February 15 2022

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Prepare yourselves to receive more initiations which will rewire your very core

My next initiation will be tonight at 10 PM IST ( 15.02.2022 ).

Prepare yourselves to receive more initiations which will rewire your very core. The momentum buildup from all the initiations, when well assimiliated will induce immense power manifestation and the experiential state of Paramadvaita.

Reverberate your entire being with the Mahavakya, adapt to one meal per day and remain unclutched in the ultimate state of nirvikalpa samadhi. There is a lot more to come.

Initiated Atma Lingas reverberating and independently getting displaced vertically throughout the world

Initiated Atma Lingas reverberating and independently getting displaced vertically throughout the world

Arba Minch City in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA entered into bilateral relations

🎊 Wonderful News from KAILASA🎊

Arba Minch City in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, the Ancient Enlightened Civilizational Nation, First Nation of Hindus entered into bilateral relations and emphasised their similar values on cultural understanding, religious freedom and other rights, (Sarvaswathantratwa), eradication of hunger, youth leadership, holistic health and education initiatives, exchanges to educate citizens, environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Arba Minch (Ganta Garo in Amharic) is one of the major towns in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People Regional State. The city was established in 1955 E.C. as a capital of Gamo Gofa province and it is now the capital of Gamo Zone. "Arba Minch" means "40 Springs" . The name originated from the presence of more than 40 springs that are found in the city’s administrative boundary in the Nech Sar National Park around the Abaya Lake area in the dense forest.

The city has a large forest resource called Arba Minch Natural Reserve Forest which is found near the town and covers 1,030 hectares of land. Natural gifts such as Neche Sar National Parks, the famous crocodile ranch, Lake Chamo, Lake Abaya, Bridge of Heaven (locally named Tossa Zoko) which separate the two lakes, the forty springs, natural forest and the sidewall of the Great East African Rift Valley, Chenecha and Ganta Mountain, are around the city. The presence of these natural gifts and attractive topographic landscape has made the city a tourist center.

evidenced, the defacto embassy or KAILASA's diplomatic relationship at the global platform

In this eventful image dating back to 2003, you can spot flags of various countries at the entrance of Adi KAILASA Sarvajnapeetham, Bidadi, Bengaluru.

As evidenced, the defacto embassy or KAILASA's diplomatic relationship at the global platform was already envisioned almost two decades back.

Source Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=507719480720888&set=a.306078404218331

Join KAILASA for today's Nataraja Abhishekam

Join KAILASA for today's Nataraja Abhishekam.

Paramashiva who governs the entire cosmos through the five fold action manifests the Pancha Kritya as the cosmic dance. That very act of reverberation is Nataraja.

भगवन् देवदेवेश पशुपाश विमोचक। सृष्टिस्थिति तिरोभाव लयानुग्रह कारक॥ वियदादि महामायावृत्तेस्साक्षात्प्रवर्तक। सहजानन्द सन्दोह स्वसम्विल्लक्षणात्मक॥ परसंवित्स्वरूपिण्या शक्त्या परमया युत। दिग्देशकाल निर्मुक्त जगदाह्लाद कारण॥ वयं नियुक्ता देवेश त्वयेज्यायां शिवस्य तु। तदर्थं सारभूतं तु शास्त्र शिवमुखोद्भवम्॥ वक्तुमर्हसि देवेश भक्तानां अनुकम्पया।6-9||

bhagavan devadeveśa paśupāśa vimocaka। sṛṣṭisthiti tirobhāva layānugraha kāraka॥ viyadādi mahāmāyāvṛttessākṣātpravartaka। sahajānanda sandoha svasamvillakṣaṇātmaka॥ parasaṃvitsvarūpiṇyā śaktyā paramayā yuta। digdeśakāla nirmukta jagadāhlāda kāraṇa॥ vayaṃ niyuktā deveśa tvayejyāyāṃ śivasya tu। tadarthaṃ sārabhūtaṃ tu śāstra śivamukhodbhavam॥ vaktumarhasi deveśa bhaktānāṃ anukampayā।6-9||

~ Kamika Agama Purva and Uttara Pada verses 6 to 9 ~

Translation :
"The Sages: O, Lord, the possessor of six potential qualities (Bhagavan)! You are the governing Lord of the gods of lower realm and the higher realm. You are relieving the bound souls from the bonds which constrict them. You are performing the five cosmic actions- creation, maintenance, dissolution, concealment and bestowal of grace. You are the one who directly maintains the evolutionary process of space and other categories issuing out of the great maya. Your form is of the nature of auspicious mass of bliss springing forth from within your own self and of the nature of your own pure consciousness. You are unseparated with supreme Sakti who is in the form of supreme consciousness. You are eternally free from the limiting factors such as direction, space and time. Through your pervasive presence, You exist as the perennial source for the delighted state of the worlds. O, the Lord of all gods!, we have been directed by you to engage ourselves in the systematic worship of Siva. In order to perform that worship perfectly, be favorably disposed now to instruct the principles enshrined in the Scripture which is the quintessence of the Scriptures revealed from the faces of Lord Siva. O, the Lord of all gods!, you are with such a compassion which spontaneously flows towards your devotees. Be kind enough to insruct those principles."

~ Kamika Agama Purva and Uttara Pada verses 6 to 9 ~

The deep state has influenced mass Hindus to fight among themselves

The deep state has influenced mass Hindus to fight among themselves under the linguistic banner of 'Sanskrit vs Tamizh'.

As I revealed, Paramashiva gave us Tamizhi which became Grantha as script, as Tamizh when used for man to man communication and as Sanskrit when used to communicate with beings in the higher lokas of the vertical timezone.

This is also evidenced by the Shaivite saint Tirunāvukkarasar. Let us look at Thiruvasagam ; Hymn 2946

வானவன்காண் வானவர்க்கும் மேல் ஆனான்காண் வடமொழியும் தென்தமிழும் மறைகள் னான்கும் ஆனவன்காண் ஆன் ஐந்தும் ஆடினான்காண் ஐயன்காண் கையில் அனல் ஏந்தி ஆடும் கானவன்காண் கானவனுக்கு அருள்செய்தான்காண் கருதுவார் இதயத்துக்கமலத்து ஊறும் தேன் அவன்காண் சென்று அடையாச் செல்வன் தான்காண் சிவன் அவன்காண் சிவபுரத்து எம் செல்வன்தானே.

Vāṉavaṉkāṇ vāṉavarkkum mēl āṉāṉkāṇ vaṭamoḻiyum teṉtamiḻum maṟaikaḷ ṉāṉkum āṉavaṉkāṇ āṉ aintum āṭiṉāṉkāṇ aiyaṉkāṇ kaiyil aṉal ēnti āṭum kāṉavaṉkāṇ kāṉavaṉukku aruḷceytāṉkāṇ karutuvār itayattukkamalattu ūṟum tēṉ avaṉkāṇ ceṉṟu aṭaiyāc celvaṉ tāṉkāṇ civaṉ avaṉkāṇ civapurattu em celvaṉtāṉē.

Meaning : Paramashiva, He is of the empyrean; He is far above the heavenly beings.

He became Sanskrit, Tamizh of the South and the four Vedas.

He bathes in the Panchagavya. He is the Lord; He is a forester who holds fire in His palm and Who dances; He graced the forester; He is the honey that gushes from the lotus-hearts of the meditators; He is the opulent One of infinite riches; He is Paramashiva ; He is our opulent Lord of Shivapuram.

KAILASA will continue to provide multilayered quarantine facilities

Studies have evidenced a link between covid19 and fetal death due to placental inflammation, most likely secondary to the virus. Let us maintain social distancing and exercise a multi-layered quarantine protection.

Let us all stay safe and brave the pandemic with integrated collective consciousness.

KAILASA will continue to provide multilayered quarantine facilities, medical resources and accomodation to all in its campus.

Source Link: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/irish-found-link-between-covid-19-and-stillbirth-confirmed-by-major-study-1.4802282?fbclid=IwAR2snP7s20ttP2sBOnF41UkUGLyyF7tgLl81gVM5kyCfzBxXiSNe71DLaJA



KAILASA San Jose offered Suprabhata Seva, the sacred process of waking up the deities.

In the evening, KAILASA San Jose offered Guru Puja to The SPH followed by Shiva Puja to Sri Nithyanandeshwara and Devi Nithyanandeshwari. Naivedyam waa offered to all the deities and the day was concluded with Palliarai, the sacred ritual of putting the deities to sleep.



सूक्ष्मो ह्यचिन्त्यरूपो व्याख्यातः पूर्वमेव तन्त्रेस्मिन् । द्विरभिहितः परमशिव: संशयविनिवृत्ति दर्शिभिः सर्वैः ।।

sūkṣmo hyacintyarūpo vyākhyātaḥ pūrvameva tantresmin | dvirabhihitaḥ paramaśiva: saṃśayavinivṛtti darśibhiḥ sarvaiḥ ||

Meaning : The term 'su’kshma' denotes the subtle form which could not be conceived by the mind. This has already been explained earlier in this Agama. Paramashiva is praised with the repetition of the term 'su’kshma' twice(that is, Su’kshma Su'kshma) by all those who have well understood the Agamic concepts to erase the doubt and to ascertain the truth .



अथ कालाग्निरुद्रो वै नरकश्चानुपूर्वशः। रौरव: कुम्भीपाकश्च अवीचीत्येवमादयः ।।

atha kālāgnirudro vai narakaścānupūrvaśaḥ| raurava: kumbhīpākaśca avīcītyevamādayaḥ ||

Meaning : The bhuvana which is at the lowest plane of the great universe (brahmanda) is known as Kalagni Bhuvana for which Kalagni Rudra is the governing authority. Above the Kalagni Bhuvana, Naraka Bhuvanas(hellish worlds) are placed successively one above the other. There are many narakas, such as Raurava, Kumbhipaka, Avici and so forth.




सू॒र्या॒च॒न्द्र॒मसौ॑ धा॒ता य॑थापू॒र्वम॑कल्पयत् । दिवं॑ च पृथि॒वीं चा॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒मथो॒ स्वः॑ ॥

sū̱ryā̱ca̱ndra̱masau̍ dhā̱tā ya̍thāpū̱rvama̍kalpayat | diva̍ṃ ca pṛthi̱vīṃ cā̱ntari̍kṣa̱matho̱ sva̍ḥ ||

Meaning : The supreme master creator and controller planned the sun and moon, heaven and earth, the middle regions and the regions of bliss as ever before since eternity.

RIG VEDA 10.190.3



On this day 15 years before - 15 February 2007:
On this day the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Conducted a Kalyanam Marriage Ceremony in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

A Hindu wedding, also known as Vivaha (Sanskrit: विवाह; or Vivaaha), Lagna (लग्न), or Kalyanam (कळ्याणम्), is the traditional wedding ceremony. The Hindu wedding ceremony at its core is essentially a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. The primary witness of a Hindu marriage is the fire-deity (or the Sacred Fire) Agni, in the presence of family and friends. The ceremony is traditionally conducted entirely or at least partially in Sanskrit. The local language of the bride and groom may also be used. The rituals are prescribed in the Gruhya sutra were composed by various rishis such as Baudhayana and Ashvalayana.

That day's Wedding Ceremony and Ananda Samajam Convention were presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 20107 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2007


On this day 14 years before - 15 February 2008:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam presided over an internal high-level meeting with all the ministers and ambassadors of KAILASA who together with SPH were organizing the various conventions and the various construction works that were happening on parallel in Adi Kailasa. Since the very first day that SPH undertook His mission He has been consistenly organizing and inspiring everyone and thus ultimately setting the solid foundations for the revival of the Kailasa Nation. The whole effort of SPH since day one has been to make Living Enlightenment as an easy and approachable lifestyle without at the same time compromising the least on the vision of what Sanatana Dharma is, as it was presented to us by the ancient Rishis in the Vedas and the Agamas.

That day's meeting with the ministers and ambassadors of the Kailasa Nation was presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2008


On this day 13 years before - 15 February 2009:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Kalpataru Convention in Chennai. There SPH was received by the Kailasa Sangha in Chennai with all the traditional honors, especially the Poorna Kumbha, the highest royal honorary offering given to a guest in Hindu tradition. Thousands of people had gathered in order to receive the Darshan the Nijavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, with each of them bringing books to be autographed, Mala’s to be blessed, requesting healing for themselves and also carrying lists of their relative's names that needed SPH's healing etc. SPH attended tirelessly to each and every one. He enriched and blessed couples and elders with love, compassion and deep listening and each person felt that SPH was there only for them. He gave each person the exact experience they needed at that time in order to move forward in their spiritual path.

Kalpataru, from the Sanskrit language with “kalpa” meaning wishing and “taru” meaning tree. People from all walks of life, locally and from abroad attended the program. Kalpataru is one such convention where the qualification of the seeker is irrelevant. It is purely from the compassion and powers of the Guru that He blesses the pure intentions of the delegates to manifest into reality.

That day's Kalpataru Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 2009 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2009


On this day 12 years before - 15 February 2010:
On this day, the Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principles of the Bhagavad Gita during a series of talks on Bhagavad Gita that were delivered in a total of 54 parts (Bhagavad Gita Dhyana Satsangs), in the language of Tamil. Later that day, The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam performed the Bhoomi Puja at Adhi Kailasa, and began the ceremony that would be marking the start of the construction work.

Whe we perform the Bhoomi Puja we offer our oblations to Bhooma Devi before starting construction activities. During the Bhumi Puja, the foundation stone is also laid. Thus, the approval of Bhooma Devi and the Gods are sought before drilling, digging the land, and with the symbolic placement of the foundation stone, the project begins.

That day's Kalpataru Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 2010 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2010


On this day 11 years before - 15 February 2011:
On that day's Presidential Adress, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expanded on the 118th Sutra 3rd chapter 12th verse of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and more specifically on the concept of the ekagrata parinaama. The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam shared that all the regular intellectual translations say that ekagrata parinaama is having the same thought or similar thought in past & present also. Nevertheless He shared that we can never have same or similar thought in the past or the present and that if we understand one pointedness as having a similar thought in the past and in the present continuously , we will be struggling and struggling just to discover that we are a failure. SPH explained that one pointedness means raising our frequency to a level where the flow in us does not change because of the impact of time on us.

That day's Presidential Adress-Nithyananda Satsang and Sarva Darshan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 2011 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2011


On this day 9 years before - 15 February 2013:
On that day's Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam spoke live from the Maha Kumbha Puri, the camp-city created for the pilgrims of Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. The Allahabad Kumbh Mela, also Prayag Kumbh Mela, is a Mela held in the city of Allahabad (also Prayagraj), India, at the Prayag or Triveni Sangam—which represents the confluence of the rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati. After this Presidential Address SPH graciously received many other very prominent Hindu Leaders that were also attending the Kumbha Mela. Most notable was the visit of the Sukh Devanandaji Peetatheshwar of Atal Akhada, Ramananthapuri Mahamandaleshwar of Maha Nirvani Akhada and the Senior Mahant Lal Baba of Maha Nirvani Akhada.

Satellite images showed the millions at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, during the Sahi Snaan in Ganga Mata. The DigitalGlobe images were taken on 8 February, two days before the Maha(Mauni Amavasya) Snan. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-21443282

The Kumbha Mela has been inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage under UNESCO. https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/kumbh-mela-01258

That day's Presidential Address - Nithyananda Satsangh, Sarva Darshan, Free Anna Dhaan were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 February 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/February_15_2013

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