February 01 2017

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Kailasa’s Courtyard Manifesting Powers:Manifest The Spiritual Powers of Knowledge, Creativity, Materialization and More


Supreme Pontiff HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is initiating humanity into the science Manifesting the State, Space, being, and powers of Paramashiva. These Powers or shakti's revealed directly by him to the world and manifested by His disciples as “Nithyananda Yogi’s”, are directly and precisely found in the agamas, the original words of Paramashiva. Today HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam initiated disciples during the Courtyard Session at Adi Kailaasa, Bidadi, Bengaluru Aadheenam. Kumkum materialized right after initiation, and participants worked on manifesting these newly initiated shaktis.

Courtyard Session Video:

Manifest The Spiritual Powers of Knowledge, Creativity, Materialization and More

Video Audio



If you have Enlightenment pill, you can hold it in your hand. If you don’t have it’s okay. Just sit with your eyes closed.

[Initiation in progress]


Shiva… Shiva… Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham, Sadashivoham. குண்டலினி விழித்தெழுந்து, சுத்தாத்வைத சுகபோகத்தில் சங்கரனோடு, சதாசிவனோடு ஒன்றாய் உயிர்த்திரு. சங்கரனோடு சல்லாபித்து, சதாசிவனோடு ஒன்றாய் உயிர்த்திரு. குண்டலினி சுத்தாத்வைத சுக போகத்தில் வீற்றிரு


…birds, they will just come and listen to you like whatever you say they will do. By today, tomorrow, the Balasants will be able to manifest this power of programming Bio-Memory and Muscle-Memory of animals and plants. You can play in front of everyone’s eyes directly. Come on, start manifesting Length, Breadth, Depth now. “Kumkum materialized! Good.”



Nithyananda Times/Sakshi Pramana Video:

Living Sadashivoham Process Testimonials

Facebook Link


Photos Of The Day:

Power Initiation-Length, Breadth and Depth

Photos Of The Day:
