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Introduction eN KRIYA is the gift given to the world by Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath through me. I bow down to all the great masters who created the system of Hata Yoga and experienced it and request their presence here and all the places where people are sitting with us.

Lets enter into the en Kriya initiation by invoking all the great yogis who happened on planet earth.

The eN Kriya is from my own research and experience with Hata yoga which is from the great masters of the Nath Samprathaya. They created a great Samprathaya by mastering the Prana. This naturally gives health, mental peace, emotional fulfillment and above all, the highest possible consciousness.

If the Pranic level is raised in your system, innumerable positive side effects can happen. The mitochondria energy level increases 13 times within 18 days. The research is done by taking the blood samples on day 1 and day 18. The doctors confirm again that there is no medicine or system in planet earth that increases the level more than 25%. Here, we have proved to the world that we can increase it 1300%.

Very soon this research will appear in the Indian Science Journal and the scientists will also be holding a press conference. The words used by the scientists are earth shattering and ground breaking.

This Kriya is one of the greatest gift by the great masters through me. I experimented in my own system and systematized it and shared it with a group of people under controlled conditions, then opened it with a small public. The original truth itself is from the great masters of the Vedic Tradition mainly the great Hata Yogis of the Nath Tadition, Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath, Swami Satyananda Saraswathi. The English translation is done authentically by the great yogi Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi. I offer my acknowledgement to all the great masters.

eN Kriya mainly aims at balancing and fulfilling the 5 breathing movements. As per the Sidha tradition, the air movements are 10, according to Yogis, it is 5. With this eN Kriya, I am working on all the 5 Prana movements-life breath movements.

1 --> Air going in 2 --> Air staying in your system 3 --> Samana-From the air,life energy being separated and spread all over your system-muscle memory, mind, brain, all parts of you. 4 --> The air coming out, being released out of your system 5 --> Air used for cleaning the system - Apana

These are the 5 Prana movements in your body. These 5 are responsible for your health, mental wellness, emotional fulfillment, pain, restlessness, peace, and finally enlightenment. If they are balanced, you lead a healthy life. If they are awakened you achieve enlightenment. If they are unbalanced, it can result in disorders in everything

In yogic tradition, there is no incurable disease. Soon, we will do further experiments and prove to the world, one by one, that there is no incurable disease. In the yogic system, not having disease alone is not enough. Raising the consciousness to the highest fulfillment and going beyond the life and death cycle which is being forced on you.

Taking the body out of free will and leaving the body out of free will is great, masters do it again and again but doing that out of forced will is very seriously wrong. That is why we call the life and death cycle is one more disease. Bhavaroha.

Here the eN-Kriya is shared with all of you to get rid of the Bhavaroha itself. It will immediately balance your 5 breath movements and naturally that will lead to physical health, mental wellness, emotional fulfillment, awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain, anti aging and ultimately enlightenment.

Through this kriya, we have proved anti-ageing is possible. We have proved through the scientific research also. Normally, the mitochondria dies very quickly but if this energy can be increased to that extreme level of 1300%, it’s a straight process for anti-ageing and we will further expand research in a deeper way.

The eN Kriya is basically to balance the pancha pranas (5 Pranas). It mainly aims at increasing the mitochondria level and infusing life energy into your system, so automatically as a byproduct, the kundalini awakens and levitation will happen. It’s the essence of the 48 day LEP I did.

The whole kriya will take only 42 mins. Doing it twice or at least once a day is enough. If you want physical health etc, doing it once a day is enough, if you want to experience the sidhis and extraordinary powers like teleporting etc you can do it twice a day. If you can do it thrice a day, it can lead to Enlightenment.

Before launching this, I have thoroughly experimented with it scientifically and spiritually. The 13 times increase in mitochondria energy level has happened to all the participants. It is a selection, collection and compilation of Pranayamas, Mudras and postures.

I offer this to the world, as a deep gratitude to Sadhashiva, Mahadeva, Maheshwara, who is our adhi guru, first Master, Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath who are incarnations of Maheshwara and to Mahavatar Babaji. You are hearing one of the greatest Sacred secrets, Authentically experimented, experienced and now being shared with the world.

1st STEP

Sit straight either in Padmasana, or Ardha Padmasana or Vajrasana, very simple inhaling and exhaling - 11 times, just to prepare yourself for the Kriya - Closing the right side of the nostrils with your thumb, inhale deeply and when you feel full, close the other side and exhale – This will clean the nadis.

2nd STEP

Bastrika, pull your lower abdomen in and up without lifting the shoulder – 21 times

3rd STEP

Inhaling as slowly as possible, holding as long as possible, exhaling as slowly as possible, holding the lungs empty without inhaling, as long as possible – 4 actions make one cycle, 21 cycles need to be done-pranayama.

The above 3 are the preparation for the eN Kriya. Only if you do the 3 steps, you can enter into the kriya, without this it wont have any effect itself.

4th STEP

This is the main Kriya-Shambavi Mudra-Thumbs on the ears, the 1st two fingers (index and middle) covering the eyes, the 3rd ring fingers on your nose and the little fingers touching your lips. Stop the breathing flow, inhaling or exhaling completely as much as you can. After you feel that you can stop any more, release those 2 ring fingers, the body will automatically inhale and balance. Don’t put your will. Body will automatically balance itself. This will be one pranayama. Do it 21 times

5th STEP

Settling with ur body with intense humming. The energy created has to be churned in your sytem, making it a part of your muscle memory-Mahamantra-7 minutes of intense humming.

6th STEP

Do the Shakthi Dharana meditation 7 times. Kneel down, lift your hands up and remain with your palms facing up. Experience the cosmic energy flowing through you. When you feel the fullness of the energy, rest your elbows on the ground, bend down and touch your forehead on the ground.

7th STEP

Now sit for few minutes and send a bliss full love and peace into the world.

This is a unique combination, I have put the whole world into this one kriya. Through this initiation I add the masters grace, presence and blessings.