KAILASA SINGAPORE - Sarvajnapeetam

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KAILASA SINGAPORE - Sarvajnapeetam

Kailasa Details
City Singapore
State Singapore
Country Singapore
Postal Code 218649
Phone Number +6592772656
Email Lifebliss.singapore@gmail.com
Website NA
Social Media https://www.facebook.com/SingaporeNithyanandaSangha/

‘Kailasa in Singapore’ is at the helm of Hinduism in the regions across the Chinese belt – China, Korea, Hongkong, Taiwan and the neighboring regions. It is the easiest access to practicing Hindus across these regions. Ritualistic practices such as Yoga, Padapuja, Jnanalaya puja, weekend Gurukul, Friday Lakshmi Puja, Nithya Dhyan Yoga and celebration of festivals on a grander scale make Kailasa in Singapore a dynamic powerhouse of Hinduism. The beautiful temple, houses the most artistically carved, well-maintained, powerful deities. 1. Mahaganapthy, whose Prana Pradhista was done by HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji) in 2015, graces us with his presence at the entrance of the temple. He breaks all our obstacles and makes our patterns redundant so as to keep us focused on our higher spiritual goals as we enter the temple. 2. Standing tall and graceful as the three main deities – Nithyanandeswara, Nithyanandeswari and Nithyananda are adorned from head to toe with Raja alankaram throughout the year. Together with their mystical smile and the powerful presence offer complete bliss and transformation to all seekers. 3. The temple also hosts Goddess Prathyangira Devi, the beautiful and powerful Devi who is the dispeller of negative energies. She is worshipped on Amavasya with abhisekam and chants. She is also the Goddess who removes black magic, spells and effects of evil eye. 4. Goddess Rajarajeswari, the graceful and compassionate Queen, sits on her Raja Simhasana as Maharagni, the Cosmic Mother. All the pujas, alankarams, naivedyam, nrityas, keerthans and all the very best are offered to her during the 9 days of Navaratri where she graces as Mahalakshmi, MahaSaraswathi and MahaDurga. 5. As the epitome of all Devis in one form, MahaMeru is worshipped and offered abhisekam and Kumkum archana during Lakshmi pujas, Lalitha Puja, Sri Chakra Puja and worship of Divine feminine consciousness. 6. The stunning Nithyanandeswari, a physical smaller version of the main deity, brings complete tranquility and silence, enabling one to access the deeper core of their Being. 7. The presence of powerful deity like Chakrathalwar, who is the personified deification of Lord Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra, coupled with Lord Narasimha gracing from the other direction, offers a unique form of Advaita in Dvaita form. With a bevy of powerful deities catering to the different sampradayas of Shaivaites, Vaishnavities and Shaaktha, Kailasa in Singapore is created, sustained and blessed with the complete grace of our most beloved powerful Guru, HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam and is regarded as a punya kshetra.


Paramashiva as Nithyanandeshwara together with other 2 main deities was gifted by HDH in 2004 to Singapore aadheenam.

Nithyanandeshwari as Parashakti radiates very powerful energy in Singapore aadheenam. We offer mainly Devi pujas in Singapore aadheenam.

Swamiji's moorthy together with Paramashiva & Parashakti are the 3 presiding deities.

This granite stone Ganapathi was inherited from another temple. Swamiji did the prana pradhista to it in 2005. Lord Ganesha, the God of intellect & knowledge who breaks all obstacles in our life and paves the way to a Prosperous Fulfilling life.

Devi in the most ferocious form as Prathyangira Devi who removes fear and subdues enemies who act against the good. She clears confusions and stress and gives clarity. She enhances will power and confidence of the person performing the puja. She develops high intuition to know the dangers before they appear and clears all hurdles and keeps us in perpetual completion.

Another powerful deity with lion head who radiates strong energy.

Nithyananda in limestone.

Events List

Details of all the events/rituals/celebrations performed at KAILASA SINGAPORE are listed below by years.

Click the links to check the details.

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