and after that he will put the hands on the leg and tie it. And those fellows have to be sitting. In ten hours that microcosmic dedication, microcosmic bio-memory dedication will go away. That devotion will go away. That will be exhausted. After that when the suffocation starts only he will just sit and wait. He will watch how they are irritated and by ten hours they will start telling him, no, no, no, leave us it’s Ok….. Wait…… and then he will ask so this is the, your dedication for enlightenment. He will make them very clearly understand that their microcosmic bio-memory strength is only this much, only this much spiritual experience can be acquired by them.


See it’s like your microcosmic bio-memory’s dedication gets attached to My microcosmic bio-memory’s expression. Now I want to define God. Whatever you don’t have is God. All that you don’t have put together is God. That is why you are attracted to God. So whatever your microcosmic bio-memory does not have, My microcosmic bio-memory has it. That is why that attraction. But the funny thing is your microcosmic bio memory’s attraction, how much dedication it has, that much only I can pour. I can’t pour more than that. But your greed demands more pouring; more pouring is demanded. So within that ten hours he will make them understand that this much only can be poured; understand.


And there are few people, very intelligent I have seen, I have seen at least two cases who just withstood, withstood, withstood more than ten hours also maybe they withstood fifteen hours, one full day and by night they started, that regular thing started happening. Somehow he was also interested, he sat patiently and made them understand, make them made them understand, now your microcosmic bio-memory dedication is exhausted; look. Very simple awareness; nothing else; he brought them to awareness and told them. Now don’t dedicate also. Don’t dedicate because now you will have fear….. fear……. Don’t go for dedication, don’t go for anything. Go for love and go for awareness.


You see when your micro cosmic bio-memory is exhausted don’t go for dedication. That’s a wrong step you will be taking. You will be pressurizing yourself, you will be forcing yourself because you will have tremendous fear. You see I have a deep concern for you. When your microcosmic bio-memory is exhausted don’t think I am angry with you. I have concern for you. Only I don’t know how to express it because any word I express you will not experience that as a concern. You are in fear. Person who is in fear can’t experience love. Whenever your microcosmic bio-memory is exhausted when the dedication dries down, go for love. That is why this puja, Deity, Guru and remembering sweet memories and the beautiful time beautiful experience, strengthening your feeling connection with the Master, the love with the Master.


He will suddenly release all the rope when they are not expecting, all the rope and he will tell them to lie down, lie down and feel the difference between the suffocation mood and this free mood. Understand... you see when the microcosmic bio-memory dedication is exhausted the love which he shows is like a drilling. You see it’s like a two layer; microcosmic bio-memory dedication and macrocosmic experience; macrocosmic DNA. When that gets exhausted that dedication is exhausted; he will drill them with love. That drill open up this macrocosmic experience. When they lie down I have really seen, completely, not just their brain, pulse rate will become zero. I have seen at least two person whose pulse rate has become zero. He will make them; he did both persons separate, separately not at a time separate, separately.


I have seen he made that person lie down on that Samadhi, tomb, of Tiruvannamalai. In Tiruvannamalai, there is a burial ground where he used to live regularly. He made him, made that person lie down on that tomb after that removing the rope. I have seen that person becoming zero, the pulse rate becoming zero. It’s like a step by step process. That bio memory he will agitate it, then exhaust it, the dedication, the bio memory will go away and the funny thing is he knows exactly where that person is caught. He will not use this process for everybody. He knows exactly where the person is caught and somehow he will agitate exactly that samskara by talking. By talking he will exactly awaken that samskara.


One fellow gave the promise to him, I saw in this two it’s a very beautiful process, promise to him that I will not move till you leave me. I won’t bother. So he sat and really, really, he sat whole day and did not get agitated. Then he had a dog, he, through the dog and he sent word through the dog to the Narayana Swami another one mantric saint whom about whom I have spoken in My biography. He sent word for that guy, that guy came and both of them are smokers. That guy is a specialist in having a mirror and he will apply some kind of a anjanam, that black eyeliner on the mirror and whatever he wants he will show it like a TV. So this Raghupathy Yogi was making this fellow sit. He is sitting, this guy is just sitting one day passed but this fellow is not agitated. This Raghupathy Yogi sent word for that Narayana Swami, that Narayana Swami came and this Raghupathy Yogi said in a very, sorry….. Yogi Ram Surat Kumar, he said in a very casual way Ehh….. Show him what is happening in his house with his wife. That guy showed that lady was having affair with somebody. This fellow’s only attachment was with the wife. So that fellow showed that TV showed very clearly that wife was having affair with somebody. So immediately that engram got agitated, that agitation happened, got awakened and this fellow immediately wanted to go to the house. He is telling leave my rope, leave everything I wanted to go there. And somehow this Raghupathy Yogi was able to sorry…..Ram Surat Kumar was able to slowly talk to him. Now tell me, you gave the promise that you will work till the end. Now, I only brought and awakened this agitation. Now even if you go what are you going to do? What can be done? Nothing can be done. So understand this is the bio-memory in which you are stuck.


Where, why the microcosm, see, when this microcosmic bio-memory and macrocosmic bio memory meets that area will be very thick. That microcosmic bio-memory’s the last layer will be very thick it’s like a coconut. When you grind the coconut finally the shell will be very thick. The white part will be very soft. That will all come away. That’s what is dedication part. That coconut part is the engram. When there you start digging it will create sound. That layer he was caught. That layer for him was his deep attachment to the wife; so that social conditioning; the wife has to be only for me.


You see please understand the concept of rape, concept of sex, concept of child abuse, concept of brahmacharya, concept of multiple relationships, concept of this polygamy or monogame, all this things now what we have are completely European civilizations concepts. Somehow that Ram Surat Kumar explained and another one important thing is that devotee decided to stand by the Master’s words. It is actually fortune I tell you, that last tip is always fortune; because which side you jump, that’s all. There is nothing else. I will tell you guys you guys are fortunate. All of you had the tipping point. Blessed are you guys; don’t take the blessing for granted; you are fortunate. You tipped this side; My side. I can say, fortunate word may look too mystical; decision to decide; decision to decide.


This guy decided to decide. So I could see very clearly he drilled it, means Raghupathi Yogi was able to drill it, drill that layer, that macrocosmic bio-memory was exhausted and the thick layer also he drilled it. The moment the drilling happens, the moment the microcosmic bio-memory’s drilling happens, the macrocosmic bio-memory rushes into it. This is what I do in a very subtle small way; Ananda Gandha chakra, very small scale. You see in Ananda Gandha chakra, it will lead only to that macrocosmic experience when you close your eyes and sit. But in the life itself, you see it’s like a, what is Ananda Gandha chakra you know, coconut shell is there that all that coconut fiber, coconut part, fruit part, that is taken away by the that is what is microcosmic bio-memory. Only if one hole I make in the in that shell and macrocosmic bio-memory gushes through that one hole it is called Ananda Gandha chakra. If the whole shell is broken it is called jeevan mukti.


So if you are living with Me I will break the whole shell, put you in sahaja samadhi... Because I am a macrocosmic bio-memory. I grind you both sides. See My form, microcosmic bio-memory of Me is only grinding the fruit side; the white side and My macrocosmic bio-memory, Me present everywhere that will be grinding you from the shell side. Both will be grinding... This macrocosmic bio-memory obeys prayer. If you feel the grinding is too much, pray, immediately macrocosmic bio-memory will stop it or if you say no, no, I want this to go on, let it be done, let me be done with it, then it will go on. Please understand this microcosmic bio-memory, which is responding to you is the, that is only cleaning the fruit side; the white side. It will be drilling, drilling, drilling, drying and drying that how much that fruit thickness that much only is the dedication. When all the dedication is exhausted, when that engram crushing is happening that’s where the sound will come that sound is coming means that engram crushing is happening; engram crushing is happening.


See when that sound comes, this microcosmic bio-memory will not move further. It cannot move further. The macrocosmic bio-memory only will be pushing further, means your hand only will be pushing. Understand this coconut drilling you will understand exactly. This macrocosmic bio-memory only will be pushing, means the cosmic Nithyananda only will be pushing. If you pray it will stop it will stop and it will relax. It will give you the relaxation. And another one thing, the macrocosmic Nithyananda pushing will not even be known to microcosmic Nithyananda. I do not know. But I know the pushing is happening that’s all. I do not know how it is happening.


Understand; if something like that happens be very clear cosmic Nithyananda is concerned about you. Means the macrocosmic bio-memory is concerned about you; otherwise it does not need to send information to microcosmic bio-memory and make that express it to you. If you are sitting hiding from Me, if I send somebody and call you be very clear macrocosmic bio-memory is calling you, because in so many things where is the microcosmic bio-memory’s time? Where is the place for, place or time for all these things? And sometime, not sometime many time I do the actions which I do not logically think. But exactly you know why it happened. Many time what I do, I do not know the reason but you know the reason. The problem is you think I know the reason. That is where the problem happens. When you think I know the reason you start abusing Me, thinking that I am drilling you. No. Microcosmic bio-memory is innocent. Leave Me. It is the macrocosmic bio-memory playing this game. But one great thing about the macrocosmic bio-memory is it listens to your prayer immediately. If you say no, it is too much please wait, it will just wait. But delay of, waste of time, but it will wait, it will wait for as long as you want. If you say no, no, no, go ahead it will open up.


See when the microcosmic bio-memory exhausts, the layer which need to be opened is that second layer DNA, what I call as jivatman portion of DNA; the self DNA. Understand the self DNA; why I call that as the jivatman you know because still it is connected to microcosmic bio-memory. When that microcosmic bio-memory is completely exhausted then this unknown DNA what they call junk DNA, shadow DNA that part can be called as the parabrahman or the God; the macrocosmic bio-memory or paramatma. You don’t need to call that as jivatma. As on now microcosmic bio-memory in you is known DNA. Macrocosmic bio-memory in you is jivatman. In Me the microcosmic bio memory is jivatman and macrocosmic bio memory is paramatman. There is known DNA in Me. That is why I defy all the known DNA rules and philosophies.


This is the information I forgot to tell. This is the punch line about Ram Surat Kumar showing through Narayan Swamy, mirror to this guy. The funny thing is, after he made that person experience the silence, he calls it as a mouna, Mouna means the pulse rate becoming zero. He will check it from this point and that point and I saw that person, that devotee experienced mouna. You will be surprised after one day that devotee went back to the house; the wife was not in the house in which the mirror showed. See when he saw where the mirror showed at that time and that day wife was not even in that house the mirror showed lie.


Understand, what that mirror showed was a lie. So that guy came back. Fortunately I was there when that guy came back again for next darshan. Then he asked no….. neither that she was in that place nor that affair was going on, it was a lie. Why did you do? How did you do? All Ram Surat Kumar did was he was laughing; that’s all. That was his answer. I don’t know how you will make it, what understanding you will have out of this. Means he simply created the whole scene; that’s a punch line, that’s a punch line and he had one assistant to create that line. You understand he simply created the whole thing in that mirror through that Narayan Swamy’s help, because Narayan Swamy is well known for this; he can show anything. So finally what is, it boiled down to what? He just worked on his engram and the information was shown to him was not even a fact. It was not even a fact.


But of course this kind of risky games to play you need a tremendous understanding between the Master and disciple. You see even one place if something cracks what will happen? If that fellow was rushed there and suddenly sees neither she was there nor that other person was there, he will lose complete trust over this person, the Master and everything and it will become a big ruckus. And when you lose trust over this kind scenes, you will never not only not come back to this Master, you will never go to any other Master for three four janmas; like a cat once it boils its tongue with a hot milk it will never go near the milk; big risk only. But he was successful. He was successful. He had a infrastructure, dedicated disciple. In one day he put that guy into the mouna; mouna state. He calls that as a mouna state nirvikalpa samadhi as a mouna state. He put that person in mouna.


This is what Ramakrishna calls as muhurta falling in place. Means somebody’s child was bitten by a snake. He runs to the doctor for medicine. Doctor says go when swati nakshatra was in the high peak, it should rain and there should be a human skull in which the rain should fall and a frog should try to jump that human skull and a snake should try to catch it and it should miss the frog and bite the human skull and the venom from that snake should fall into the human skull, mix with the swati nakshatra rain water in human skull. Bring that, if you give that to the child your child will be revived. And this guy goes in search and really fortunately that day was swati nakshatra peak and suddenly it started raining, he was running near a cremation ground where there was a human skull and he just waited and prayed, one frog jumped and there was a snake to catch that frog and that snake missed the frog and bit the human skull and the poison came out and mixed with that water, he brought and gave and child got revived. Muhurta; Ramakrishna calls this as a muhurta happening.


That’s what exactly happened with Ram Surat Kumars thing; muhurta happened. Muhurta means this guy had a dog to go and call Narayan Swamy and when Narayan Swamy had this extraordinary powers and mirror, not only mirror and power even to tell a lie, the mirror is able to even tell a lie. I had another one experience with that mirror. Secretly when he was not there I picked up that mirror and put the anjanam and saw and that Devi appeared actually!! It was an Yakshini. It appeared and I got frightened. I think I have spoken about this. Later on I will describe that incident. Yakshini means the demigods, demigods.


Anyhow, he had the mirror, then this guy chose to, he decided to decide, decided to decide; he had experience. After that he went and found, but one beautiful thing is when he went back and understood it was lie information he was not angry. He was so grateful, he was so grateful; he was with tears of ecstasy. You are, you went to any extreme to put me into this experience. He appreciates the risk taken by the Master. See otherwise anything can become irrelevant. Suddenly the whole thing can become irrelevant. And another one thing, this guy also had that kind of attraction to this microcosmic bio-memory of Ram Surat Kumar. So that love plays a major role. Love acts as a lubrication when microcosmic bio-memory and macro cosmic bio-memory is drilling the coconut.


But one important thing everybody behaves very intelligently till their coconut is grilled. That is most unfortunate thing. See let other coconuts grilled, these guys will have so much of consolation, love, promise, words, inspiration, lifting, elevating, when their coconut gets drilled only hmmm.......What about you guys even for Me this has happened. When My coconut was getting drilled in 1999 sorry 1999…..hmm 1999 before 2000 even I had to go through such a thing.


See when you do the weight lifting how the nerves are seen by green like that when I went through that drilling all My nerves were seen as red; that kind of a drilling. Whenever you are able to see the nerves in the red just understand the drilling is going on; drilling is going on. That’s what has happened in Me. It will not be seen in green or other colour. It will be very deep red; heavy, heavy heavy pain, heavy heavy pain. Physically these are the symptoms to find out whether drilling is going on. Choosing to choose, deciding to decide, it’s almost like a, when you are standing in the waves the sand under your feet will be washed away taken away. If you decide to push you can stand. If you just slip one step what will happen? You will just go with the wave.


Whenever...... actually in Ramakrishna Mission two fellows used to do this job of drilling; Brahmananda and Vivekananda. These two are, especially Swamiji is a great Master. Whenever he needs lubrication he will send them to Sarada Devi. That’s why I say Sarada devi is the sangha janani; sangha janani. She always took care of that lubrication and managed and helped people to decide during the moment they need to decide. During the moment they need to decide, she used to stand.


This thing which I am talking we can even scientifically prove because the parietal lobe gets thicker and thicker; for example: for normal man it will be only 10 unit thicker. I am giving you the example. I am revealing all this things so that future people can do research; normal man 10 unit only. The first spiritual experience level will be something like a 20 unit. See from 10 to 19 unit, growth will not be a problem at all. You will not even know. But the 19 to 20 jump time, there will be a strong thickening process; that breakthrough time. That’s what I call this drilling, that shell getting drilled. And after that 20 happens till 29 you will not have a problem. That 29 to 30 that breakthrough there will be another one problem; there will be another one move strong means that thickening the jump of the thickening part, and there will be a time I can say 100 unit if it gets thickened, after that, that thickening will happen like 1000, 2000 there will not be any pain. That part, the 100th part, where there will not be any more pain during further thickening is Enlightenment.


Understand there will not be any more pain during further thickening, that part, that spot is Enlightenment. And don’t think after enlightenment thickening stops. No. Thickening goes on, on and on. That is why the so many new, new, new, new, new, things are getting revealed. But the unit when the further no more suffering during the thickening process that spot breakthrough is called Enlightenment. That’s what I call as Enlightenment. That is what has happened in Me at the age of twelve. But it does not mean the thickening has stopped. It went on and on and on. There was no suffering. You see when I described to you guys the 1999 experience I described as suffering. It is not suffering as you understand. But I need to tell you for your understanding that’s all. It was different.


Now the 10 to 12 sorry the 9 to 10 when it happens what you experience you call it as suffering. That is why I named that as a suffering. But that was not suffering for Me. One good thing, when drilling is not happening exactly in you when the, when your shell is not getting drilled, listen all these things carefully and keep it inside. So that when shell gets drilled it will be useful. Because when your shell gets drilled these words will not be useful only love will be useful; only love and care will be useful. These words will not be useful. This will not be useful. If your shell is getting drilled now, these words will not make sense for you. Maybe if you feel I have love for you that is why I am uttering these words that idea may be useful for you. If you don’t have that idea then these words are no use for you. If you are not getting drilled, if your shell is not getting drilled now then take these words and keep it; it will be useful for you.


When that guy saw in the mirror, wife having affair I saw his kurma nadi; kurma nadi is this nadi, it just goes, when you do the weight lifting the kurma nadi only is seen in green. I saw his kurma nadi became completely black, the anger, because that was the only engram was there. And then after he settled with the Master it became red; means the drilling was done. When he went and came back I saw it became a pure rose colour like shining gold. When you do the weight lifting means working on the muscles it will be green. Based on the kurma nadi’s colour you can find out what is going on with you… During the grinding you need a love of a person who does not support your negativity that is important thing. See sometime you will get a wrong company they will give you the love and support, but they will support your negative side; that is the most dangerous thing. You need somebody who will give you the love but who will constantly remind you to stand up on positive side. Stand up on positive side; stand up on Master’s side.


But unfortunately if you have a friend that person is giving shraddha to you understand! That person is not giving food to you he is giving shraddha to you. Understand giving food is different; giving shraddha is different; even though both the time rice only is offered. If that guy is giving you the love and giving you the, to stand with the Master; he is giving you food. You are saved, but he is giving you the love and supporting your stand; shraddha is getting done. Pitrubhyo swaha; he is giving only shraddha to you, death, destruction.


See this, this microcosmic bio-memory has no memory. That is why only when macrocosmic bio-memory wants to tell something it downloads that, only that is there. So I have no other work only expressing that... It just goes on and on and on and on and on. That’s why I always tell people, when somebody comes and says I am feeling suffocated or it is too much, I tell them alright then pray, it will become alright. If you pray then, who is using Me in punching that person will stop, that power will stop. Then the constant punching will not be there. Some other bio-memory will come. I will go, the punch will be directed to somebody else and it will be punching somebody else. You please be busy with somebody else. Now I’ll become busy with somebody else and something else.


The second layer DNA, the jivatman DNA, if that is awakened in you, you become a new being; new human being. The whole purpose is to awaken that second layer jivatman DNA in you guys; that’s all nothing else. It means you have to completely annihilate whatever you are holding, like that Narada, when he was caught in the flood in Yamuna. I told you Narada story who got caught in illusion, that wife went away, the child is slipping out of the hand and luggage; the wealth, little wealth is leaving the hand. So that is the time when the first level bio-memory gets exhausted. Narada has to drop that. No other way, let go. Then Krishna’s voice is heard, Eh Narada!! Oh God!! The second level bio-memory is awakened. The jivatman bio-memory is awakened. Complete annihilation; there is no shortcut in the spiritual line.


Understand if you put yourself into that belt, conveyor belt, there is no shortcut, there is no shortcut. You can only pray and tell the power system hey stop the belt. I don’t want to move further. Let the belt be stopped. The prayer will always have the answer. Either you should know, is this lubrication; lubrication means love, is this enough for me to go through this drilling, this process. Let me pass. If you feel no, no, no, no, no, no, no it is too much then tell, pray, stop the belt. That’s all. There is no shortcut. There is no technique or shortcut. Technique and shortcuts can give you one drilling like one hole in the shell; Ananda Gandha; but not complete annihilation. All the concept you have, all the idea you have, all the relationship you have, all the holdings you have, everything has to be annihilated; no other way. Unfortunately, sometime you can’t even say no, no, no, I don’t want Enlightenment and all I don’t want, you just stop this process. Maybe if you say that you don’t, you can stop the process, to the macrocosm, then it stops. I have seen it stops and puts more lubrication, lot of love and more lubrication and pacifies, but again when you feel comfortable everything is OK, again that belt starts moving towards the drilling machine. But that is what everybody wants, that is what all the jeevas want. It’s a tremendous love with which the cosmos does the whole drama, game.


So understand, feel blessed till you stand this side; feel blessed till you stand this side. Allowing this macrocosm to play, even while you are not allowing, just allowing that you are not allowing, understanding you are not allowing, but it is going to happen. Alright, so let the jivatman DNA be awakened in you; the self DNA be awakened in you. That is what is repository of all these siddhis, all the great siddhis, powers.


See in the microcosmic bio-memory, the powers which has microcosmic bio-memory is that moving your hand and eating, chewing, swallowing, lungs, heart, all these things are microcosmic bio-memory’s powers which goes on without even your knowledge. Same way in macrocosmic bio-memory, that jivatman DNA, there only all the extraordinary powers like flying, levitating, all those things are there. Mahima, lahima, karima, anima, ishitvam, vashitvam, prapti, all those siddhis; they are there in macrocosmic bio-memory. But that will be awakened only if the microcosmic bio memory is annihilated. Awakening that jivatman DNA is the essence.


So the essence of My today’s message is two part of DNA you have. One is known by the science which is responsible for your form, disease and all that. The unknown, the second one is unknown, which scientists call as junk DNA or shadow DNA, which I call as jivatman DNA, self DNA. Awaken that self DNA because that has all extraordinary powers. Life will become extraordinary joy when that is awakened, and the known DNA will dry, those bio-memories has to be dried, no other way, it cannot give you the life. That is not your blueprint. That is not your blueprint. You need to know that. As long as you catch that as a blueprint, life will be struggle. It will be struggle. So catch the macrocosmic DNA, allow that to open up. Life DNA; allow the jivatman DNA, self DNA to open up. That will lead you to the ultimate.


I bless you all with My deep love. Let you all experience the lubrication, love energy, whenever you go through this grinding whenever you need it let the love energy fill you all, and let you all go through peacefully, blissfully the whole process and experience macrocosmic DNA; Enlightenment. Let you all achieve and radiate Enlightenment.


Today we had the Nithyotsava flag hoisting, Nithyotsava Dhvajarohana for Swamiji’s Jayanti Brahmotsava, Jayanti Brahmotsava 2011. So we finished, our whole sangha has finished its drilling. Now we are entering into the, the smooth, beautiful, flowing, macrocosmic bio-memory. So we are ready and explode in 2012. So it’s all over now, the coconut shell is broken and burnt. Now you have to flow into the smooth energy and explode for 2012.

Let you all achieve and radiate Enlightenment. Let’s all achieve, radiate, experience, express and explode and radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You.




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