August 29 2004

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Quantum Enlightenment - Q&A about HDH's Enlightenment Experience (29 Aug 2004, Dallas)


His Divine Holiness started travelling around the world when He was 25 years of age in 2003 with the clear vision of establishing KAILASA, the enlightened civilization and greatest Hindu nation. In 2004, He undertook His second world tour, covering three countries - Malaysia, USA and South America. He visited 10 cities in the USA, conducting meditation programs, delivering free satsangs, and initiating the people with the Hindu Truths. In just His second world tour, He ordained 50 acharyas (teachers) who would carry forth the tenets of Hinduism to humanity at large.

In this discourse HDH answers various questions in His engaging and practical way How can we know if a person is an enlightened master? Does all enlightened person’s experience the same? Does an enlightened person control everything? Does enlightenment stay permanent once it happens? Can one enlightenment person identify another enlightenment person? When did SWAMIJI learn English or Sanskrit? How can we come out of Karma?

Video link


An Avatar's Enlightenment Experience || Part 1 || ASC || 29 Aug 2004

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An Avatar's Enlightenment Experience || Part 2 || ASC || 29 Aug 2004

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An Avatar's Enlightenment Experience || Part 3 || ASC || 29 Aug 2004

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Day 2 of Ananda Spurana Program in Dallas, Texas