January 08 2020

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What You Feel Doesn't Matter, What You Decide To Cognize About You Matters || Dheera || Bio Memory || Bhagwan Shri Krishna


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principle, What You Feel About You Doesn’t Matter, What You Decide to Cognize About You Matters, during the everyday live public address - Nithyananda Satsang. His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained that manifesting life is Manifesting Powers and that the ability to forget an old identity is Dheera - boldness. HDH further expanded that what matters is the Cognition, not the feeling and that Cognitions get recorded into your bio-memory.

HDH shared the words of Bhagavan Shri Krishna | - Svalpam apyasya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt. “Nothing other than the truth can supply power to you. If something supplies power to you, it is Truth in some scale of the Reality”.

Video and Audio - Dheera - Boldness Is All About Being Able to Give up Your Oldness!

Video Audio



|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotaris, Thanedars visitors, viewers sitting with us, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Kartas, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotaris, Thanedar everyone. Nithyananda Hindu University students, Nithyananda e-Gurukul Students, everyone watching us live on Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, NLighten App, Kailaasa Tv, Hinduism Now TV, Twitter and Two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailaasa today, listen. Listen intensely. Having broad space keeps you absolutely integrated, continuously manifesting life. Manifesting life is manifesting powers. Powers are nothing but life into the power of three, life into the power of two, like a life square is bliss. Life cube, life into the power of three is powers. Having broad expansive inner space, listen...

Yesterday I was making two statements, what… listen, life is all about what you cognize as you, not what you do outside. That’s one statement. Second statement I immediately made - life has nothing to do with what you feel about you or with you. It's all about what you do to others. Both looks very conflicting, paradoxical, controversy. Listen, but they are not conflicting. They are complementing each other. “All I am trying to tell you is what you feel about you does not matter, what you cognize about you matters. When you have the right cognitions you will start serving others. Serving others becomes your life style”. Listen carefully, intensely.


What you are going to powerfully cognize about you decisively - that matters. For example, you decide “I am now going to feel I am only powerful God, Paramashiva, who has absolute Power over my inner space and Power over my outer Reality. Listen carefully, that decision you may be taking only for one minute and all the remaining 23 hours and 59 minutes you may in depression, self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial, all kinds of hitting with worst space a person can have and feeling shitty about yourself, your life and everything. All that feeling you are having 23 hours six... sorry, 59 minutes does not matter. That one minute which you decided you are going to powerfully cognize yourself as Paramashiva. That matters. Because cognitions, consciously taken decisions gets recorded into your bio-memory. Vague, confused, immature, mood swings, feelings, all that gets recorded only in your muscle memory. Listen, even if you received 99 thousand, it is less than one lakh. Because the very digit is different. Having large expansive inner space makes you manifest life in tremendous depth, maturity. I will give you one simple… I am actually reading ‘Sivajnana Mapadiam’ means the ‘Sivajnana Mahabhashyam’ of ‘The Sivajnana Bodham’, originally the book is in ‘Rouravagama’. Paramashiva, Neelakanda, SriKanda Paramashiva is teaching to Nandi. It is translated by Meikanda Devar in Tamil… Sri Meikandar. Meikanda Devar in Tamil who revived Kanchi Kailaasa Sarvajnapeetham Thondai Mandala Adheenam. Just like Janasambandhar revived Madurai Adheenam, actually Madurai Adheenam was revived by multiple Acharya’s because it is there from such long time.


I am 293rd, means, at least each sannidhanam has lived comfortably 50 years. Because this is a balasanyasa Sampradaya peetha, means the sannidhanam’s are usually chosen as bala sanyasis in very young age, even though as a exemption few times that elders have also come into the seat. It is usually, by the time child is 10, before even physical maturity, his coronation is done. Pattabhishegam is done as Uttaradhikari. Then he grows and once the sannidhanam passes away, he assumes the throne. That is the way the tradition. So, 293 X 50 years, if you even, I think before… the number 200, they might have lived longer. Because they were all yogis and enlightened beings, siddhas, rishis and... glorious Guru Parampara. Some of them would have even lived 100 years, 150 years. So, even if you put average minimum 50 years, see... last five Sannidhanams we have... 288, 89, 90, 91, 92, this five Sannidhanams photographs, time period, everything is well documented. Even before that many of the information’s are documented in the stone inscriptions in... and many of the earlier archival documents. Based on this five, if we see average, we can put comfortably 50 years. So 292 X 50 years, just see how many years old the mutt... minimum this many years old. Just like Jnanasambandar revived Madurai Adheenam, Meikandar revived Kanchipuram, Thondaimandala Adeenam. From this ‘Sivajnana Mahabhashyam’, I wanted to share some of the great truths about the Universe and map it to what I am talking now. The Brahmanda where the different lokas, Narakas, Swargas all beautifully described in ‘Sivajnana Mahabhashyam’, I want to map that into what we are going through in our life every day. Understand, if you react before even getting the full information about the situation out of panic attack, you are in hell. Pathala…like “Athala Vithala Suthala Thalaathala Pathaala”


Nothing more can happen, you can’t go down anymore, Pathala. If you internalize, grasp, chew and… then respond from your balance, I can say you are in the planet Earth, Booloka, you will be a good leader. If you receive the information and map it your powerful cognition which you want to be; which you consciously decide that you will be. Listen, if you receive the information's input, everything from outside, you neither react out of agitation, fear, perturbed inner space nor you react balanced your own identity, you respond from the Conscious identity you want to become. Then you are in heaven, Swarga. Understand, Swa - Consciously what you want as you, Swa; from that if you respond, function, you will be in Swarga. Start from today. All these teachings are to inspire you to start from today, not to put you in guilt you missed till yesterday, No! People say “ohh… such great teachings I will missed all these years”. That is Ok. Now start. Internalize this one truth, now whatever from the beginning of the Satsang I said, having large inner space will make you manifest love. Actually, love is nothing but able to accommodate everyone. Paramashiva is highly accommodative. Understand, I am highly accommodative but absolutely integrated. That is where the whole problem is. So, I will allow everyone into the sanga, but they are not ready to be accommodative about integrity, understand. I am accommodative for all, but they are not ready to accommodate integrity into them. Listen. I am absolutely accommodative about everyone and everything. But have absolute integrity. Life is that.


Being accommodative, absolutely loving, having vast inner space, all this is one and the same. What you cognize about yourself matters, not what you feel about yourself. Because what you cognize about yourself Consciously burns away, destroys absolutely what you feel about you. Listen. Consciously if you practise the powerful cognition, in two-three months you will even forget your old identity. Ability to forget your old identity is Dheera, Boldness. Boldness is all about able to give up your oldness. Boldness is all about able to give up your oldness. Listen, intensely.


Life, Enlightenment, knowledge, powerful cognition, everything boils down to one. This one truth - What you feel about you doesn’t matter, what you decide to cognize about you matters. Conscious decision made even one minute is more powerful than 23 hours 59 minutes of confusion. That is why Krishna says,


स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् || svalpam apyasya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt Even practice little, cleans up large quantity of fears svalpam apyasya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt Even few times declaring, cognizing, powerfully, your powerful cognitions is much more powerful than hours and hours of what you are feeling about you. What ever I am sharing if you just listen two-three times the whole zig zag puzzle will fall in place, because I am mapping some of the most powerful truths into language. Like yesterday I was talking, the prism called your individual consciousness, if that is feeling powerful, you will feel powerful about death and past and future and birth, understand.


Many time devotees feel very powerful about their death - “eh, Swamiji will be there to take care me”, and even if you are deeply connected to your ista devatha and any one God, even that cognition - “eh, I know that, that God will be there for me”. Even that. Please understand, fools and stupid’s are those who make fun of this strength you are carrying they may say, “ehhh...How do you know?” Your powerful cognition, just by the very quality “it supplies power to you” is establishing its truth. Understand, “Nothing other than the truth can supply power to you. If something supplies power to you, it is Truth in some scale of the Reality”. So, just by virtue of the idea - “the cognition supplying power to you”, it is powerful cognition. Don’t worry about the abusers, stupid people confusing you, trying to ignite the rationalized racism in you and say, “How do you know? How do you know?” I tell you, if you start questioning “How do you know? How do you know?”. This “How do you know? Pramana”. See what do you mean by “How do you know? How do you know it is Truth or not?”. So, they are asking “How do you know it is Truth or not” as per their scale. With this “How do you know?”, they are trying to put the binary logic in you. But by feeling powerful that Swamiji will liberate me, He will be there with me in the time of death, by remembering that cognition you feel powerful and because of that, that is Truth is the multi-dimensional nyaya. Understand, feeling empowered by powerful cognition because it gives you powerfulness, coming to the conclusion it is Truth is the multi-dimensional logic of nyaya. As per nyaya your powerful cognition is true. But they are trying to measure your truth with their binary logic. That is what I call it as invading the Sacred. Life is not binary logic, life is all about multi-dimensional spiritual logic, Conscious logic. Even in the language of binary logic if you see, if you have the powerful cognition, “hey, Swamiji will liberate me during the death and I don’t have death, I don’t have death fear”. With this boldly you will live. And this abusers don’t have that powerful cognition they live. Listen, listen to this. Surely whoever strong powerfully cognises, and whoever my disciple I will be there and liberating them that is different. Even for the sake of the logic of binary, confused, mad people, demons, even in from their demonic logic if you see, you, because of your powerful cognition, your whole life you live so beautifully. Even if I am not there during the death as per their logic, see, the last moment will be difficult. But for them whole life will be hell and last minute also will be hell. Even as per their binary logic you are the gainer. You are getting profited by the powerful cognition - “I will be there to liberate you when you leave the body”. Even if as per their binary logic you have more profit, the quality of life you lived is amazing because of this powerful cognition.


I tell you, any cognition which supplies power to you just by the virtue that it is making you powerful, it is truthful. Apply this. Pratyaksha Pramāṇam which makes you feeling powerful. Shakthi Pramāṇa is Sathya Pramāṇa, Sathya Pramāṇas always gives you Shakthi. Shakthi Pramāṇas are Sathya Pramāṇas and Sathya Pramāṇas are Shakthi Pramāṇas. The moment I say I will be there when you leave the body and liberate you and you decide Consciously to believe it, you decide consciously to cognize it, your very quality of life changes from that moment because from that moment no more death fear. “Marana Smarana” brings Ok! Vacation! Next, what next! “Marana Smarana” not putting you in depression almost removes all the bumps from the road. Even as per the binary logic, quality of your life is drastically improved. Then finally Me appearing and liberating is a bonus. Understand. Why these abusers don’t put their questions directly to Me or the official channels you know, they know every question I will twist it in such a way I will give such powerful answers. People who heard their answers will just, the moment they listen to My answers they will dump them, dump them cursing them - ‘hey you cheated me’. See, Swamiji now clearly answered, I am going now with Swamiji. And abusers are losing people. Demons are losing people. More and more are joining Kailaasa. Understand. Understand this truth.


The powerful cognitions you Consciously choose have thousand times power over you then the unconscious feelings which goes on inside you as accident. The accidental clouds does not have power over Conscious Sun. Conscious Sun is trillions of times more powerful than this accidental clouds. All you feel about you is clouds. All you Consciously decide to cognize about you is Sun. This is the understanding you should come to. You may say, “No no no… Swamiji, 10 times I tried … I am Paramashiva... I am Paramashiva... I am Paramashiva... I only fell asleep and got depressed. Nothing is working for me. I am going on screaming. Now I have one more problem that I have to convince myself that I am Paramashiva. Earlier I had only 10 problems, now I have 11 problems, because the 11th problem is I have to convince myself that I am Paramashiva”.


There is a beautiful tradition, Sivananda Sampradaya, Paramahamsa Sivananda from Palakkad from Kerala. They are called Siddha Sampradaya. My father’s elder brother belongs to that Sampradaya. He got initiated into that Sampradaya and he trained me. They have very powerful meditation process. They will put a life size mirror and you need to sit in front of that mirror and they will apply Jnananjana on your third eye and exactly your third eye on the mirror both. They will make you sit in front of the mirror. They will put the jnananjana on your third eye and on your third eye on the mirror. They will put the jnananjana. You just have to stare at the mirror till your form disappears in that mirror. And I tell you it works, really it works. If you have jnananjana in your home, do that meditation today, do that process today. It really works. You will not see this form which you are seeing anymore. Either you will see empty mirror or the Gods and Goddess Consciously you cognize. They told me that when I was initiated, that Vadalur Vallalar mastered this process, and He invoked Consciously Subramanya Swami, Muruga, Skanda. Skanda appeared in the mirror and gave darshan to Him. Because they told Me that story, I also decided, let Me have Subramanya, Skanda and He really appeared. He really appeared and blessed. Of course, Subramanya is real, no doubt, but I did not expect He will appear in the mirror just like that because I sat with jnananjana and started staring. It was very powerful experience. I want you to know, in this process, the powerful cognition they teach you is, whatever you know about you from the past, whatever you know about you in the present, whatever you feel about you in the present, the whole thing is delusion. So even the idea you look like this, you are looking good, bad, ugly, beautiful, all that ideas are also delusion. With this if you sit, the form in the mirror melts down and the form in your chit melts down. If the form in the chit melts down, Chit-Shakthi manifests, Conscious power manifests.


Listen, now I will connect all of you intensely with Paramashiva, especially this expanded inner space. Understand. This powerful process is the gift I am giving it to My disciples who ever declares their integrity to Me. I will manifest whatever I revealed in the Satsang as experience for My disciples in this process time. Sit straight, close your eyes, connect with Paramashiva, chant Mahavakya. Kundalini wake up ma…


(Meditation process...)


Kundalini... Kundalini... Kula Kundalini... Explode intensely. Manifest the state, space, powers, beings and super Consciousness and Sri Kailaasa of Paramashiva in all of us. Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living ShuddhaAdvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham the Eternal Bliss – Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.



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