June 19 2020

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Cosmic Principle of Enlightenment ll Paramashivoham S-6 ll Ashta Ashta Bhairava Darshan.ll


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle of Enlightenment during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. HDH also received all delegates and blessed them with an intense initiation during the Courtyard Session with many revelations from Lord Kalabhairava. The Darshan for today was Ashta Bhairava Bhava Darshan.

Contributing to over 108 Humanitarian Causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 6, Day 12 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Power Manifestation, today being the Power of Levitation.

Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on Truths of Enlightenment, Shiva Sutras, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Siddhi vs Shaktis and Smaranath Mukthi with activities and techniques, as revealed by HDH inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.

Additional Video(s)



19 JUNE 2020

I will expand on process to initiate all of you to solar eclipse

So listen

First let me give you all the revelations and explanations

Maha bhairava is the lord of the initiation I am going to give solar eclipse day

I am just going to prepare all of you with this initiation with more and more clarity and powerful cognitions this time one fortunate thing international yoga day and solar eclipse is both on same day we will observing both on same day

Both are on 21 june

So all of you be prepared for both

Gangadharananda start memorizing Chandi - start memorizing all slokas of Chandi homa - 700 slokas, bhagavad gita, upanishads start memorizing

Original brahma sutra is 700 sloka

We got only 555

Vyasa himself says is 700 sloka

Gangadhara start memorizing these three

I will explain some revelations from Kalabhairava

Today I am going to give you the process through which I am going to initiate all of you in surya grahana day

When I give you mantra on that day it will just like that manifest

Lata and Aravind from indiana wedding anniversary blessings

I will be with you, you will be with me

In hatha yoga 64 mudras, anyone who will be able to do these will be beyond gender, beyond consciousnes

Balasanths put the padmasana without touching the leg

Show your camera

I want to see you are doing without touching the leg

All balasanths will be yogis

Tradition says we live by begging

Live as kings of the universe

Externally mandated us by varana all of us because all of us learning to teach enlightenment science

Atmavidya are studying

We are atmavidya

Paramashiva mandates that we live by begging

To continue to depend on society

We should keep our body as yogic body

We shoud be yogis

Very ricch sattvic food

Neem juice, sesame food, jaggery made out of palm tree juice, rich food, very mineral rich iron rich, take all this rich food

Cator oil rich food

Modern day rich food means shit

In hindu tradition means very healthy

Very active

Very alive

24 hours i can sit in same posture

And think in absolute unclutched way

Whatever action is needed to be performed

Coming down

All the balsanths should know we are brahmanas are by varana

By varana we are brahmanas

We are all brahmacharis

By ashrama we are brahmachari

That is your varana ashrama

You should all eat very rich food

Lots of fruits

Fruit also we should make it as juice

Shutting the vaak

No restlessness

Gym body is good for others to enjoy

Yogic body build conscious yogic mind

Raise the quality of consciousness in which you exist

You should have set aside 2-3 hours of puja

Remaining 22 hours you will be so productive

I am talking to my inheritor

I will not lie to you

Spend two hours a day doing puja

Remaining 22 hours you will be in such high consciousness

You will divide in 2 hours

Morning Mid day noon Evening one sandhya Midnight one sandhya

1 2hour 2 1 hour 4 0.5 hour

Spend 2 hours in puja

Talk to paramashiva

Talk to Guru



Nothing wrong

Sit with him

How will you be

Sit like that

Spend 2 hours a day

So much of turiya state

All violence will melt down

If you build up anger and violence even small small wayas

Never build violence

Enmity Fire


Dont leave even little bit of this 3 it may grow and destroy you

2 hours a day puja

Will make your whole day in turiya, high state

Through puja living in high state is atma bodham

To raise your consciousness and manifest powers very powerful way

Puja is the best way

Everything is happy You are blessed

Anything you see you will blame everything

Start completing drop the violence Drop the irritation Feel happy with everything

Bring more and more completion Non violence

Happiness I am going to teach you process from kalabhairava

Cosmos is a fire

Paramashiva is the fire

In the Paramabrahmagni

Your body inside outside is burning

In strong nuclear force called paramashiva

The mantra we chant during maheshwara puja

Brahman -- Everything is offered to brahman

Parabrahman Parashakti See very clearly in paramashiva agni the strong nuclear force we are just burning churning

Sit in padmasana No restlessness Burn your whole being in cosmic fire Burn all your anger, violence, incompletions Prepare yourself along with me

Initiations is for all of you also

Or sit in siddhasana

Cognize Four natural forces, actually there are 16 Gravitational force Weak nuclear force Strong nuclear force Electromagnetic force Visualize you are burning in this strong nuclear force Video Link

Dont chant

Visualize your whole body mind is burning

I am going to connect you to shiva surya

All the internal pressures, false anger, ego, violence inside you dont understand wherever you go suffocation is not inside, it is outside


Few minutes break

Drink cup of coffee

I am going to be here only

Then again i will restart

See corona was not going to be leading cause of death

It is wake up call Start aligning towards consciousness based lifestyle

Lets stop this non veg lifestyle

Unconsciousness decisions forced on us

Let us liberate ourself from that


Spend little time in studying bhagavad gita book i wrote

Much better is reading book I wrote

In satsang i have not exokained 700 verses

Lot of questions I have answered

Spend time in studying bhagavad gita book I wrote

Spend time in yoga

After all whole world is locked down

Nothing to do

Dont expect locked down to be released any time sooner

Working from home will become lifestyle culture


Pre corona worried

If you are awake 100 hours a week you are awake

If you are interacting with the world

Post corona world 80 hours you are going to be with digital screen

Build consciousness That is the best strength you can build

When you are young you should learn to be in samadhi

When your body is collapsing you can leave in samadhi

In young age you came to right place

When you are young

When you are energetic

Science of samadhi

Leave beautifully in samadhi

So all the balasanths

Memorize whole book here.

Balasanths memorize

Ekasantha graha

Just repeat verbatim

It is posible

I will give as power

These conscious powers that is going to be only strength asset for life

All other things

Our rishis even 1 million more

I will read out the exact graha positions

< > Major happenings i will give astrology preditioncs alos


You should roll the mutthu and cognize your spine is rotating intense strong nuclear force is exploding from the spine

I am adding one more visualization

I said cognize today cognize only spine is getting rotated

Get the mutthu in your hand


Spine is getting rotated

Visualze intense strong nuclear power is exploding in billions exploding in your spine



Read the book without opening

One should read page 750

Other balasanths should focus on downloading

Third eye

First level powers

And you can continue with your sessions

I willcontinue and expand and initiate

I will spend little time with balasanths Be blissful

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