July 03 2011

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Secrets of weight loss and anti aging 3rd July 2011


Today Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals the sacred secrets on weight losss and anto aging.

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I welcome you all with my love and respects today's subject is secrets of weight loss and anti-aging what is weight let me describe exactly what is weight accumulating more mass in your system then what you feel as you in your consciousness please understand that's all accumulating more mass in your system feeling please understand accumulating more mass in your system then what you feel as you it is something directly to do with your mind with your psychology if I have to make the whole thing simple if I have to keep the whole this weight class as simple just only one technique whole they try to breathe using your whole body that's all nothing else when you are walking sitting talking feel your whole body including your belly whole body is inhaling and exhaling visualize that that's all I can go on expanding give you hundreds of methods techniques first and most powerful thing for rate loss is more prana intake means visualizing the whole system whole body inhaling and exhaling sometimes the idea of what you carry as you that is more important powerful reason for obesity and overweight then what you eat if your idea about you is heavy please understand whenever you carry strong irritation hatred anger this kind of ngrams whatever you do you will constantly feel heavy because you feel heavy naturally your body will cooperate with that heaviness you end up becoming overweight please understand I am NOT saying being obese or overweight is a sin but all I am saying it is wrong idea you carry about you wrong memory to cherish about you the ideas you carry about you the memories you cherish about you plays a major role in your weight it is after all your body how can it add more and more weight I tell you one more reason for weight is feeling empty inside empty means again heavy so constantly you feel something need to be dumped the inside to keep you full and full I have seen the indian housewives morning when they are cooking they will have one round in the name of tasting after completing the cooking they will have one more round while they pack for their husband and kids and during the lunch one more round that's a main lunch then after that when the elders are somebody from the family comes back for food when they finish eating after that one more round whatever remains should not be wasted and number of me a dinner via jonatha food is God don't waste it this is one of the most misunderstood Sutra completely wrongly understood and interpreted Sutra foodies god don't waste it means don't waste it by putting inside the stomach but these people are understood don't waste it by dumping into the garbage of course I also say don't waste it by dumping into the garbage that does not mean your stomach is worse than a garbage can that you cannot dump it you can't choose your stomach to replace garbage can anam Bromhead Navia Johnathan's give the food only to run your body don't put more than that inside and waste your life the best eating habit I have seen in my wandering all over India is Brindavan krishna's place that is there's a small maybe in Indian Standard you can consider as a small town perfect for a bit very rarely I saw I can say practically I did not see a single individual obese even now you can go to predominance see if somebody is obese ask them they will be from other city they will be visiting I was really shocked how come this one city how did they develop this food habit when I dig I saw the religious beliefs and food habits are very closely connected I saw their religious beliefs morning when a milkman comes he comes with the same chanting roddy roddy roddy when i also serves the routine are subject to the family she is singing roddy roddy roddy you may think out chanting roddy roddy takes care of the weight loss somehow when the divinity is added to your food habits i really feel the habit of consciously eating gets developed you don't dump it i saw in Brindavan almost every individual half us the food before eating few moments he gets back to his center and connects it Krishna and Radha more with Radha than with Krishna whole Brenda and I saw Radha is worshipped more than Krishna Brindavan people's were very hungry that it Krishna ran away to Dwaraka but rather stayed back in Vrindavan taking care of all the gopi Carson gopis and giving them inspiration and intensity devotion trust and grace so Radha is felt more as a belong to person in Brindavan such a simple habit centering yourself integrating yourself before you think connecting with the higher source you may call it Radha Krishna Shiva whatever God whatever name you want to use you can use just that simple habit which does not take more than two minute runs in their life as a lifestyle because they bring themself to the awareness and integrity before eating I saw in variably the quantity of intake does not crash more than what they need the need is never crashed there are very few cities where I felt it will be so nice if I can stay here itself forever in that few cities random honest one just because of their food habit nothing else in Varanasi I wanted to stay just because of their attitude of the chalte ahead see chalta he is bad if it is based on unawareness Schalke has great if it is based on a tremendous renunciation I can say the Varanasi is based on renunciation that schemata is in the yeah every day when you see 300 dead bodies burning hundreds of dead bodies crisscrossing all over the city rom nom such a Haram noms at the harem noms at the hair the renunciation which happens in the very air penetrates your system Vedic tradition is a powerful courageous tradition did not dump this cremation and burying into the outside on car out of City and not only the nicely making a garden and decorating and giving a pseudo feeling that everything is well even there no they are very clear body is carried openly throughout the village I have seen in South Indian villages especially the body it's like almost like a celebration they will take it around for all over the village and finally openly cremate and the rituals goes on for 13 days I can say secret of weight classes integrating your mind before eating get back to consciousness the biggest problem we have is only during the heating we have that mood of Larry King show I used to decent words there are some other shows forgot the name Jerry's finger only before heating you get into the mood of Jerry Springer Show in India's fear and ibn Andre I started Syria Marat Safin his name that is the time you get the mood of making fun or talking about anything in the world especially the chatting moon see talking about others is such a joy really I could see first thing that eating time should become contemplative and meditative the time you spend to put the food inside is equivalent to the time you take to meditate see when you meditate you put consciousness inside thoughts its awakens consciousness inside same way well you put it put the food you are putting something which will be the shell of your consciousness so you need to understand while you are feeding your body you are creating a shell for your consciousness bringing awareness to that eating process does the real weight-loss bringing awareness to the food and eating action is the root of weight loss second and th what is aging aging is nothing but collecting engrams from your experiences and moment of time over your consciousness if you stop collecting bits and pieces from the passing of time over your consciousness see the bits and pieces you collect from your food and keep it in your intestine becomes fat that is responsible for weight overweight and the bits and pieces you collect mentally from the conscious passing of time and experiences in your life is what is called samskaara that is responsible for ageing the unnecessary mints to collect from your food and keep it in your intersting he's fat and responsible for weight the unnecessary thoughts you collect from you are life and past and keep it in your mind and cherish them are called samskaras responsible for aging aging does not happen based on the number of years you lived in your body no it is based on your responses to experience if you stop experiences causing some scars in your system if you can be aware then there will not be any aging please understand I am not selling theories in both line weight loss and aging I have created experiential program programs for weight loss and anti-aging I have helped thousands to grow younger if not relaxed and to lose the weight so whatever I am claiming are great scientific truths the mitochondria cell energy new when it is increased the first thing happens is you stop accumulating some samscaras from happening you start living more aware life life with more consciousness life with more intelligence life which is growing younger young kriya is the direct technique for not retaining small small bits from your food the unnecessary parts from your food like fat and cholesterol and not keeping the memories from your life like some samskaras young kriya can dissolve your cholesterol and samskaras both because it works on prana which connects body and mind if it is only yoga works on body it will reduce the fat if it is only meditation works on mind reduce the engrams young kriya is a powerful process which is yoga meditation together will boil and burn the fat and engrams