Authenticity is your Vitamin "A"

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In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda honors Hanuman Jayanti, the celebration of the most faithful Servant-God of Rama. Hanuman is the ultimate in integrity and responsibility. In the same way, each of us should see ourselves as a seed of ultimate life, ready to sprout into responsibility for our surroundings. When we blame others for our difficulties we arrest our spiritual expansion. Once we take responsibility for our conflicts with others we raise both ourselves and them into authenticity. The process of life, of growth, is to transform "Impossible" into "I'm Possible". Every day that we continue to expand our possibility, we continue to live fully and vibrantly.

TRANSCRIPTIONS:- I welcome you all with my love and respects!

Today is Hanuman Jayanthi. My blessings to all of you on this auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanthi. We celebrate all over India the Hanuman Jayanthi. He is one of the most revered Gods in Hindu tradition. More temples are built for Hanuman than Rama himself, to whom he served his whole life! His whole life is dedicated to Rama. He is Rama Dasa. But, just by the devotion he has crossed (Rama) to whom he was devoted! Epitome of Devotion and Surrender!


Listen! After the egg happens, if still life continues to happen inside the egg, only then it becomes chicken. Same way, after your body happens, still if your life continues to happen in your body, only then your perception expands. The moment your perception stops expanding, life stops happening in you. That is why I tell you, every day contemplating Authenticity, living Authenticity is more much more than vitamin supply for your body and mind!

Please listen! The vitamin supply to your body, how much it is important, vitamin supply, protein supply, glucose supply and energy supply, how much it is important to your body, supply of Authenticity is much more important to it! How much important you knowing about your "bad cholesterol" and getting rid of it, that important it is you knowing your inauthenticities and getting rid of them.

Listen! If you are in the ambience where people are not going to let you be in inauthenticity, people are going to force you to be authentic, I tell you, you are in heaven! You are in heaven! Always go to a place, be in a place where your inauthenticities will be exposed to you and you will be pushed to live in Authenticity. It is unfortunate, people choose the other way. You choose friends who will never expose your inauthenticites to you, who will never question you, who will not constantly supply you with Vitamin A -- Authenticity! The vital vitamin for vitality is Vitamin A -- Authenticity!

Listen! Adding Authenticity to your thinking, adding Authenticity to your thinking, in every step, every step, every step, adding Authenticity to your thinking in every step, constantly expand, expand, expand! Go on expanding! Don't settle down with lower perception. What you know about human-beings, what you know about the world, what you know about you is imperfect perception. When you settle down with imperfect perception, I tell you, that is a horrible mistake of life! Horrible missing of life! How to become the Perfect Perceiver is the next step. How to achieve that state of Perfect Perception is the next step. But please understand, the first decision, major decision you need to make is, 'I will not settle down with imperfect perception!' Any conflict you have, powerlessness you have in your life, it is imperfect perception. Don't settle down with that. Allow life to happen in you.

Please listen! Inside the egg if the life is not happening, chicken won't come out. Inside your body if Authenticity is not happening, the completion, fulfillment, enlightenment won't come out. Inside the seed if life is not happening, the tree won't come out. Inside the seed life has to happen, tree has to come out! Inside your body Authenticity has to happen, tree has to come out! Adding Authenticity to your thinking in every step! When you feel a certain idea about somebody, don't sleep with it; don't decide that is the ultimate. Next day, decide, 'I will be Authentic, try to understand more!' Because, yesterday, you fought with your daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, one year before, you fought with your husband, don't expect that is going to be the same tomorrow also. Decide, 'Tomorrow I will expand my responsibility and possibility and bring new energy into life!'

Courage is the smell of Authenticity. Cowardice is the smell of Inauthenticity. Wherever you are in conflict, be very clear, you ARE in conflict, even though you point that others are inauthentic. When you are in conflict, suffering is going to be for you. It is so unfortunate, people constantly tell you, 'I am in conflict, I am in suffering because of his

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