January 23 2004

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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducting Satsang 'Place To Space' at Claremont, California.


Video - Your Thoughts Affect Your Surroundings, Your Surroundings Affect Your Thoughts



Since ages, in the East, the tradition of taking a Enlightened person to the house, making him visit the place where you live or where you do your business is in the practice. Since ages, we have this practice. Why? What is the reason behind it? As we all think and understand, home is not the place where you live. It is the way how you live. Understand, home is not the place where you live. It is the way how you live. The home is the expansion, or the extension of your being. Home is nothing but the extension of your being.


If you understand one concept which is the base of that Vāstu, Vāstu Shastra, the scripture which speaks about the ways in methods, ways and methods the house should be constructed. There is a Shastra, a scripture which speaks on that. It says, there are five elements in the Universe, in the Existence. As you all know, the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether - Space. All the five element is nothing but energy. There is a Upanishad which says, “The whole universe has come from energy, come from the Ātman. From the Ātma, Akasha. From Akashat-Vayuhu, Vayur-Agnihi, Agnir-Apaha, Apap-Prutvihi, Prutivyur-Annam”. From the Ātman, energy, the Akash, ether has come. From the ether, the air has come. From the air, the fire has come. From the fire, water has come. From the water, earth.


These... all these five elements are nothing but energy. As we think, they are not matter. For the first time, scientists have turned towards the eastern spirituality after Einstein. Till Einstein, the mystics and the Rishis were thought as fools or the people whose brains have gone. Always the scientists are the people who work on the... based on the logic. They thought the ancient Masters or the mystics, they are mad people or they have some disease. Some of the great psychological books, they classify the strong religious faith as a mental disorder. Strong religious faith or the spiritual experiences are classified as a mental disorder.


For a long time, the logical world was thinking the eastern mystics or the eastern Rishis were mentally sick or their words have nothing-truth, more or less like a superstitions and self-served rituals. First time, after the Einstein, the whole world of logicians, mathematicians and scientists turned towards the east, towards the Upanishads, because of few statements of Einstein. In one place, Einstein says, “Whatever exists is energy. There is no gap, there is no line, there is no wall between the matter and energy. Whatever exists is energy”.


Somebody’s… somebody asked him, “How? How matter becomes energy and energy becomes matter?”. He says, “Here, for this question scientists cannot answer, only the mystics can answer. Here ends science and starts mysticism”. Actually, the last word is, “Whatever exists is energy”. After the… such a long search, what science has declared, the last word of science is, “Energy”. It’s the first word of the first Veda of the first Upanishad. The first Veda is Rig Veda. The first Upanishad is Isha Vashya Upanishad. The first statement is, “Isha Vasyam Idam Sarvam”. Whatever exists is Energy. Where science ends, spirituality starts.


Whatever exists is energy. As you think, there is no border line, boundary between the matter and the energy. There is no water-tight compartment between the matter and energy. The gross energy is matter, subtle matter is energy. Gross energy is matter, subtle matter is energy. When it is subtle, it is energy. When it is gross, it’s matter. There is no border-line between these two.


All these five elements are nothing but energy. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, all these five elements are nothing but energy. In east, we had the tradition of worshipping all these five elements. The Spirituality started by worshipping these elements only. The earlier Upāsanās from Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad, from the early Upanishads if you see, there is no mention about the Gods or Goddesses like this. There is no form. In Keno Upanishad and all, there is no form is mentioned. But the nature is worshipped, because nature is the first doorway towards the Divine.


We know, in this five energy, few things we know. The Earth is energy, you can understand. When a stone is used, what effect it makes to somebody or if the Earth is compressed how it can become. You know... you can physically see the Earth. So, earth is energy. It is easy to understand. Water is energy. You know if the flood comes, what the water can do. Water is energy, you can understand. Fire, when the forest fire happens, you know what’s the result. Fire is energy, you can understand. Same way, when the tornado comes, you can understand the Air is energy. When the cyclone, tornado, when all these thing happens, you can understand the Air is energy. But we miss to understand that Ether is also energy. The fifth element, Space is energy. Space is also an energy. Ether is also an energy. Because it is so subtle, so sensitive, we can’t feel the happenings in the space of Ether.


We can feel the happenings in all these four spaces, in the Earth, in the Water, in the Fire, in the Air, you can feel, you can sense it. Because of that, we can understand. But, we forget to understand that Space, Ether is also an energy, a power. It is more subtle and more powerful. Because when it becomes subtler, subtler, subtler, it becomes more powerful, more energetic. The science is created by the Masters, to handle the power of Ether, to handle the power of Ether, to use the power of Ether in a proper way. To handle the Earth, we have lot of mechanisms, instruments. To handle the Water, we have lot of things. To handle the Fire, we have lot of things. You can use the fire by a proper oven, by a proper furnace. So we have designed so many things, to use these four elements. Our Masters have designed Vāstu Shastra to use the Ether element, to use the Space element. The Vāstu, the structure of the house is designed, the science is created to use the Space.


There are three types of Spaces. One is the Chidakasha. Chidakasha means your… the space which is inside your being, inside your body, the space from which you operate. The second thing is called Mahakasha... second thing is called Katakasha, the space in which you are living. Third thing is called Mahakasha, the whole sky, whole Prapancha. The Akash which is inside your body is called Chidakasha. The Akasha, which is under which you are living, which is… which surrounds you is called Katakasha. The Akasha which is all over the Universe, the Prapancha is called Mahakasha. The Mahakasha is always pure, energetic, powerful. But the Katakasha gets impure by your thoughts. The Katakasha has got the capacity to be energised or to lose its energy by your thoughts. It acts more or less like a alive being. Never think your house is a matter. Your house is a energy. It’s a expression of energy.


Whenever the... you can understand this one example. If the water is compressed by a compressor, it becomes a energy. The Air, if it is compressed by a compressor, you can even move a train. It becomes energy. Same way, if the Ether is compressed in some particular space, in particular shape, again that becomes energy. Iron piece, if it is a square, it’s different. If it is ‘I’, I-shaped, steel engineer, it’s totally different. The same iron, one kg of iron, if it is a rectangle bar, the effect or the power is totally different. If it becomes I-bar, more stronger, and totally it is a different. The shape plays a major role even in the gross materials. The iron is a one of the element. It belongs to Earth element.


The Earth, according to its shape, the effect and the energy varies. The same way, the Ether, Akash also, according to the shape in which it is locked or it is blocked, the energy changes. Am I making you understand what I express? Are you able to understand because it’s a very subtle concept? It’s a very subtle concept but if you understand, you can understand the great gift or the great research which our Masters have done, or the great sacrifice which they did by doing all these researches and creating all this wisdom and giving it to us.


If the Earth is formed in one shape, that creates a different purpose, that creates a different effect. If it is formed in other shape, that’s used for a different purpose and that gives a different result. The same way, the Ether can be handled. It can be used in a different forms and in different shapes. The technique to use the Ether at its best is what is called Vāstu Shastra. Technique to use the Ether energy to its maximum level, that formula is only called as Vāstu Shastra. When the Ether is put in a, one particular size, inside the room, inside that space, whomsoever lives, they are controlled by that Ether and that Ether is in turn controlled by them. Their thoughts affect the Ether and the Ether affects their thoughts.


For example, if you go out and sit in the open sky, by natural, by your own feeling you can understand, your… your being feels expanded. That is why, we always love to go and sit outside, for relaxation. We always try to go outside and sit. You feel something, your personality is expanding. You are becoming little more bigger or your boundary is getting expanded. When you enter in a house where you, only the eight feet is the roof level, or the nine feet is roof level, your head is not hitting, even then you feel like being.... what to say that… compressed or shrinking. Your mind does not feel free or your thoughts are not flowing. The shape in which you are living, the space in which you are living, plays a major role on your mind and thoughts and the same way, your thoughts play major role on the space on which you are living. House is not the place where you live. House is how you live. It is the extension of your personality. It is the extension of your being. The... one more thing you need to understand, in the Vāstu there is a Sūtra which says and which is proved in modern day, which says, “Including the rocks and plants and the trees or the furnitures, including all these things, everything responds to your thoughts”.


There is a research done by some people. I have read the research in one of the leading spiritual magazine. They say, they planted three rose in a pot, the same type of rose, same way the water is given, same way the minerals are given, same type of care is offered. Only one different, all the three are kept in a different room. Every day the owner will go to one plant and curse that plant, “You will never be alive. You will never do anything properly” continuously curse that plant. Next plant, he will not do anything. He will just pour the water and come away. Third plant, he will go and tell, “You are going to have a beautiful flowers, don't bother about it. Your life is totally going to be different”. Just words, nothing else. Just words.


First plant, he will go, and throw all negative things. Second plant he will go, pour the water maneuver and come away. Third plant, he will go and speak in a very loving way. I do not know how you will believe. It is done, this research is done for 11 days, 21 times, by 21 different persons. By 11 days, the same thing will be repeated. They say, all the 21 times, the first plant died. All the 21 times, the second plant grew normally. Third plant, two times more it grew, it was flowering two times more, two times more. All the 21 times, not once or twice, all the 21 times, the first plant died. You can understand how much the thoughts are reciprocated or thoughts are affecting the surroundings.


And one more thing, like a ECG, now they feel the vibrations of the trees. They have connected some 10 trees in one garden with that machine. The graph of the… their vibrations are read by the machine. The wood-cutter was asked to enter into the garden thinking to cut one tree. He was already given the instruction, “You think that you are going to cut this tree and enter the garden”. The report says, only that tree graph goes havoc, not the other trees, only that tree graph goes havoc when he enters inside the garden with a idea to cut that tree. So, the same man, if he enters without any idea of cutting that tree, the graph is going very normal, smooth. Through these few things, you can understand very clearly that your thoughts are clearly reciprocated or your thoughts are affecting the surroundings.


And the Vāstu Shastra says, “All your thoughts are captured and stored in your house where you stay”. Because, never think that where you stay, the place is a dead place. It is a alive energy, alive energy. The houses where you stay, the Ether has got the capacity to hold your thought or to collect your thought. Whatever you think, those thoughts just gets settled in your house, in the place where you stay. It’s like a cob-webs, just like cob-webs. If 15 days if you don't clear your house, your house will be surrounded by cob-webs. The same way, if you don't do meditation or this type of spiritual things, your house will be surrounded by the negative cob-webs, negative thoughts. You see the physical thing, cobweb you can see and clear it. But the spiritual things, the subtle things, thoughts, you do not know how to see. You will not know how to clear. Whether you believe it or not, whether you want it or not, your thoughts are stored in the place where you stay; that is why, so many people they feel, so many people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, outside my house, I am all happy, feeling beautiful, everything is nice. The moment I step into my house, the depression catches me. The depression catches me. The feeling of sickness, the feeling of sadness, the feeling of sorrow catches me. Why it is Swamiji?”. It is true, because it is Akash, the Katakasha. Katakasha means, never think the house is a dead space. It is a living being. House is a living being, the live Space. The Lakshmi about the... When they describe the Lakshmi, they say the Gruha is a Lakshmi, Gruha Lakshmi. The very house is a Lakshmi. The very house is a Lakshmi.


Somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, I wanted joy and the bliss in the house. What can I do?”. I told her, you radiate joy and bliss; You give your love or always to your children, your kids. Speak good words, that is the best way to open the Gruha Lakshmi or the Gruha Lakshmi’s energy, to have the Gruha Lakshmi’s energy. She said, as soon as she heard the word, Gruha Lakshmi, she said, “Swamiji, shall I do Gruha Lakshmi Puja?”. You see, Gruha Lakshmi puja is perfectly all right but what we do generally when we enter the Puja room, we do Puja. When we come out of the Puja room, we do Archana to husbands. Puja to Lakshmi and Archana to husband. Is it going to help? No. It’s no way... It’s no way it is going to help.


The thoughts which you radiate, the thoughts which you emit, is only going to get stored or in a way you are energising it. You are continuously energising the house by your presence. It is upto you to decide whether to energise positively or negatively. Any of your thought, it is continuously, it is energising your house. It is continuously energising your house, either positively or negatively. All your thoughts are energising. Most of the time we have only the discontentment, and dissatisfaction, fighting; even if you don't fight with others, you fight with yourself, the guilt, all these thoughts only you release. So when we release all these thoughts, naturally, the whole space in which you are living, that gets totally contaminated. If the river is flowing, it’s pure and it makes others also pure. Whomsoever gets into it, it makes everybody pure. If the same river becomes a small pool, what happens? First it gets the, paasikku ennamma solveenga? (Green, Moss - audience answers) All greens and moss and then whomsoever enters into it they also get their self, dirt on them. Same way, if the house, if it is not flowing with the energy, if it is not bubbling with joy, if it is not bubbling with ecstacy, what's happening? It is just getting, it is just becoming like a pool. All our negativity, all our vibrations are just stored.


When a Master enters into the house, what happens? Master is like a Mahakasha. Mahakasha means the open sky. You are Chidakasha. The space which you... in which you live, it is Katakasha. The space in which you are living is like... more like a... more or less like a pool. The Master is like a Mahakasha, river. Mahakasha means the open sky. He is the Universe. The Enlightened person is a Universe. Because he has nothing inside. Enlight... Now you please be very clear, Enlightened person has no, even good thoughts inside. Don't think, Enlightened person has good thoughts inside. He has neither good thoughts, nor bad thoughts. He is just a emptiness. He is just a emptiness. He is a just open sky. Through him just the energy radiates. Nothing else.


People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, how do you heal? Do you chant any Mantra, or do you make a Sankalpa that, ‘We should get healed’, ‘Immediately you heal’, ‘We are getting healed’”. I tell them, “I never do”. I never make a Sankalpa or I never chant any Mantra”. I tell you honestly, it’s a open confession. I don't think that, let somebody get healed. I never think... any disease it may be, anybody they may be, when they come and tell Me, I never think that let them get healed or anything. I just give the Presence. Healing happens. When they come, I just touch and feel the energy to happen and let… I just let go. I just let the energy to do what it wants. The healing happens.


Master means, he is the man who has no thoughts, who has no mind. He is the representative of the Mahakasha. So when the Mahakasha enters into the Katakasha, it is simply flooded with energy. It’s like a big river entering into a small pool. What will happen to that dirty pool? It will simply be washed away, cleansed and fill with a new water; that is what happen exactly the same thing happens in a multi-scale way, in a very big scale way, in a very big way when a Master enters into the Katakasha. When a Master enters into the space where you live, the whole thing is totally rejuvenated, the whole thing is... the recreated. They say, the Vastu becomes Vāstu. Vastu means, your thoughts becomes Vāstu means, the place where you live. Vastu becomes Vāstu. Your thoughts only becomes the space where you live. The place is different and the space is different. Space can be… The place can be cleaned by a vacuum cleaner but the space can be cleaned only by Meditation.



From Place to Space || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 23 Jan 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: From Place to Space Date: 23 Jan 2004 Venue: Claremont, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals the subtle truths about how a place imbibes certain qualities as space (Akasha) and the Master's purifying, rejuvenating role. He reveals the secret of experiencing joy and bliss in the house, how the thoughts which we emit energize the house. He ultimately reveals that the person who has experienced He is nobody can heal and revitalize stagnant energy in any place just by the presence.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video and Audio - From Place to Space || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



“Feeling beautiful, everything is nice. The moment I step into my house the depression catches me; the depression catches me, the feeling of sickness, the feeling of sadness, feeling of sorrow catches me. Why it is Swamiji?” It is true, because it is akash, the kataakasha. kataakasha means, never think the house is a dead space. It is a living being. House is a living being, the live space, the Lakshmi, ehh about this. when they describe the Lakshmi, they say that Griha is a Lakshmi. Griha Lakshmi. The very house is a Lakshmi. The very house is a Lakshmi.


Somebody came and asked Me, “Swamiji, I wanted joy and bliss in the house, what can I do?” I told her, “You radiate joy and bliss, you give your love always to your children, your kids, speak good words, that is the best way to open the Griha Lakshmi or the Griha Lakshmi’s energy, to have the Griha Lakshmi’s energy. She said, as soon as she heard the word Griha Lakshmi she said, “Swami, shall I do Griha Lakshmi puja?” You see, Griha Lakshmi puja is perfectly alright, but what we do generally? When we enter the puja room we do puja, when we come out of the puja room we do archana to husbands. Puja to Lakshmi, archana to husband. Is it going to help? No. It is no way it is going to help.


The thoughts which you radiate, the thoughts which you emit is only going to get stored or ahhhh in a way you are energizing it, you are continuously energizing the house by your presence. It is up to you to decide whether to energise positively or negatively. Any of your thought, it is continuously its energizing your house, it’s continuously energizing your house; either positively or negatively all your thoughts are energizing.


Most of the time we have only the dis-contentment and dissatisfaction, fighting. Even if you don't fight with others, you fight with yourself... the guilt, all these thoughts only you release. So, when we release all these thoughts, naturally the whole space in which you are living, that gets totally contaminated. If the river is flowing, it’s pure and it makes others also pure; whomsoever gets into it, it makes everybody pure. If the same river becomes a small pool, what happens? First it gets unwashed and then whomsoever gets into it they also gets the same dirt on then. Same way, if the house, if it is not flowing with energy, if it is not bubbling with joy, if it is not bubbling with ecstasy, what’s happening? It is just getting, it is just becoming like a pool. All our negativity, all our vibrations are just stored.


When a master enters into the house, what happens? Master is like a Mahakasha. Mahakasha means the open sky. You are chidakasha, the space which you, in which you live, it is katakasha, the space in which you are living is like a - more or less like a pool. The master is like a Mahakasha, river. Mahakasha means the open sky. He’s the universe. The enlightened person is a universe, because he has nothing inside.


Enlight - Now you please be very clear, enlightened person has no even good thoughts inside. Don't think enlightened person has good thoughts inside. He has neither good thoughts, nor bad thoughts. He is a just emptiness. He’s just a emptiness. He is a just open sky; through him just the energy radiates. Nothing else. People come and ask Me, “Swamiji, how do you heal? Do you chant any mantra or do you make a sankalpa that they should get healed; immediately you will heal, we are getting healed? I tell them, I never do. I never make a sankalpa or I never chant any mantra. I tell you honestly, it’s a open confession. I don't think that ‘let somebody get healed.’ I never think, any disease it may be, anybody they may be, when they come and tell Me, I never think that let them get healed or anything. I just give the presence, healing happens. When they come, I just touch and feel the energy to happen. And let - I just let go. I just let the energy to do what it wants. The healing happens.


Master means, he is the man who has no thoughts, who has no mind. He is the representative of the Mahakasha. So, when the mahakasha enters into the katakasha, it is simply flooded with energy. It's like a - a big river entering into a small pool. What will happen to that dirty pool? It will be simply washed away, cleansed and filled with a new water.


That is what happened, exactly the same thing happens in a multi-scale way, in a very big scale way, in a very big way when a master enters into the katakasha. When a master enters into the space where you live, the whole thing is totally rejuvenated. The whole thing is recreated. They say the vastu becomes vaastu. Vastu means your thoughts becomes vaastu means the place where you live. Vastu becomes Vaastu. Your thoughts only becomes the space where you live. The place is different and the space is different.


Space can be - the place can be cleaned by vacuum cleaner, but the space can be cleaned only by meditation. Place can be cleaned... cleaned by a vacuum cleaner, that you know. Pay one lady 60 dollar ...she was telling Me, 60 dollar per hour. Get a... hire a lady, pay 60 dollar, give her a vacuum cleaner, she will do the whole thing. She will - she will clean the place, but the space can be cleansed only by, either by your meditation or a Master Presence, Master’s Presence. Either, only these two things only can clean the house. The people who have created enough of dirt, or have gathered enough of garbage, enough of things, if it becomes too much, then the Master’s Presence can simply burn the whole thing by a moment.


Of course, these are so subtle things, you cannot prove by logic. You can understand only by the examples. You can understand only by the step by step of understanding. It cannot be proved by the logic. I tell you, where logic ends there only great things start happening. The great things never happen under your logic. If it happens under your logic, your logic is great than that thing.


People ask Me, “Swamiji, why don't you prove the God exists, by logic? You are such a great orator, your logic is so sharp. Why don't you prove that God is existing by your logic?” I tell them, The moment I prove that God exists by logic. logic becomes bigger than God. Logic becomes bigger than God. God is bigger because He cannot be proved by your logic. He’s above your logic. Same way, these are the such a subtle truths, such a deep truths, it cannot be proved by logic. How much you try to question by your logic, you cannot understand. But, these are the great truths, whether you want it or not, whether you believe it or not, sun is going to rise in the east.


The same way, by your logic you can prove that sun never rises in the east. If you argue two hours; if you bring a great logician, in half an hour he will prove the sun is not going to rise in the east. In half an hour he will prove but wait for 8 hours, you will see the sun rises only in the east. Just like that there are few truths, which cannot be understood by logic but which are truths. That's what they say, the Rishis words, the words of the great sages, even if it cannot be proved by the logic; by experience you can prove it.


There are two types of truths: evidence based and experienced based, proof based. So, these are the truths, these are the experiences of the rishis, of the saints and seers. When the spiritual person or when the enlightened master enters into a space, just the river enters into the pool. Many people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, ahh what magic you did? So much has changed in my house, so many things have started happening in a new way. What magic did you do?” I tell them, I have not done anything, that is the magic.


Because we always do something; we always try to do something and end up with some other thing that is different!! That is different. When nobody comes, nobody means, I mean that capital letter Nobody. When nobody, Nobody means the man who has become nobody, the man who has become nobody, the man who has become akash, the man who has become ether, the man who has become enlightened; when he enters into a space, the whole space becomes spaciousness.


The chidakasha... ordinary man is chidakasha. When the man who has become mahakasha, if you became mahakasha, you are enlightened. If you are chidakasha, you see if you feel that your boundary is this, (showing to the body), you are chidakasha. If you feel your boundary is that (showing to the air), you are mahakasha. When a man, when a chidakasha which has become mahakasha, if it enters into the katakasha, the whole area is flooded with energy. The space becomes spaciousness. The space becomes spaciousness.


Again the whole thing is rejuvenated. It comes back to its original life. It comes back to its original life. That’s what they say, Teerthe kurvanti teerthinaha. When the enlightened persons enters, that place becomes a teertha. The graha Lakshmi she comes to such a ecstasy and bliss, the whole place becomes teertha; teertha means you understand? The punya kshetra, the place of pilgrimage. The person who became enlightened, when he enters into some place, he makes the whole space as a place of pilgrimage. And there is one more sutra in Bhagavata says, “When all of us go to Ganga and take bath, all our sins go to Ganga. We all get rid of sins. When enlightened persons go and take bath in Ganga, Ganga gets rid of sins.” Ganga is made holy. Ganga is made pure. Ganga gets rid of sins.


When... they ask, there is a beautiful question asked to the Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna after becoming enlightened, he goes for the teertha yatra; he goes to Varanasi, he goes to Ganga. Somebody is asking, “Why you go do all these things? You have become enlightened. Why do you go for Ganga, why do you go for Kashi?” He says, “When all the people go, they get purified. When masters go, Ganga gets purified. She, for long time she is having the stuff to be cleansed, I have to go there. It is for me to go there.” So, when the masters, when the spiritual persons land, when the spiritual persons enters into that space. The space becomes spaciousness. Katakasha becomes Mahakasha. Thank you. Let this place become Mahakasha.



From Place to Space || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 23 Jan 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: From Place to Space Q & A Date: 23 Jan 2004 Venue: Claremont, California, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam answers questions from participants on the nuances of Archavatara, the absolute power of faith and trust to make us go beyond the body, and elaborates on the role of proper puja, meditation and vastu to transform our inner and outer space.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Video - From Place to Space || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions



HDH: If you’ve got any questions, we can spend few minutes then we’ll go for filling the Chidakasha. 😃 Any question, any clarification and especially on this subject because I, many terms I, I have no time, I have not explained. If you have got any terms to, which needs little more clarification Participant: I have one question Swamiji. For example we put so many gods in our house, gods and goddesses, so how about that angle HDH: Ah, You see, when you have real respect that they are gods and goddesses, when you have the real feeling, your mind acts like a bridge to bring the Mahakasha. See the faith and the trust, trust acts like a drill bit which can bring the Mahakasha into the Katakasha. The faith and the trust, you see the faith and the trust makes you beyond this body, makes you go beyond this body, makes you the feeling of expanded, expandedness so that Murthis become alive.


Faith and trust makes the Murthis alive. If you don't have the faith and trust they are no more than a small piece of paper. Otherwise they are no more than a small piece of paper. And some of us got the faith... what type of faith you know if you pass in the exam, everything goes well. If one exam fail immediately Ganapati only will go to the road 😃 Immediately the Ganesha photo will go to the, that type of faith will not do. If you have a real feeling that gods and god, the photographs and the statues are alive, they are the embodiment of energy, they are representative of lord, then you will see, really that helps and cleanses the whole space. That surely helps and cleanses the whole space. Mmh. Because the faith and the trust has got the unique power to expand your Chidakasha. Mmh. See just that aah, faith of the Ramakrishna gave life to Kali, Dakshinamurth, Dakshineshwar Kali. Any of you had been to the Dakshineshwar Kali? Calcutta.


There’s a beautiful temple you should go and, you should go and see. You know, I, I tell you the fact, a real fact. In ahh Calcutta they put, they use the ahhh conch bangles, bangles made out of conch. Any of you are wearing? Participants: Glass bangles HDH: No, no, no, not glass, conch, conch shell. Participant: “Shankh, shankh, shankh” HDH: Shankha. You see, like this type of shankhas they cut in the crosswise and from that they make a bangles. It’ll be one piece. It’ll be one piece. It’ll not be, it cannot be broken. It’ll be one piece. Once it is broken, broken, you cannot use it... one piece. The ahhh conch shell bangles, women, they use. Somebody brought 4 bangles to be offered into the Kali, Kali’s hand, that ahhh Devi’s hand. That Devi is having one Abhaya Abhaya hastha, one Varada hastha. In another one hand the sword and one ah that Asura’s head, the cut head.


You see in this 3 hand it is easy to insert that bangle because the hands are free, empty. This hand you can remove the sword and put the bangle. This hand is having the big skull. It is, it is not possible to put the bangle inside. So the priest came and told ahhh Ramakrishna. “You see this ahh fourth hand we are not able to insert the bangle, we will put it at Her feet.” Ramakrishna came: “Why? Why? What is there?” He came directly and ahhh he went inside the ah Puja room, Garbha Mandir. When he came out the bangle was on the hand of the Kali. The Pujari asked, “Did you break it and paste it?” Ramakrishna says: “What is the need? I went and told her, “Please let the head down for few minutes. I wanted to insert the bangle.” She let the head down. I inserted it. I told her to hold it again. She is holding again. Over.” !!! You see, still now you can go and see. Ahh in North India they allow you to go and touch the Deity. In Kashi you can touch Vishvananatha directly. In North India you are allowed. You can actually see the conch bangle without any broken ah thing. It is there in the hand. That hand is also not broken. That hand is not broken. The head is not broken. The conch shell is there. The bangle is there. Still now you can see.

[00:05:01] He said, “What is it there? I went and told her: “Let the ahhh ‘open your hand’. She opened it, I inserted the bangle. I told her again ‘hold the head’. She started holding. Over.” Very simple. When you feel in that, in that way that they are alive, then they become real forms, they become real energy centers. Energy ahh the way to communicate or what I can say that ahh they are bridge, they have become bridge to the universe. And he says ahh “When it is too cold I’ll put that ahh shawl for her and feel ahh her breath her breathing whether it is hot or cold.” He says that “I will keep that small thread near ahh her nose and see whether the breath is hot or cold.” He lived with her, just lived. No question of faith or the trust, nothing; just lived. It’s verily possible. Still now you don’t know. Still now the mystery is... you see, there is no ahhh way to cut or paste and there is no mark. The conch shell, conch shell is, there is no mark, it is there and there is no mark that statue is broken, no. Things are there but ahhh bangle is there. If you have the chance to go to Calcutta, you must go and see at least that bangle and the hand. Then you can understand: Vigrahas are not Vigrahas.


In Vaishnavism there is a concept, they call it Archavatara. You see, you know the ten Avataras; these are the 10 avataras. There is a 11th avatara, archavatara, if you worship with a lot ahh real faith, lord takes the avatara of that Murthi. Whatever Murthi, whatever Murthi you worship, whether Shiva, Krishna, Rama, that's different. That Murthi, lord takes the avatara of that Murthi. It is called archavatara. Of course no logic can explain. How will you explain the conch shell entering into the hand? You cannot explain. No way. No explanation. There is a one more thing in the Madurai, Madurai Temple. In all the temple Nataraja will be lifting only the left leg and dancing. In Madurai temple you can see the right leg, right leg dancing. It is not that statue is made that way because there are early records the statue is made only with the left hand; the records are there. But suddenly overnight the leg has changed. There’s a story behind the ahh that incident. One day the ahh king of that uh place is a very devoted to the Shiva. He came and ahhh, he was giving his prayers. He was telling: “Oh Lord, only few days ago I started learning the Baratha. I know how difficult this posture is in which you are standing. For two three minutes itself it was so difficult for me. How are you standing like this in the same posture for so many years? Why don’t you at least change your legs? 😃 Why don’t you change your legs at least for our sake? Will you, don’t you feel pain?” Then immediately the response, it says that Lord has started dancing with the other leg. Of course no logic can explain. Where's the logic? And at least this incident happened long before but the Ramakrishna incident not even not 30, 40 years, some little more than that, but just in the last century so many things happened; because the trust has got the tremendous capacity to create a bridge between you and the existence, you and the universe. And never think something is a dead matter. Everything is alive energy. Everything is alive energy. Participant: “Swami, Vastu has become such a commercial, irrational thing? You know a geometrical..., is there any, I mean it is, seems like it is more... ”


HDH: The problem is you see, anything when original things comes up, the original things became popular because of duplicate things only. No duplicate things only make original things popular, more popular. So naturally the rules and the people to confuse will arise. Only thing it is up to us to decide. I can give you one tips, the basic rules regarding Nairuti and Ishanya. If that two is followed that is enough. Nothing else is necessary. Nairuti means the western and ahh west, south-west, south-west and the Ishanya means north-east. These 2 corners if it is followed that is enough. That is enough. That takes care of the whole energy because that 2 only is the mainly energy areas. And you can do a, try a small example, a small experiment.


Make pickle. The same, I think some uh particular quantity you make, that same pickle, you make it as a 3 share. Put it in 3 different jars. Keep one jar in the north-east. Keep another one in the south-east, the Agni, 3rd one in the Nairuti, ahh Nairuti the south-west. What is kept in the Ishanya will be spoiled in one week. What is kept in the Agni will stay for 2 weeks. What is kept in the Nairuti will stay for 3, 4 weeks. In the same room temperature you can keep. In the same room you keep it. You can see directly. In one room keep it in this 3 corners. You will see that this happen. Of course there is something in these energy things. Participant: “Swamiji if you have bhajans on all the time in your house, all the time in everybody… does that helps for good vibrations HDH: Ah yes, you see, surely, surely. You see Bhajans, Bhajans means you re...the very word it’s an energy. The major problem is we don't understand the word emotion. That's why I don't speak much on this bhakti and this prayer; because prayer cannot happen unless you understand, you have the glimpse of meditation. Unless you have the glimpse of energy or ecstasy you cannot have prayer. Still then whatever you do is nothing but putting applications. It is nothing to do with prayer; it's putting applications. All applications, if it is not with the proper rubber stamp, proper stamp, it goes to dustbin. The stamp is meditation. When it is, when you have not experienced something on your own, in your own field, in your own ahh being, all your prayers are nothing but the applications and few words.


Video - Purify Your Soul || Part 1 || Himalayas Yatra

Video - Purify Your Soul || Part 2 || Himalayas Yatra

Video - Purify Your Soul || Part 3 || Himalayas Yatra

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