2009 -23

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E=mc^2: Einstein's Equation versus Ancient Vedic Truth: Nithyananda Elaborates


In this discourse taken from Inner Awakening, living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on the Isa Upanishad's sutra - isa vasyam idam sarvam, which means everything that exists is consciousness. This truth, which was written in the ancient Vedic scriptures by enlightened masters thousands of years ago, was proven mathematically by one of the greatest scientists of all time - Albert Einstein as recent as 1905 (for which he later got Nobel Prize). Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborates on this ancient truth in detail in this discourse from his very experience. Enjoy this enlightening discourse.

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Isha… ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं īśāvāsyamidaṃ sarvaṃ What is, is Consciousness.


So if you associate yourself with a small body, you will not live the whole thing. So renounce, and enjoy the whole. That is what they meant. Otherwise, how will you renounce and enjoy. So what Rishis exactly wanted, renounce this small idea of “I”. See now, the Whole is there. Hav...Because you associate yourself with this small, you miss the Whole. Because you associate with the small, you miss the...you just renounce this small. You can enjoy the Whole. That is what Rishis meant by the word: (137- 1:42 sankrit) tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ||


Paa. Just the translation, the whole thing is different. That is why when I translate, many of these traditional fellows have lot of problem. Because this, they translate it as if a moral instruction: don’t steal other’s property. Not to steal others property, why should it be told in Upanishad? First of all in the Cosmos, there is no such thing as others property and your property. Hmmm?


Exactly the Rishis wanted us to know 2:27 Isa Vasya

2:37 ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् ।

तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥

īśāvāsyamidaṃ sarvaṃ yatkiñca jagatyāṃ jagat | tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ||

“tyāṃ jagat” means the whole thing, whatever exists, is energy. Understand. Now you don’t need to believe all these ideas. Already Einstein has proved whatever exists is energy. There’s no ??? one compartment, eh, , borderline between matter and energy. There’s no border line between matter and energy. There is just constantly moving, moving. See, If there’s an energy stuck in a particular form for a consistent time, it is called matter. That’s all. The same thing will, d..., disintegrate itself back to energy in few years. So, in...only … these few years you call it as matter. Before this, after this, it is not matter. Then how can that be matter also? If something is not going to be matter sometime, it can’t be matter now.


So...the idea, whatever exists is, is energy and all, does not necessarily need to be, just say that...you don’t need to believe these ideas now. All these things have become Science, the Quantum Physics has clearly proved, whatever exists is energy, constantly things are moving. Constantly things are moving, things are happening in different directions.


There’s a beautiful example by Ramakrishna. He says if the bamboo is floating on the Ganga, you will call it as a right side water, left side Ganga. R...left side Ganga, right side Ganga. If you just lift the bamboo, you will call it as one Ganga. When you, when the stick is lifted, it is just Ganga. Not one Ganga, you can’t even use the word one Ganga. Same way, whatever exists is Super Consciousness. Energy. As long as you have the identity, you, you covet a small part, small thing, as you. Then you call it I and world. It becomes two. If you just relax from the idea I, then there is no I no You, just is. That Isness is Isha Vasyam.

ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥

īśāvāsyamidaṃ sarvaṃ yatkiñca jagatyāṃ jagat |

tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ||


Understand. Whatever exist, is energy. If you think you are this body, you steal some part from the energy and think it is you. That is what Upanishad Rishis is saying. Do not steal others property, not others wealth. Do not steal some part of the energy and claim it as your own. The moment you claim it as your own, it becomes matter. It becomes matter. Just relax from the idea of claiming as your own. They say beautifully, enjoy through renunciation. Means what. Renounce this small identity; enjoy the whole. The big problem is, we ho..we hold on and don’t enjoy. Just by holding on we are not enjoying.


कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतँ समाः ।

एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥

kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣecchataḿ samāḥ ǀ evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto’sti na karma lipyate nare ǁ


By doing karma indeed should one wish to live here. For a 100 years for a man such as you, there is no way other than this karma may not cling to you. Again the poor translation, very poor translation. What to do. Huh...See the Sanskritt, the Masters are so intelligent. They’ve hidden all the truths in the same sloka, in which level you are looking at, you will ge... get only that meaning revealed. If you are in the high evolved same state of Rishi’s consciousness, you’ill know what they are uttering through those words. Otherwise, not.


They’ve...It’s a very poetic expression. See the funny thing is... for example, see the now, this sutra is there. Five word. Word ur...one, word two, word three, word four. Each, umm. Each word can be translated in five ways. Like a one, two, three, four, five translations. One, two, three, four, five. Like this, each word can be translated in five ways. He can be caught with body. But here, you should have body, and you cant...you should not be caught That is what I call Jivan Mukthi. See without having body, and without being caught, is not a big thing. Just go and sit in Himalayas. You don’t have to watch movie, you will not be disturbed. By a... aa...aaa...movie poster, or by a TV channel if you are sitting in Himalayas.


So moving away from things and not being disturbed, is one way of life. Living in, with the things and being caught is another one way. But here Ma Rishi’s are saying, you are suppose to be moving in, and but not caught. Just this clarity, nothing else. Just this clarity, decide, I’m not going to steal one part of the Cosmos, and possess.


First thing. So, I am renouncing, 9:28 sanskrit 9:32 . I’m recouncing. It belongs to It. It belongs to It. Okay. It is sitting. It is moving. It is eating. It is lying down. It is a little sick. It is healthy. That’s all. Just move. Just be. See what happens. You will see, what Upanishad’s Rishis call 10:06 sanskrit 10:13 No karma will touch you. No karma will bind you.


There’s a beautiful story. Krishna wanted to cross the...Yamuna. He went and stood near the Yamuna and says, actually all this uh...Gopikas and Krishna, all of them had a lot of fun jumping around, dancing and they all ate fully. And they wanted to cross. That day was Ekadashi. And, Krishna says, if it is true that I am fasting, for Ekadashi, Oh Yamuna give way. And Yamuna opens and gives way. These fellows all have crossed that side. Then Gopikas asked, how come just now you ate so much and you are saying if I am fasting let Yamuna give way and Yamuna gives way. What is going on. Krishna beautifully says, this ate, because this needs to move, and this ate this, that’s all. What was swallowed and what swallowed, are all in the same frequency. There is no “I” swallowed something. So I’m in fasting. Untouched, huh? That’s why, see untouched by the karma. Completely untouched by the karma. You can say that today. You can say that today, just see, Oh this is swallowing something, this is swallowing what is needed for this. This is lying down. Oh, this is moving. This is eating. This is drinking. This is lying down. Just today, one day, try, this is the click we need to work today. Nothing else. 12:19 Sanskrit 12:25 There’s no other way to be a Jivan Muktha. There’s no other way, I tell you. There’s no other technique except this. This a, one, only and best technique. Just do not steal the property of the Cosmos and possess as you. Just do not steal the property of the Cosmos and possess as you. That’s all. This is just flowing. When you try to possess, you try to give different name, different work, different art, different dress, different color, different all your drama. Understand, Cosmos do not even know you're in bondage. So do not expect Cosmos come down and liberate you. It does not even know your are in bondage, because you are not that big guy. Your bondage is not, that big problem. Be very clear. Cosmos do not even know, people ask me, Swamiji are you an Incarnation, came down. Maybe for your understanding I’m using that word. Otherwise, you yourself don’t need God to come down and tell you. Just wake up. Simple thing. Just simple thing, work just on this one truth today.


Just see, oh this is moving. Oh, this stomach feels like this. Oh, this hand is feeling like this. Alright, let this be. Oh, this is feeling bored. Okay. This is feeling tired. Okay. Just sit with that. You will see completely the shift in the energy. Complete shift in the energy. I’m telling you, even physical sickness will become alright. Sickness is your unnecessary interference with the body. It’s like a, aaa...you shout at your child, and that ??? slowly getting settled. By evening, but before he settles down you try to pacify and patch up. And he become again and sit on the top. And just, just now you can decide. Decide, ahh...this is this and this is going to become this, that’s all. Why unnecessarily suffering, holding onto it, this is mine, this is mine. I have to wash with the dahl soap, and I have to...and I’m not saying, don’t take bath. All I’m saying, too much of catching. Here, there. Here, there. Here, there. I’m telling you, too much of catching your body is root of arthritis. No really. Too much you are catching your body. That is arthritis. Means possessing your body. Constantly thinking, this is me. This is me. This is me. Simply useless.
