KAILASA HOUSTON, USA - Sarvajnapeetam

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KAILASA HOUSTON, USA - Sarvajnapeetam

Kailasa Details
City USA
State Texas
Country USA
Postal Code 77077
Phone Number +1 8326712633
Email -
Website vedictemplehouston.org
Social Media Facebook.com/nithyanandahouston

Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Hindu Temple Houston serves as a place of worship, meditation & celebration (to raise our inner consciousness). With the blessings of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, the Houston Aadheenam was consecrated through Prana Pratishta (sacred energizing process) on Feb 24th, 2017, Maha Shivaratri Day. Here, the traditional Agama Shastras are authentically followed.

“A Navagraha Dosha Parihara Sthala and a Temple for Enlightenment.”

The Houston Aadheenam is a Parihara Stala (a sacred place that removes malicious effects) for all the Navagraha (embodiment of the nine planetary energies) Doshas. During the Grand Opening and Kumbha Abhishekam of the Temple, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam blessed that the temple will radiate the special energy of Navagraha dosha shanti. All the Navagraha Doshas will be removed for the visitors and devotees of the temple.

The presiding deity of the temple, Sri Nithyanandeshwara, is a replica of Sri Kalahasteeswara, the main deity of the Sri Kalahasti Temple in India. The Linga adorns the Navagraha Kavacha, nine steps representing the Navagrahas (nine planets).


Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Hindu Temple Houston, named after Kalahasti (ancient Indian shrine in the state of Andhra Pradesh), has a 6 foot Shiva Linga – a replica of the Kalahasti Shiva Linga, also known as Vayu Linga (representing wind energy). The Shiva Linga will protect people in and around Houston from all forms of air-related natural calamities such as hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. This temple also helps people complete with the energies of the planets Rahu and Kethu which significantly influence the direction and lives of people.

Events List

Details of all the events/rituals/celebrations performed at KAILASA HOUSTON, USA are listed below by years.

Click the links to check the details.

Calendar Icon.png 2020

Calendar Icon.png 2019