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PRAMANA:Sākśī Pramāṇa - साक्षी प्रमाण


"When I am sitting in Padmasana or Sukhasana, remembering Swamiji, I feel the benefit of this mudra intensly. When applying Mahamudra, my attention turns automatically inward and afterwards, for a long time, I feel very expansive in the body and breath. Ma Nithya Nirishvarananda, Yoga Acharya, Miami"

Practice of Mahamudra


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Dhyana-bindu Upanisad (91-93)

Original Verse: "शोधनं मलजालानां घटनं चन्द्रसूर्ययोः ॥ ९१ ॥ रसानां शोषणं सम्यङ् महामुद्राभिधीयते ॥ ९२ ॥ वक्षोन्यस्तहनुर्निपीड्य सुषिरं योनेश्च वामाङ्घ्रिणा हस्याभ्यामनुधारयन् प्रविततं पादं तथा दक्षिणम् । आपूर्य श्वसनेन कुक्षियुगलं बध्वा शन्ऐ रेचयेदेषा पातकनाशिनी ननु महामुद्रा नृणां प्रोच्यते ॥ ९३ ॥"

Transliteration: "śodhanaṃ malajālānāṃ ghaṭanaṃ candrasūryayoḥ ॥ 91 ॥ rasānāṃ śoṣaṇaṃ samyaṅ mahāmudrābhidhīyate ॥ 92 vakṣonyastahanurnipīḍya suṣiraṃ yoneśca vāmāṅghriṇā hasyābhyāmanudhārayan pravitataṃ pādaṃ tathā dakṣiṇam | āpūrya śvasanena kukṣiyugalaṃ badhvā śanai recayedeṣā pātakanāśinī nanu mahāmudrā nṛṇāṃ procyate ॥ 93 ॥"

Translation: The cleansing (with the Pranayama) of the heaps of impurities (in the Nadis), the bringing about of the union between the Moon and the Sun, the complete drying up of the Rasas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), is known as the Maha-mudra. With the chin laid on the chest, pressing the abyss of the genitals with the left foot, holding with the two hands the outstretched right leg, filling with breath the pair of bellies and holding it up, one should slowly expel it. This indeed is said to be the sin-destroying Maha-mudra for men.

Apta Pramana Source: Haṭharatnāvalī Ch.II.37- 42

Original Verse: " पादमूलेन वामेन योनिं सम्पीड्य दक्षिणम् ॥ पादं प्रसारितं कृत्वा कराभ्यां पूरयेन्मुखम् ॥ कङ्ठे बन्धं समारोप्य पूरयेद्वायुमूर्ध्वतः ॥ ३७ II यथा दण्डाहतः सर्पो दण्डाकारः प्रजायते ॥ ऋज्वीभूता तथा शक्तिः कुण्डली सहजा भवेत् ॥३८॥ तथा सा मरणावस्था जायते द्विपुटीस्थिता ॥ ३९ ॥ अपि भुक्तं विषं घोरं पीयूषमिव जीर्यते ॥ ४० ॥ क्षयकुष्ठगुदावर्तगुल्माजीर्णपुरोगमाः ॥ दोषाः सर्वे क्षयं यान्ति महामुद्रां तु यो`भ्यसेत् ॥ ४१ ॥ कथितेयं महामुद्रा जरामृत्युविनाशिनी ॥ गोपनीया प्रयत्नेन न देया यस्य कस्यचित् ॥ ४२ ॥"

Transliteration: "pādamūlena vāmena yoniṃ sampīḍya dakṣiṇam ll pādaṃ prasāritaṃ kṛtvā karābhyāṃ pūrayenmukham ll kaṅṭhe bandhaṃ samāropya pūrayedvāyumūrdhvataḥ ll 37 ll yathā daṇḍāhataḥ sarpo daṇḍākāraḥ prajāyate ll ṛjvībhūtā tathā śaktiḥ kuṇḍalī sahajā bhavet ll 38 ll tathā sā maraṇāvasthā jāyate dvipuṭīsthitā ll 39 ll na hi pathyamapathyaṃ vā rasāḥ sarve´pi nīrasāḥ ll api bhuktaṃ viṣaṃ ghoraṃ pīyūṣamiva jīryate ll 40 ll kṣayakuṣṭhagudāvartagulmājīrṇapurogamāḥ ll doṣāḥ sarve kṣayaṃ yānti mahāmudrāṃ tu yo`bhyaset ll 41 ll kathiteyaṃ mahāmudrā jarāmṛtyuvināśinī ll gopanīyā prayatnena na deyā yasya kasyacit ll 42 ll"

Translation: "Press the perineum with the left heel, extend the right leg and hold it with both the hands, inhale the air and apply jālandhara bandha and retain the air in the upper region. 37

Kuṇḍalī śakti becomes straight, just as a snake hit by a stick, becomes straight. 38

This brings about the cessation of the functioning of the two nāḍīs. (iḍā and piṅgalā). 39

For such a person, there is nothing like recommended or prohibited food. All that is tasteless becomes tasty. Even deadliest poison is digested like milk. 40

All the ailments like consumption, skin disease, constipation, glandular enlargement, indigestion and many others are cured by the practice of Mahāmudrā. 41

Mahāmudrā removes old age and fear from death. Therefore, it should be carefully guarded and should not be imparted to all and sundry. 42"

Mahamudra - Awakening The Vital Air


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Sandilyopanishad (7, 42-2)

Original Verse: "वामपादमूलेन योनिं संपीड्य दक्षिणपादं प्रसार्य तं कराभ्यां धृत्वा नासाभ्यां वायुमापूर्य कण्ठबन्धं समारोप्योर्ध्वतो वायुं धारयेत् । तेन सर्वक्लेशहानिः । ततः पीयूषमिव विषं जीर्यते । क्षयगुल्मगुदावर्तजीर्णत्वगादिदोषा नश्यन्ति । एष प्राणजयोपायः सर्वमृत्यूपघातकः ॥ ४२-२ ॥"

Transliteration: "vāmapādamūlena yoniṃ saṃpīḍya dakṣiṇapādaṃ prasārya taṃ karābhyāṃ dhṛtvā nāsābhyāṃ vāyumāpūrya kaṇṭhabandhaṃ samāropyordhvato vāyuṃ dhārayet | tena sarvakleśahāniḥ | tataḥ pīyūṣamiva viṣaṃ jīryate | kṣayagulmagudāvartajīrṇatvagādidoṣā naśyanti | eṣa prāṇajayopāyaḥ sarvamṛtyūpaghātakaḥ ॥ 42-2 ॥"

Translation: "Pressing the genitals with the left heel, stretching the right leg and holding it by both hands, in-filling the vital air through the nostrils, having brought about the Kantha-bandha (constriction of the throat), (the Yogin) should hold the vital air (in Kumbhaka) from above.

By doing so, all troubles vanish. Thereafter, poison will be easily assimilated as nectar. Consumption, dyspepsia, constipation, affections of the skin and other ailments perish. This is the means to be employed for conquering the vital air and for the destruction of all forms of death."

Success in Yoga through Mahamudra


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.16-17

Original Verse: "अथ महामुद्राकथनम् । महामुद्रां प्रवक्ष्यामि तन्त्रेऽस्मिन्मम वल्ल्भे । यां प्राप्य सिद्धाः सिद्धिं च कपिलाद्याः पुरागताः ॥ १६ ॥ अपसव्येन संपीड्य पादमूलेन सादरम् । गुरुपदेशतो योनिं गुदमेढ्रान्तरालगाम् ॥ सव्यं प्रसारितं पादं धृत्वा पाणियुगेन वै । नवद्वाराणि संयम्य चिबुकं हृदयोपरि ॥ चित्तं चित्तपथे दत्त्वा पाभवेद्वायुसाधनम् । महामुद्राभवेदेषा सर्वतन्त्रेषु गोपिता ॥ वामाङ्गेन समभ्यस्य दक्षाङ्गेनाभ्यसेत्पुनः प्राणायामं समं कृत्वा योगी नियतमानसः ॥ १७ ॥"

Transliteration: "atha mahāmudrākathanam । mahāmudrāṃ pravakṣyāmi tantre'sminmama vallbhe । yāṃ prāpya siddhāḥ siddhiṃ ca kapilādyāḥ purāgatāḥ ॥ 16 ॥ apasavyena saṃpīḍya pādamūlena sādaram । gurupadeśato yoniṃ gudameḍhrāntarālagām ॥ savyaṃ prasāritaṃ pādaṃ dhṛtvā pāṇiyugena vai । navadvārāṇi saṃyamya cibukaṃ hṛdayopari ॥ cittaṃ cittapathe dattvā pābhavedvāyusādhanam । mahāmudrābhavedeṣā sarvatantreṣu gopitā ॥ vāmāṅgena samabhyasya dakṣāṅgenābhyasetpunaḥ prāṇāyāmaṃ samaṃ kṛtvā yogī niyatamānasaḥ ॥ 17 ॥"

Translation: "My dearest, I shall now describe to you the Mahamudra, from whose knowledge the ancient sages Kapila and others obtained success in Yoga. 16. In accordance with the instructions of the Guru, press gently the perineum with the heel of the left foot. Stretching the right foot out, hold it fast by the two hands. Having closed the nine gates (of the body), place the chin on the chest. Then concentrate the vibrations of the mind and inspire air and retain it by kumbhaka (so long as one can comfortably keep it). This is the Mahamudra, held secret in all the Tantras. The steady-minded Yogi, having practiced it on the left side should then practice it on the right side; and in all cases must be firm in pranayama – the regulation of his breath.17"

On Maha Mudra, Effect and Benefits


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.18

Original Verse: "अनेन विधिना योगी मन्दभाग्योपि सिध्यति। सर्वासामेव नाडीनां चालनं बिन्दुमारणम् ॥ जीवनन्तु कषायस्य पातकानां विनाशनम् । सवरोगोपशमनं जठराग्निविवर्धनम् ॥ वपुषा कान्तिममलां जरामृत्युविनाशनम् । वांछितार्थफलं सौख्यमिन्द्रियाणाञ्च मारनणम् ॥ एतदुक्तानि सर्वाणि योगारूढस्य योगिनः । भ्वेदभ्यासताऽवश्यं नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥ १८ ॥"

Transliteration: "anena vidhinā yogī mandabhāgyopi sidhyati। sarvāsāmeva nāḍīnāṃ cālanaṃ bindumāraṇam ॥ jīvanantu kaṣāyasya pātakānāṃ vināśanam । savarogopaśamanaṃ jaṭharāgnivivardhanam ॥ vapuṣā kāntimamalāṃ jarāmṛtyuvināśanam । vāṃchitārthaphalaṃ saukhyamindriyāṇāñca māranaṇam ॥ etaduktāni sarvāṇi yogārūḍhasya Yoginaḥ । bhvedabhyāsatā'vaśyaṃ nātra kāryā vicāraṇā ॥ 18 ॥"

Translation: In this way, even the most unfortunate Yogi might obtain success. By this means all the vessels of the body are roused and stirred into activity; life is increased and its decay is checked, and all sins destroyed. All diseases are healed, and the gastric fire is increased. It gives faultless beauty to the body, and destroys decay and death. All fruits of desire and pleasure are obtained, and the senses are conquered. The Yogi fixed in meditation acquires all the above-mentioned things, through practice. There should be no hesitation in doing so. 18

Yogi Crosses the Ocean of World/Life through Maha Mudra


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.19

Original Verse: "गोपनीय प्रयत्नेन मुद्रेयंसुरपूजिते । यां तु प्राप्य भवाम्भोधेः पारं गच्छन्ति योगिनः ॥ १९ ॥"

Transliteration: "gopanīya prayatnena mudreyaṃsurapūjite । yāṃ tu prāpya bhavāmbhodheḥ pāraṃ gacchanti Yoginaḥ ॥ 19 ॥"

Translation: O ye worshipped of the Gods! know that this mudra is to be kept secret with the greatest care. Obtaining this, the Yogi crosses the ocean of the world.

Maha Mudra - Granter of all Desires to Practitioner, Should be Kept Secret


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.20

Original Verse: "मुद्रा कामदुधा ह्येषा साधकानां मयोदिता । गुप्ताचारेण कर्तव्या न देया यस्य कस्यचित् ॥ २० ॥"

Transliteration: "mudrā kāmadudhā hyeṣā sādhakānāṃ mayoditā । guptācāreṇa kartavyā na deyā yasya kasyacit ॥ 20 ॥"

Translation: This Mudra, described by me, grants practitioners their every desire. It should be practiced in secrecy, and ought never to be given to everybody.

Description of Maha Mudra


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.10

Original Verse: "अथ महामुद्रा पादमूलेन वामेन योनिम् सम्पीद्य दक्स्हिनाम्प्र सारितम् पदम् क्र्त्वा कराभ्याम् धारयेद्द्र्धम्"

Transliteration: "Atha mahāmudrā Pādamūlena vāmena yonim sampīdya dakshinām Prasāritam padam krtvā karābhyām dhārayeddrdham"

Translation: Pressing the Yoni (perineum) with the heel of the left foot, and stretching forth the right foot, its toe should be grasped by the thumb and first finger.

Description of Maha Mudra and Kundalini Awakening


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.11

Original Verse: "कन्थे बन्धम् समारोप्य धारयेद्वायुमूर्ध्वतह्य था दन्दहतह् सर्पो दन्दाकारह् प्रजायते र्ज्वीभूता तथा शक्तिह् कुन्दली सहसा भवेत्त दा सा मरनावस्था जायते द्विपुताश्रया"

Transliteration: "Kanthe bandham samāropya dhārayedvāyumūrdhvatah Yathā dandahatah sarpo dandākārah prajāyate Rjvībhūtā tathā śaktih kundalī sahasā bhavet Tadā sā maranāvasthā jāyate dviputāśrayā"

Translation: By stopping the throat (by Jâlandhara Bandha) the air is drawn in from the outside and carried down. Just as a snake struck with a stick becomes straight like a stick, in the same way, śakti (susumnâ) becomes straight at once. Then the Kundalinî, becoming as it were dead, and, leaving both the Idâ and the Pingalâ, enters the susumnâ (the middle passage).

Instruction on Breath in Maha Mudra


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.12

Original Verse: "ततह् शनैह् शनैरेव रेछयेन्नैव वेघतह्म हामुद्राम् छ तेनैव वदन्ति विबुधोत्तमाह्"

Transliteration: "Tatah śanaih śanaireva rechayennaiva veghatah Mahāmudrām cha tenaiva vadanti vibudhottamāh"

Translation: It should be expelled then, slowly only and not violently. For this very reason, the best of the wise men call it the Mahâ mudrâ.This Mahâ mudrâ has been propounded by great Masters.

Benefits of Maha Mudra


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Sucre: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.13

Original Verse: "इयम् खलु महामुद्रा महासिद्धैह् प्रदर्शिताम्महाक्लेशादयो दोस्हाह् क्स्हीयन्ते मरनादयह्म हामुद्राम् छ तेनैव वदन्ति विबुधोत्तमाह्"

Transliteration: "Iyam khalu mahāmudrā mahāsiddhaih pradarśitā Mahākleśādayo doshāh kshīyante maranādayah Mahāmudrām cha tenaiva vadanti vibudhottamāh"

Translation: Great evils and pains, like death, are destroyed by it, and for this reason wise men call it the Mahâ mud.

"On Technique for Maha Mudra"


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Sorce: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.14

Original Verse: "छन्द्रान्ग्घे तु समभ्यस्य सूर्यान्ग्घे पुनरभ्यसेत्या वत्तुल्या भवेत्सन्ग्ख्या ततो मुद्राम् विसर्जयेत्"

Transliteration: "Chandrāngghe tu samabhyasya sūryāngghe punarabhyaset Yāvattulyā bhavetsangkhyā tato mudrām visarjayet"

Translation: Having practiced with the left nostril, it should be practised with the right one; and, when the number on both sides becomes equal, then the mudrâ should be discontinued.

Maha Mudra Destroys Chemicals and Poisons


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.15

Original Verse: "न हि पथ्यमपथ्यम् वा रसाह् सर्वेअपि नीरसाह् अपि भुक्तम् विस्हम् घोरम् पीयूस्हमिव जीर्यति"

Transliteration: "Na hi pathyamapathyam vā rasāh sarveapi nīrasāh Api bhuktam visham ghoram pīyūshamiva jīryati"

Translation: There is nothing wholesome or injurious; for the practice of this mudrâ destroys the injurious effects of all the rasas (chemicals). Even the deadliest of poisons, if taken, acts like nectar.

Maha Mudra - Destroyer of Diseases Due to Indigestion and More


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.16

Original Verse: "क्स्हयकुस्ह्थघुदावर्तघुल्माजीर्नपुरोघमाह्त स्य दोस्हाह् क्स्हयम् यान्ति महामुद्राम् तु योअभ्यसेत्"

Transliteration: "Kshayakushthaghudāvartaghulmājīrnapuroghamāh Tasya doshāh kshayam yānti mahāmudrām tu yoabhyaset"

Translation: Consumption, leprosy, prolapsus anii, colic, and the diseases due to indigestion — all these irregularities are removed by the practice of this Mahâ mud.

Maha Mudra as Giver of Siddhis


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Hatha Yoga Pradipika III.17

Original Verse: "कथितेयम् महामुद्रा महासिद्धिकरा न्र्नाम्घो पनीया प्रयत्नेन न देया यस्य कस्यछित्"

Transliteration: "Kathiteyam mahāmudrā mahāsiddhikarā nrnām Ghopanīyā prayatnena na deyā yasya kasyachit"

Translation: This Mahâ mudrâ has been described as the giver of great success (Siddhi) to men. It should be kept secret by every effort, and not revealed to any and everyone.