Hans Navn Er Nithyananda ((His) Name is Nithyananda in Danish) (Book)

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Book Details
Topic Details
Author/Creator The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
Book Title Hans Navn Er Nithyananda ((His) Name is Nithyananda in Danish)
Download at https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_TDIthP_JXNbc7i56sJRD136VMT0dHe/view?usp=sharing
Edition 1
ISBN ISBN 13:978-1-60607-003-1,
ISBN 10:1-60607-003-7
Language Danish
Page Count 16
Published By Nithyananda University Press
Published Year 2008

The SPH Nithyanada Paramashivam is a recognized enlightened master today. Born amidst rich spiritual heritage, and with a natural passion for the Truth, he experimented with yoga, integration of mind-body-spirit, meditation, tantra, vedanta and other Eastern metaphysical sciences, from the tender age of 3. He researched with thousands of inner science techniques before attaining enlightenment. This book offers glimpses of Paramahamsa 's journey towards Light. Through interesting incidents and great truths, it attempts to draw the reader to the profound experience behind the words. It is said that the life story of an enlightened master could bring forth a deep desire in an individual to evolve spiritually towards a better lifestyle, towards enlightenment itself. Read on for glimpses of a stirring life story of a great master on planet Earth.