June 03 2020

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Evolution Through Non-Violence || Paramashivoham S5 || Seminars Focusing on the Truths || Krishna Bhava Darshan


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Five Statements if You Understand, You Will Not Have Death during a special Courtyard Session. His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained that the existence of Paramashiva and the Being of Paramashiva, are one and the same in their manifest and unmanifest states. KAILASA's Department of Information Broadcasting, in collaboration with SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations for Peacekeeping, aimed at eradicating violence and promoting peace, also telecasted the Nithyananda Satsang on Reviving Hinduism - Not By Revolution, But by Evolution - Through Non-Violence. HDH revealed, “I will revive Hinduism. I am a Hindu Revivalism, not by any revolution but by evolution and setting model communities - KAILASA Enlightenment Ecosystem, Sarvajnapeethas , all over the world.” HDH worked further on raising the Consciousness of the delegates by bestowing them with the Krishna Bhava Darshan for the day.

Contributing to over 108 humanitarian causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 5, Day 12 of Paramashivoham. One of the highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Power Manifestation, today being the Powers of the Manipura Chakra.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA, conducted a series of seminars focusing on the Truths of the Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Leadership Consciousness, Sri Guru Gita and Sarvaparityaga as revealed by HDH inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.


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3 JUNE 2020

(00:16) >>>inaudible<<< there was intense revelations in Me … to be shared with you all. I’ll share these five statements. Ask all questions about these five statements, and have Vakyartha Sadas for next forty eight hours. Literally you will get enlightened. You will manifest powers just by doing Vakyartha Sadas on these five statements. I will now express that five statements.

(01:12) First statement, listen. If there can be second, there is infinity. If there is a second fish, the possibility for infinite fishes is there. If there is a second cow, the possibility for infinite number of cows are there. If there is a second human being, the possibility for infinite number of human beings are there. If there is a second ... for anything, it is infinity...the possibility for infinity exists. This is the first statement.

(02:08) Second, please listen carefully. Each one of you are universe. I’ll tell you each one of you, each one of you, I can read out the names - Bhanu, Srilakshmi Devineni, Uma Balaji, Vedaswaroopananda, Vinesh Rathore. I am seeing each one of you. Listen. Each one of you are universe. This is the second statement. Understand. Ask all questions you want to ask about these five statements after I finish making. Now listen and internalize. Each one of you are a universe.

(03:41) Third statement: all of you have the seeking for something unique only you have. All of you, deep in your heart believe there is something unique only you have and seek that, search for that, try to discover that, try to find that. This is the third statement. Listen, all of you by your nature, by your simple existence - you are searching for what is unique in you, what makes you the ultimate, unique, which nobody else has, only you have? All of you have confidence that there is something only you have, others don’t have. And all of you are seeking what is that. This is the third statement.

(05:02) Listen. The fourth statement: what is in you that is seeking your uniqueness - That is unique. Means, your consciousness is unique only for yourself. Fourth statement: your consciousness is unique only for yourself. Now, listen to the second statement: each one of you are universe. Listen to the fourth statement: your consciousness is unique to yourself, which no one has it.

(05:57) Now listen to the fifth statement. Listen to the fifth statement. This can make you enlighten just like that, just by doing Vakyartha Sadas. Listen to this fifth statement. All of you please sit straight and bring your whole attention, so that you listen to the fifth statement thoroughly. Each one of you are universe’s. You have your consciousness which is unique which no one else has, only you have. The unique consciousness you have is only one, and universe you have is infinite. This infinite and this one, is one and the same. The multiple multiverses, … only one consciousness you have, are both one and the same. Listen to the fifth statement. Multiple universes, I should say multiverses, and the unique consciousness you alone have is one and the same. Understand. Listen intensely, ... this fifth statement, understand.

(08:12) Just these five statement if you understand, you don’t have death. Eh, I am Paramashiva, I am telling you, I am here to give you ultimate immortal life in a very simple way. I tell you, immortal life is not difficult. It is just small few understandings and keys I have to insert in you. So when you are about to leave the body through natural death, those keys will open up. There is a automatic system, just will connect with you with that higher understanding, higher existence, where you and Me are one and the same. I am just doing that connection of spiritual umbilical cord now through these five statements, five understanding. See, you are a universe. Listen. If you want, quickly run and get your kids and pets. Even if they don’t understand, if they get initiated, they can get enlightened. So just get your kids and pets and make them sit.

(09:44) All others sincerely listen. Listen sincerely. Each one of you are a separate universe. Each one of you have unique consciousness. Listen. Each one of you are universe. You may think then; what is special about me. Why am I existing? What is the purpose of my existence? Each one of you search for your uniqueness. Whether you earn money or build body or build relationships, or manifest powers, anything you do - it is your search for your uniqueness. Inside you are programmed to search for your uniqueness. And by your very existence, you try to find your uniqueness. So, what is it that is unique in you? Actually who is searching? That there is something in you which is searching your uniqueness. That is unique for you. That consciousness is unique for you.

11:54 And, this fifth statement is the most important statement. It is beyond paradoxical. It is beyond paradoxical. Listen, if you actually meditate and do Vakyartha Sadas on this statement, not only you will get en, get enlightened, you will manifest whatever you want in the life, because the part of your brain which is responsible for Ishvaratva, getting whatever you want - that part of the brain will be kindled by this fifth truth, listen. The fifth truth, listen. The consciousness you have, which tries to search your uniqueness, whether you eat pizza, and taste, enjoy some taste, or you acquire money and build some identity, or you gain name and fame, anything you do - you are searching for your uniqueness. That which searches your uniqueness in you is your uniqueness. That is your consciousness. And, listen to the fifth statement. Your consciousness and all each one’s universe is one and the same. Infinite number of universes, and your unique consciousness is one and the same. This is the fifth statement. Understand.


Understand, forty eight hours Paramashiva has pinned these English words, mapped one of the greatest truth through My system to be delivered to all of you. Just meditate on these five statements. Do Vakyartha Sadas on these five statements. The consciousness only you have, and the universes each one has - both are one and the same. Listen. Listen to the conclusion. Conclusion: existence of Paramashiva, being of Paramashiva, identity of Paramashiva - all three are one and the same in their manifest and unmanifest states. Same way, your unique consciousness, only which you have, and the universes each one of you have, is one and the same.

(17:22) Now, … just sit. Don’t think only you are not able to understand. Actually if you understood all the statements I made, you have not heard it properly. If you hear it properly, you will understand it’s not related to binary logic. It’s cosmic logic. It’s cosmology. It’s cosmic logic. Now listen. Now listen. Don’t worry whether you understood or not. I will make this, all these five statements and the sixth conclusion as a energy ball and throw it inside you now. That will go inside and get digested intensely. Understand, like the medicines a child need to be given, mother will take that medicine and give her breast milk so that child gets that medicine. That is actually, it’s a Indian traditional typical way of giving medicines. A child, mother will be given Ayurvedic medicines which child need to take. After the baby is born, after certain days, that mother will be given those Ayurvedic medicines. Because that medicine will be digested by mother, and it will be given to the child in the form, suitable form the child can digest. Same way, now I digested this whole great truths, I’ll make them as a energy ball and put it on you so you can just digest it, and internalize it. Listen. Just sit now. I’ll throw these five truths, and the sixth conclusion into your system as a energy ball. Digest it.

(19:33) Next forty eight hours do left, right, center Vakyartha Sadas on each of these statements. Understand this, each of these statements, and the sixth conclusion, all the five statement and sixth conclusion. Do Vakyartha Sadas on it left, right, center. When you do Vakyartha Sadas on these statements, these statements will awaken the brain, non-mechanical parts of your brain which is responsible for the power of Ishvaratva - manifesting whatever you want.


Swamiji starts the initiation (45:09)

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