2000 - Acharapakkam (Nadu Pazhani)

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2000 - Acharapakkam (Nadu pazhani Maragatha Dandayuthapani temple)


In the year 2000, after journeying downwards from the Himalayas, The SPH spent nine months in a place called Acharapakkam in the outskirts of Chennai, Tamilnadu, South India, where the famous Nadu Pazhani Maragatha Dandayuthapani (Muruga) temple is located. He was allowed to stay there in a small room on the first floor of the temple's office. With literally no belongings except the few ochre robes He was wearing, the SPH stayed here nine months in deep silence, while His body was extremely fragile, preparing itself for the explosion of the Mission of KAILASA, that would soon follow...


Following photographs show the very office building, the steps leading upstairs and the very room The SPH stayed in. It also shows the temple, and surrounding areas, including the rock The SPH used to sit on for long hours by Himself. Also seen here are photographs of Satguru Sri La Sri Sri Muthusamy Swamigal, the spiritual head and guiding force of the ecosystem here, who worshipped The SPH as none other than Lord Muruga Himself and supported The SPH in whatever He needed to do for the revival of KAILASA, the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational Nation, during that incubatory period of nine months.