April 19 2019

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Paramashiva is real || 4 Aspects which define Kailasa - Yogapadam - Kriyapada - Jnanapada - Charyapada || Paramashiva is real and he is avliable || Chitra poornima day || The anniversary of Tiruvannamalai Adheenam || Sanyas Initiation - Samaya And Vishesha Deeksha ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle that Paramashiva is real, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Paramashiva Is Real And He Is Available For You, His Divine Holiness (HDH) identified four aspects which define KAILASA: 1) Yogapadam, which is yoga, 2) Temples, for revival of the Kriyapada, 3) Gurukuls, universities and Satsang Centers for the revival of the Jnanapada and 4) Aadheenams, monasteries, for revival of the Charyapada.

His Divine Holiness stated to all delegates that their cognitions about their inner image, outer image, others’ image of them and life image determine the manifestations in their life and they should carry the cognition - ‘Paramashiva is real and He is available now here for you’ - while chanting the Mahavakya. Today was the auspicious Chitra Pournami Day and the anniversary of Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam. His Divine Holiness gave a Sannyas Initiation and Initiation into Samaya Deeksha and Vishesha Deeksha.


Paramashiva is Real & Available for You, Kailasaa

Video Audio


00:12 nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

On this auspicious Chitra Pournami Day, I bless you all. As living representative of Paramashiva, living energy of Paramashiva - let the state, space, powers, being, Superconsciousness of Paramashiva manifest in all of us. With these initiation - Samaya Deeksha, Vishesha Deeksha, Sannyas Initiation, and through this darshan, I bless all of you. Continue intensely to manifest Paramashiva. Understand, this one truth. Paramashiva is real and He is available. Paramashiva is real and He is available. Have this as your powerful cognition, and chant Mahavakya - you will start manifesting all powers of Paramashiva.

02:15 Listen, I’ll repeat. Paramashiva is real and He is available now, here for all of us. Keep this as your inner space and cognition. Listen carefully, I’ll repeat. Whatever cognitions you carry is the source of energy, life for your system. The cognition you carry decides how this is going to function - your inner image, outer image, others’ image, life image. All the four are defined by the cognitions you carry. Your cognitions are you fuel. Your cognitions manifest your life. So carry this powerful cognition today. Paramashiva is real and He is available now, here for me. Carrying this cognition inside, chant Mahavakya, “Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham.” Based on this cognition, build your inner image, outer image, others’ image, life image, and manifest powers. You will manifest all the powers. Understand.

03:45 On this auspicious occasion, Chitra Pournami Day - today is actually the anniversary of Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam. Adi Annamalai, Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetham. Formally we inaugurated on 19th April 2008, so eleven years over, and twelfth year beginning. But actually, this aadheenam was planned by Arunagiri Yogishwara himself. Understand. Multiple incidents and stories, and, happenings I can reveal which has happened in this very land, now our aadheenam is standing, connected to me and Arunagiri Yogishwara. This aadheenam was personally planned by Arunagiri Yogishwara. Once he told me very clearly, we need to have his Jiva Samadhi in the land which is going to be available for us to do the worship, and all the meditation and all the rituals. With that declaration, he brought me to this very land, and under that Vanni tree, he sat and had Jiva Samadhi and showed “this will be my Jiva Samadhi, and I’ll continue to be available here. We will have the future ashram here.”

05:23 Understand that is why in 2000, when I settled in the body and wanted to start the public life, first thing I did, went to that place and discovered that place, means, reconnected with that place and took photographs there. In 2000 Chitra Pournami, I sat in this very property and place and took photographs. We have them, understand. It’s a long proper planning by Arunagiri Yogishwara, has become reality now as this aadheenam - revival of Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetha. This place has too much of sacred things associated. Too many wonderful things have happened. Devi Parvati when she came to Tiruvannamalai to do tapas, to get the half of Paramashiva, to become the Ardhangini with Paramashiva, Ardhanarishvara (अर्धनारीश्वर, Ardhanārīśwara) with Paramashiva - Paramashiva asked her to go and be with the Gautama Maharishi, and do tapas. So this was the place Gautama Ashram was there. Even now Gautama Maharishi Samadhi is there, just opposite our ashram.

06:44 So this was the place where Parvati, Parashakti stayed with Gautama Maharishi, and did her tapas, and, became one with Paramashiva, experience Oneness with Paramashiva. And, become Ardhangini, Ardhanarishvara. Understand, too many wonderful things has happened in that place. That is why that, that has become now the center for the revival of Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetha. And beautifully Paramashiva has organised everything. Exactly the land came to my purvashram family - my uncle. And exactly he bought it and kept it. And handed over the property to us and proper time. And I wanted to thank him, Sri Soundaram ayya and the whole family, his father Bhanu Nainar, and the whole family, for doing this wonderful work of keeping the property properly and handing it over, donating it to start the revival of Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetham.

08:00 The whole ecosystem of Arunachala is such an amazing ecstatic ecosystem. I have so much to tell. Now it is time I’ll start revealing, and I tell you, as living representative of Paramashiva, I am blessing and making the Satya Sankalpa - from today, the whole Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetham, Arunachala Sarvajna Peetham, the enlightenment ecosystem manifested by Paramashiva himself will revive in a very powerful way, in that whole place beautifully. With all the auspicious things, and, beautifully the enlightenment ecosystem will flower, will be revived, which is manifested by Paramashiva himself, will be now revive by Paramashiva himself.

09:11 Today, we are also starting new temples - Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthanas, in Kailaasa in Tharamangalam, Kailaasa in Manapalayam, Kailaasa in Thalaivasal. And continuously, more than two hundred properties have come, after I announced this Shivaratri to make thousand and eight Kailaasas all over the world. We are sending deities all over the world continously. More than five thousand deities are getting carved, Gods are getting made. Archavataras are getting made. Archavataras are happening. So they all are reaching to all over the world, making thousand and eight Kailaasas into reality, enlightenment ecosystems into reality. And, I am also today formally inaugurating thirty six online Nithyananda Gurukuls. In thirty six places, Kailaasa is happening - Kailaasa in France, Nithyananda Gurukul, Kailaasa in London, Kailaasa in Netherlands, Kailaasa in Switzerland. In thirty six places Nithyananda Gurukul, online gurukul is getting formally inaugurated. Understand, gurukul is enlightenment education system. It’s literally reviving the enlightenment education system.

10:51 What is Kailaasa? Kailaasa is enlightenment ecosystem. Four things - Yogapadam means yoga. Starting a yoga studio to revive the yoga knowledge of Kailaasa ecosystem. Starting a temple to kriyapada. To revive the kriyapada of the Kailaasa ecosystem. Yoga studio is reviving, to revive enlightenment ecosystem of yoga. Yoga studios are fundamentally to revive the yoga system of Kailaasa, yogapada of Kailaasa. Temples are to revive the kriyapada of Kailaasa. Gurukuls, satsang centers, universities are to revive jnanapada of Kailaasa. And aadheenams, monasteries are to revive the charyapada of Kailaasa. Understand, morning yoga is practicing charyapada. Doing pancha kriya like jala basti and cleaning, detoxifying lifestyle is charyapada. And doing Shiva Puja and Guru Puja is kriyapada. Attending to satsang and holding the powerful cognitions and manifesting powers is jnanapada. Practicing these four padas, and, creating places for these four padas to be lived and practiced is Kailaasa. That is the enlightenment ecosystem called Kailaasa, understand.

12:55 Today we are inaugurating many temples all over the world to revive the kriyapada of Kailaasas, enlightenment ecosystem. We are inaugurating many gurukuls, universities, satsang centers, to revive the jnanapada of Kailaasa. We are also inaugurating yoga studios to revive the yogapada of Kailaasas. And, all over the world, everywhere - thousands and thousands of activities are happening to revive the enlightenment ecosystem. Enlightenment ecosystem revival is happening all over the world. So beautiful, wonderful to see this happening.

13:54 And, I am also launching the new website for powerful revival of real feminism. Reviving the enlightened feminism as Hinduism, Veda Agamas teach feminism. I am reviving the original real Hindu feminism by inaugurating this website, launching this new website - nithyanandamayiswami.com. And Nithyananda Mayi will be available to all of you through this website, one of the initiated sannyasini and Rudrakanya of Nithyananda Sampradaya. She will be available to teach the real feminism, the Hindu feminism to the world, to all of you through this website. And many more to follow. We are preparing at least hundred Rudrakanya’s websites to teach the real feminism to the world, to revive the Hindu feminism, real feminism to the world.

15:12 So… understand, all over the world, the revival of enlightenment ecosystem, Kailaasa is happening - in the forms of yoga studios, temples, and, arts, gurukuls, universities, goshalas, annalayas, understand. Yoga studios are to revive the yogapada of Kailaasa, knowledge ecosys, enlightenment ecosystem. Universities, satsang centers, gurukuls - all these, websites, all these are to revive the jnanapada of enlightenment ecosystem, Kailaasa. Aadheenams, monasteries, Hindu kingdoms, Hindu embassies - all these are to revive the jnanapada of enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa. And, libraries, all these are to revive the jnanapada of enlightenment ecosystem. Goshalas, monasteries, all of them are to revive the charyapada of enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa. Understand. I’ll repeat and list out once more. Yoga studios are all to revive the yogapada. Temples are to revive the kriyapada. Monasteries, aadheenams, goshalas, annalayas, kingdoms, embassies - all these are to revive charyapada, lifestyle of enlightenment ecosystem, Kailaasa. Libraries, gurukuls, universities, websites, all the teaching platforms like a Nlighten App, and all these are to revive the jnanapada enlightenment ecosystem, Kailaasa.

17:49 I am so happy, and my blessings to all of you. Everywhere the Kailaasa is getting revived. The enlightenment ecosystem is getting revived. Thousands of places, system is getting revived, and, thousands are taking sannyas and becoming kailaasavasis. And hundreds of old temples which were enlightenment ecosystem at one point, at one time, is coming back now to us. So we are able to revive it, make it into a living, make it into a living enlightenment ecosystem by reviving gurukuls, goshalas, monasteries, sannyasis, teachers, acharyas - making everything happen properly. We are also working on two hundred more places. Maybe, the next Vikashi Purnima, Living Enlightenment Day, the Enlightenment Day, we will be able to inaugurate at least hundred and eight more Kailaasas. Because almost all of them are on the verge of getting inaugurated, deities are reaching in next few days, that kind of a level. So we will be inaugurating all of them, formally announcing on the next Pournami. You can expect next Pournami, at least hundred and eight more Kailaasas being declared, announced.

19:43 And, in forty five languages the Kailaasa Facebook page and HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam page is available now. I am formally launching in forty five languages the Kailaasa official page, HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam official page, and Hinduism Now official pages. Today I am launching in forty five languages formally, through which we will be reaching out to the world officially with the teachings, and, to revive the enlightenment ecosystem. Understand, as of now Kailaasa is the largest enlightenment ecosystem on online and digital platform. And we are expanding continuously. Not just megabytes, terabytes - petabytes of material on Sanatana Hindu Dharma, and revival of enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa is getting collected and uploaded. The languages in which the Kailaasa, the enlightenment ecosystem will be available to all of you from today is Albanian, Arabic, Assamese, Belgium, Bhojpuri, Bulgarian, Chinese - Mandarin, Cambodian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Istonian, Farsi, French, German, Greece, Gujarati, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Canada, Mer, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Malayalam, Mandarin, Marathi, Nepali, Korea, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sepedi, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Slovakia, Spanish - Spain, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish. So you can go to Kailaasa website, and have access to all these three pages - Kailaasa, HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam and Hinduism Now. All the pages are available in all these forty five languages from today.

22:30 Today I wanted to give you only one powerful cognition. Let me repeat. The cognitions you carry are the source from which your inner image, outer image, life image, other’s image manifest, and your life happens. So carry the cognition - Paramashiva is real and He is available now here for you. Carry this cognition inside you, chant Mahavakya “Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham,” and start consciously building your inner image, outer image, life image, others’ image. You will manifest all the powers, powerful cognitions of Paramashiva. State, space, powers, being and Superconsciousness of Paramashiva will manifest through you. Understand, start doing it with the powerful completion, powerful cognition, will persistence. Sit and analyse, intranalyse, intranalyse, intranalyse and build, manifest - that is will persistence, that is tapas.

23:56 Everywhere all over the world, people are joining this great revival of enlightenment ecosystem - Kailaasa, Paramashiva’s Kailaasa. And today, we are also raising the flag, hoisting the flag of Kailaasa in Tiruvannamalai, Adi Arunachala Sarvajna Peetham, Adi Arunachala Aadheenam. My blessings. Let the flag of Kailaasa fly high always. Blessings. And Salem Aadheenam is offering hundred and eight naivedyams - I accept it as representative of Paramashiva. And with this, I bless you all. Now, we have Bhautika Brahmacharya - sannyas initiation, Samaya Deeksha, Vishesha Deeksha, Mantra Deeksha for all the participants. Let’s start the initiations.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 25:32

Message from HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam via Facebook


Link to Facebook Post
