Integrity-Sampoorti-First Principle

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Integrity is fulfilling the word and thought you give to yourself and others and experiencing a state of completion with yourself and life.

When you give your word to yourself and others that is the bone structure of your life. If you continually break the bone then you will experience pain and suffering.

Creation is possible only when you are established in the state of integrity and utter your words. When you are in integrated to integrity, integrity will be in integrity with you.

Everything in your life is totality of honouring the words you give to you and to others. Because the respect you carry for you and the respect others carry for you, the confidence others have for you and the confidence you have on you, these two put together is your life.

When you bring Integrity into yourself, the way they look at you will transform immediately. Integrity brings so much of strength and power.

When you honour the word you give to others, not only they will have confidence and respect over you, only then the relationship exists. Please understand, each human-being carries so much of energy. Even if you have an integrated relationship with only one human-being, your life can be different.

Because, every person with whom you have an integrated relationship adds strength to you, not just mentally like confidence, morale boost or social power, consciously they add strength to you.

If you are having integrated relationship with your mother, consciously she adds strength to you. If you have integrated relationship with your father, consciously he adds strength to you. Every individual with whom you have integrated relationship, those people consciously enrich you...!'

'When you bring Integrity, honoring the words you give to others and you, in your relationship with others, suddenly the friendliness in your relationships increase.

Demands in your relationships, breaks the relationships and makes it dry. Friendliness in your relationships adds juice to the relationship and keeps it stable and growing. Above all, the relationships become worthy of living...!'

You need to know relationships are not something external, they are the expression of how you feel about yourself; how you feel with you will only be projected as your relationship with the world. When you bring integrity to your relationships - means either honouring or completing - how much of confidence you will have over others and others will have over you; the conflicts will drastically drop. Success happens in life, fulfilment happens in life when the conflicts reduce. When the conflicts reduce, the life energy begins to flow through you.

If you have integrated relationships with others, consciously they add strength to you. Everyone you have integrated relationship with, consciously they enrich you. Unfortunately, human beings don't go for real solutions. They only want consolation.

How Integrity expands your relationship with others? Integrity expands your relationship at different levels, one you will be able to sit with yourself with completion with yourself. When you know you have to fulfill your every word, then you have to speak every word with awareness. Only when you honour the word you give to others, they will have confidence over you and the relationship expands. Relationships are not something external, relationships are expression of your inner state. When you bring in the state of integrity, others will have confidence in you and the conflicts in your life will end. Unfortunately, humans are not ready for permanent solutions, they only search for temporary solutions. That is the reason why Guru or teachers give temporary solutions. Permanent solution, even if it takes time, if you start living it, it can immediately end your conflict. When integrity becomes your way of thinking, then, your self-confidence on you and others’ confidence in you increases. Listen, take on only permanent solutions in your life. Integrity expands you in your view and you in others view. The power of Integrity can make into a Siddha Purusha : Not only this, Integrity brings friendliness in your relationships. Integrity is an amazing practice that can continuously bring completion in your life. Without integrity you will not know the speed of your life. Only with integrity you will know the purpose of your life.

All fear is negative, self-fulfilling prophecies. It is like you plan for your failure and you plant your failure into the Cosmos through your deep fear. Whatever you sow will grow. That is why I tell you, if you think with Integrity you will break all the fears and you will be liberated from all the fears, and you will have success.

Integrity brings all Auspiciousness in life. When INTEGRITY is lost all is lost. Listening to your inner space is the beginning of Integrity. When you honour the word you give to others, not only they will have confidence and respect over you, only then the relationship exists. Please understand, each human-being carries so much of energy. Even if you have an integrated relationship with only one human-being, your life can be different. Because, every person with whom you have an integrated relationship adds strength to you, not just mentally life confidence, morale boost or social power, consciously they add strength to you. If you are having integrated relationship with your mother, consciously she adds strength to you. If you have integrated relationship with your father, consciously be adds strength to you. Every individual with whom you have integrated relationship, those people consciously enrich you. When your inner space says there is nothing more to listen, there is only silence, you have achieved Integrity. "Understand - even if you had negative self-fulfilling prophecies for 1000 years, if you do not encourage them for just 10 days, they will die. Even if the tree has grown for 1000 years, it takes just a few minutes to die if you pour acid. Integrity is the acid that can destroy the weeds of negative self-fulfilling prophecies in you."