February 15 2011

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One Pointedness Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 15 Feb 2011


A discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 628 places, in 222 cities in 26 countries and we are on two way with Seattle, Los Angles, San Jose, Ohio, Vancouver, Mexico and Hyderabad. I am able to see all these cities. So before entering into the satsang, I would like to remind all of you to get back to Padmasana or Vajrasana or sukhasana and Samana Mudra. We will create the eN-effect. Sit in Padmasana or Vajrasana and Samana Mudra and in unclutched mood. We will create the intense eN-effect.


Today’s subject “The one-pointedness”, 118th Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and in the 3rd chapter 12th verse. I will read the sutra and then translate. tatah punah shantoditau tulya-pratyayau chittasyaikagrataparinamah Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as “the modification called one-pointedness of the chitta is acquired when the impression that which is past and that which is present are similar.” Swami Prabhavananada translates as "the mind becomes one pointed when similar thought waves arise in succession without any gaps between them”. Swami Sachidananada translates as "then again when the subsiding past and rising present images are identical, there is Ekagrata Parinamah".


Now let us enter into the sutra. I will give you My understanding and experience on this sutra. I welcome all the centers just now tuned in. This moment 654 locations in 232 cities in 26 countries people are sitting with us. In last few sutras Patanjali was explaining Nirodha Parinamah, Samadhi Parinamah. Now he is taking us to the next level, Ekagrata Parinamah. Please understand Patanjali is talking about an important truth.


'Ekagrata Parinama" one of the important subject analyzed, researched, again and again and again in the spiritual realm is Ekagrata Parinama, the one-pointedness. Thousands and thousands of techniques have been evolved. Thousands and thousands of methods have been discovered. Thousands and thousands of practices are created just for this one purpose, Ekagrata Parinama. This Ekagrata Parinama is responsible for your enlightenment and for your extraordinary experiences and the extraordinary powers. Please understand, it is Ekagrata Parinama which is responsible for awakening of your Kundalini Shakti, which is responsible for your extraordinary spiritual experiences, which is responsible for the extraordinary powers you experience and express.


Let Me exactly define what is Ekagrata Parinama “one-pointedness” And how it is misunderstood by many of the intellectual, a just intellectual translations? Please understand all the regular intellectual translation says Ekagrata Parinama is having a same thought in past and present also; same or similar. I wanted you to know you can never have a same or similar thought from the past and present. No. If you understand having a similar thought in the past and in the present continuously is one-pointedness, you will struggle, struggle, struggle finally to discover you are a failure.


Please understand, I am translating this one-pointedness in a clear way. One-pointedness, means raising your frequency to a level where the flow in you does not change because of the impact of time on you as past, present, future. Some understanding or some truth, some object, exists in you, in your inner space, without getting altered or disturbed by the time passing over it. Please understand. If you think one-pointedness is something like, having one thought in the past and again similar thought in the present this moment, again same kind of similar thought next moment also, you will miss the sacred secret embedded in this sutra. Please understand, one-pointedness is not having same or similar thought last moment, this moment, next moment. No. One-pointedness means, raising your frequency to such a extent, the object or the truth which is in your inner space does not get altered, modified, changed when the time passes over your mind.


Understand, even the same truth is understood with wrong words for wrong reason, it cannot lead you to the same right experience. No. Truth has to be understood with the right reasoning, with right words, only then it can lead you to the right experience to which it needs to lead you. Please understand, truth is the experience which is supposed to lead you to the ultimate space. Having a same thought last moment, this moment, next moment cannot be one-pointedness. It can be the side effect of one-pointedness, Ekagrata chitta. Ekagrata Parinama. The one-pointedness is actually a different frequency altogether. It has nothing to do with your mind. It is a different frequency altogether, where passing of the time does not affect or disturb, modify any of the experience of your inner space. So I will translate this word Ekagrata chitta, one-pointedness as "not being touched or disturbed by the time passing over your inner space'. So relax on a object or a subject which does not tire you, which does not bring boredom to you, which does not make you feel sad, which does not make you feel tired, which makes you excited for no reason.


Please understand, if the word one-pointedness, Ekagrata chitta, is properly understood you will see, very beautifully your very life can lead you to enlightenment; because every moment knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously the Ekagrata chitta is happening in you. Ekagrata chitta is continuing in you. Unfortunately you always concentrate and experience the space where movements are happening. You do not remember or rest in a space where the one-pointedness is a constant experience. There is part of you in which the one-pointedness is a constant experience. I can say consistent experience; not only constant, consistent.


There is a space in you which does not change by the time passing. Time can go on passing over you but that space does not alter, modify, change its existence. It is there. Very beautifully Krishna puts in Gita apuryamanam acala-pratistham Established like a mountain. Your inner space which is consistent and constant does not go through any modification by the movement of the time is what I call… that space is what I call one-pointed dimension of you.


Please understand, in your inner space there is a part called ‘Nirodha Parinama’ restful awareness space. There is a dimension called ‘Samadhi parinama’ Enlightened space. There is a dimension called one ‘Ekagrata chitta’ one-pointed space or untouched space. I want you to know all these 3 space are 3 different names for the same experience. You try to work on any of these space or any of these dimension you will achieve what I call Nithyananda state, the Eternal Bliss.


This is one more technique Patanajli is giving. Ekagrata Parnamah is one more technique Patanajali is giving for the ultimate experience. Basically the truth Patanajali is trying to tell us, the sacred secret from this sutra is: catch the dimension which is in you, which does not alter, modify, change, which is constant and consistent even if any amount of time passes over you.


Breeze does not change the hills. Breeze does not move the mountains. Only the cyclones may be able to move little, but breeze does not move the mountains. Same way, time is a breeze on your inner space, understand. Time is a breeze on your inner space. There is a part of you which is consistent and constant and cannot be moved by the time passing over you. Experience that space, catch that space, be in that space. That is what Patanjali means by the word Ekagrata Parinama


Let’s now enter into the space of Ekagrata. Just sit in unclutched mood. Relax with this one truth: ‘What is in me that does not change by the time passing over?’ Just remember this one truth: ‘What is in me that does not change when time changes? Let me rest in that.’ With this one idea, rest in you. Close your eyes. Sit in Vajrasana or Padmasana, Samana mudra. Let your Kundalini awaken intensely and experience the Ekagrata Parinama, the one-pointed inner space, which does not change by time passing over. PROCESS


I initiate all the people who are sitting with us at this moment around the world into the experience of Ekagrata Parinama, one-pointed inner space, one-pointed dimension as explained by Patanjali. All the people who are sitting with us around the world at this moment in 694 places, in 240 cities, in 26 countries, let all of you be initiated into the Ekagrata parinama, one-pointed dimension of your inner space.


Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 741 places in 251 cities in 26 countries. Let you all achieve, experience, live, radiate, express and share the eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.




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