August 2007 shiva sutras: From Sound To silence

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From Sound To Silence


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Now we will enter into the Mahadeva’s technique. Two step. If you have paper and pen, take it. Why I am asking you to write for yourself? Otherwise you will not remember. If you don’t have paper and pen, at least sit and count so that you will remember how many places, how many spots, just five minutes of looking inside to clean your inner space. Then, we will enter into the meditation. You can sit with the closed eyes and look into yourself. Please close your eyes, and first search and seek, identify in every step how many places you built yourself with the lies, on lies, uttered the words knowingly you are not that. You are not going to stand for it. You are not fulfilling it. Just close your eyes and look into yourself. How many places you used the word knowing you don’t mean it. It may be painful. It may be little suffering. It’s OK. Go through. See the truth. At least let you know. After all, no need for anybody else to know. Let you know at least. Even if it was painful, it is painful, look. Do not avoid just because it is pain. Wonderful chance to look into yourself. At least know in how many places you built your life, your identity based on lies. It’s a beautiful opportunity for self analysis, to look into yourself, to do

the introspection. Look. Don’t miss this opportunity, where all you used the words without knowing the meaning, without meaning it. Now we will enter into the technique. Just read what you have written. You can open your eyes. Just wanted to give you a few minutes to look into yourself. Try for next 21 days not to use any word which you do not mean. Do not use any word knowingly that you can’t stand for it, knowingly just because nobody can pin you down, nobody can corner you. Never use the words. Then this technique will work on you. Now we will do this technique just to learn, but this technique won’t work on you now unless you clear your inner space. Learn so that you can start doing it after 21 days. Let me teach you the exact technique. Visualize a word like love, or joy or bliss. Even the negative words are ok. Positive or negative. Any word. Visualize a word. First visualize it with a letter. Love means L-O-V-E. Then next, drop the visualization of the words, the letters. Just be with that feeling. Concentrate. Put you awareness on feeling. Third, drop even the feeling, and just be with your self. Step by step if you do, you can do it beautifully. I’ll guide you. We can start. Please close your eyes and sit. Lights off. Sit in a relaxed way. Remember any word: love or bliss, whatever words, whatever word you may want, you choose. You can choose. Whatever word you want, you can choose. Visualize that word as letters. Be with that visualization of letters. Now, relax from that visualization of the letters. Just feel that as a sound, just as a sound. Repeat that word just as a sound, not as letters, just as sound. Relax from sound also. Just be with that feeling, what that word means. Just remember only the feeling, neither the letters nor the sound, just the feeling. Now relax even from feeling. Just be silent. Do not create a thought of letter or the sound or the feeling. Just be. Try, try this technique after cleaning yourself. At least for 21 days live in the truth, and after you clean yourself, try this technique. Such a powerful technique. It can straight away transform you and put you in

silence, in bliss. As Shiva says, be free. Be liberated. When you are liberated, life is celebration. Let your life become liberation and celebration. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank
