Is Marriage Sacred? - Q & A with Nithyananda

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n today's morning satsang from Bali Paramahamsa Nithyananda shed light on doubt arising from yesterdays satsang regarding the necessity of understanding the instability of the Mamakara, the inner identity. If you are saint or sinner these extremes arise only from that instability of Mamakara.and persist until enlightenment. Compassion, freedom and gratitude arise from understanding this. Awakening to the ignorant suffocating structure is enlightenment.

TRANSCRIPTIONS:- I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!

On this Thanksgiving Weekend, thanks to the technology, thousands of miles away still people are able to see with the same clarity. With no infrastructure, that is the beauty! See, our guys came with just a few suitcases! And, if you are a little more organized, you won't even need those few suitcases; we just need to remember the password, that's all; come here and log in and open! Thanks to the technology! From here all the Indian channels are also live telecasting the satsangh. It is not just Nithyananda TV. As usual, Sadhna, Lotus TV, all channels are doing the live telecast. And thanks to the technology on this Thanksgiving Weekend, so, even at this moment, this Kundalini Danda is so clear in all the channels! That is why I am actually checking! When I moved this, I am seeing how much time it is taking to see the movements in the TV channels. It is only a few seconds!

So first, I want to thank technology and all the people who work for technology. The distance between human-beings has become a myth. The distance between human-beings used to be reality in the pre-technology era. Now, the distance between human-beings is just a myth! It is only your incompletions which can be a distance. Other than incompletions, nothing can be a distance. So, even though I am seeing all you guys after a long time, all the Inner Awakening Level-4 participants, but I don't feel it because, every day practically we are seeing each other! May be, for you it will be! Whatever is said and done, physically seeing.......!

Today we will have satsangh in a unique way. I will take live questions. I will directly take questions from the Inner Awakening Level-4 participants. The program will start tomorrow. But, from today, we will be having completely different, unique satsanghs. Just like Inner Awakening Level-4, the satsanghs also will be unique and different.

I'll just clarify one doubt which you would have had, which many people had, if you have listened to yesterday's satsangh. Yesterday's satsangh, just attending is not enough; you need to listen! If you had listened, you would have had a doubt, because I was explaining a very subtle point, the truth, sacred secret of how understanding the instability of your Mamakaara, the inner identity, brings tremendous love for every being. Because, everything, whether you see it as good or bad, comes out of instability of Mamakaara. So, you will have a tremendous compassion towards every being, because you know you are also a possibility.

Please listen, when you see a Saint, you know you are a possibility, he is a possibility in you. When you see a Sinner, you know you can become that. When you see a Saint or a Sinner, when you know both have happened because of the instability of the Mamakaara..... Please listen, even a Saint happens, a Saint is happening due to the instability of the Mamakaara. The most moralistic, even the most moralistic guys have instable Mamakaara. Only when you get enlightened, the Mamakaara is transformed. Till then, anybody you see, whoever you see in your life within the human frame, good or bad, both extremes are just, please listen, both extremes are just instability of the Mamakaara. Any day you can become that Sinner, you can become that Saint. The possibility is there.

Tarun Tejpal would have never imagined he's going to complain about media trial. The self-appointed, self-styled upholder of the morality of India; self-styled media god-man Tarun Tejpal would have never imagined he will be getting all these words back from me, to whom he gave all these words, to whom he taught all these words! Tarun, you need to know that I'm no longer a self-styled god-man! I'm an official pontiff of Mahanirvani Akhada, Mahanirvani Peetha. But unfortunately, you are a self-styled media god-man. I may not want to use god for you and you also may not like the word God; self-styled media devil-man! Let us create a new word. Tarun Tejpal, you would have never imagined that you'd be getting all these words!

But, I wanted the whole humanity to understand, for the viewers, for your understanding, if you want to know who is Tarun Tejpal, he is a self-styled, tainted, media devil-man of India who blackmails the high profile politicians, swamis, Gurus. His profession is blackmailing. He blackmails every politician or Guru or celebrity, or even the businessmen, industrialists. Category

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