March 03 2022

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KAILASA will be celebrating the Jeevan Mukti Jayanti for 10 days

KAILASA will be celebrating the Jeevan Mukti Jayanti for the next 10 days with its commencement today.


I gift the world my vision ; all that which I have expressed, am expressing and will express is inked in the form of Jeevan Mukti, free to the world.

Use the QR code in the banner below and download it. Share and enrich the world. Let us all live living enlightenment.

ParaMaShivoham Level 3 - Sakshi Pramana

Sakshi Pramana - Bhakti Vasya

ParaMaShivoham Level 3 Day 2: today morning we had a beautiful session with SwamiJi! There were many things happening at once the whole while He was giving healing, and awakening eyes, including the third eye. Many who needed healing in eyes, and dropping glasses or contact lenses with benefits happening. I expierienced intense kundalini activation, including ears popping. SwamiJi answered my comment, the ears popping was a good sign. That He was massaging the third eye and this is good. Many things happening multi level. Manifesting third eye powers afterwards just happens so naturally and playfully. Gratitude Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam!

Sakshi Pramana - Kailasa's Ma Nithya Durgananda

Just finished Day 2 of Paramashivoham level 3 program where we sat with Swamiji 2 long processes for:
1. Healing our eyes so that we can stop wearing spectacles
2. He entered into all our 3rd eye so that we remain in Turiya state even when we fall asleep. We will have darshan of Him in full colour.
Can't wait for Day 3 tonight. Time for a quick nap as the body is operating in USA time zone.😮
Deep gratitude my Gurudev.😍🙏

Sakshi Pramana - Kailasa's Ma Nithya Durgananda

Day 3 of Paramashivoham Level 3 program dated 3rd Mar.
We had a very packed day for 18 hrs starting from 10 pm SGT in the night till the next day ending @ 4 pm SGT. The day started with
1) 1-hr Nithyananda Yoga, Prathama Vinyasa Krama
2) A series of Jnana sessions ranging from completion with relationships, completions with self (MY world and THE world), Completion with health, Completion with wealth, Living Advaita session, past lives regression - Completion your 3 layers of past.
3) Powers manifestation of blindfold reading Obviously the highlight is the daily long sessions with Swamiji. We had 2 very powerful initiations by HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam
1) Jeevan Mukthi Day - initiation into Jeevan Mukthi (liberation) given 3rd March was the Jeevan Mukthi Day in celebration of the destruction of anti-Hindu elements in March 2010 morphed video and persecution.
2) Number & frequency in Parallel Universe.
Friday being my temple seva day, I went to Kailasa Singapore to offer sevas to the deities. Everything flowed smoothly as I completed all pujas, ready to sit with HIM.

Next, Swamiji came live on ZOOM and spent 5 hrs with us as He introduced the topic "Parallel Universe - numbers and frequency". Too many sacred secrets of the Parallel Universe were revealed - Simply too mind-blowing!! The essence is first parallel Universe is called number universe - everything is number. Your brain is able to convert digits to mother tongue, process it in mother tongue and convert it back, this knowledge will do wonders to your health! If you fuel this number universes (playing with frequency) by electronic magnetic force and nuclear force is called artificial intelligence (AI). Swamiji showed us how to increase wealth, name and fame, stay awake, be healthy and increase mitochondria (cell energy)! Everything is in knowing the barcode! Then He took us into the first mystical initiation to Kailasa and the Parallel Universe of Numers & Frequency.

Let me describe my personal experience here for the record!
The moment the initiation began, the energy made me close my eyes automatically and I found myself facing Lord Ganesha - this is the way how He would greet me whenever I land in Mt Kailasa. Like how the indigenous tribe of Maori of New Zealand rubs their noses, Ganesha put His face on my face. I saw Lord Nandi was behind Him. There were other beings in the white landscape of Mt Kailasa but I could not see them clearly.

Suddenly, I heard Swamiji told us to open our eyes, so I was brought back to Singapore aadheenam where my physical body was. He guided us to look at the photo of Paramashiva and meditate on His 25 heads, 50 hands and 75 eyes. From 1 head, I saw I multiplied into 9 heads in first layer, then 7 heads, 5 heads, 3 heads and finally 1 head at the top. Next, from 2 hands, I started growing pairs of hands to 50 hands. When I looked at my 3 eyes, I felt the rest of the 72 eyes in the 24 heads also got awakened. I felt so heavy, BIG & powerful.

As I gazed at the photo of Paramashiva with 25 heads on the screen, suddenly I saw I was the face of that 25 heads - it looked like ME. The longer I looked, the more I noticed the image was not 2D, it is alive like 3D constantly evolving. Paramashiva keeps changing, so was Manomani who was also moving. It was so surreal!!

In that vast expansion, Swamiji uttered 'OM", suddenly I felt an energy explosion in my Ananda Gandha, my body lifted from the ground where I was seated. The explosion didn't end, it continued for more than 20 rounds, I was bouncing like an energy ball on the ground, levitating! The awakened Kundalini Shakti stretched my entire spine backwards, opening my entire frontal body and chakras.

This process went on for more than 30 mins, my body started zinging with so much Kundalini shakti. Finally, when Swamiji concluded the initiation, my body just fell at His paduka in front of me in deep gratitude. I stayed there for a minute to gain my composure after this intense initiation. APPA!! 😛

Tonight starts Day 4 - the initiation continues as there are 14 levels! Stay tuned for more!

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Nithya Saralaananda

in the arulvaak of Sundareshwara, last October, Swamiji gave me the Jeevan Mukthi, and freed me from all my karmas, I measure today this immense Grace, .... IMMENSE GRATITUDE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART SWAMIJI ❀
I feel complete and oneness with life ❀
dans l'arulvaak de Sundareshwara, en octobre dernier, Swamiji m'a donnĂ© le Jeevan Mukthi, et m'a libĂ©rĂ©e de tous mes karmas, je mesure aujourd'hui cette immense GrĂące, .... IMMENSE GRATITUDE DU FOND DU COEUR SWAMIJI ❀
je me sens complĂšte et en unitĂ© avec la vie ❀

Sakshi Pramana - Kailasa's Ma Nithya PriyaPremananda SAKSHI PRAMANA PARAMASHIVOHAM LEVEL 3 DAY 1

If there is an antidote to pain it is His Love.
A cure for any disease is His breathing space.
Mantra to eliminate all fears is His voice.
The ultimate liberation is His boon to humanity.
Swamiji declared each day one miracle will happen and for me, not only one but several happened.
The first miracle is that I was sure I will not be able to attend PSM3, so I decided to be complete about it and simply follow the flow, even though Swamiji gave a kalpataru blessing I will attend. I just remained in the space of surrender and planned to dedicate these 21 days to the expansion of our local sangha. To make my story short, against all odds I am attending the full 21 days of the program. It wasn't until now I truly understand and comprehend what He means when He says "When I ordain, I sustain." The only thing that can stop this from happening is our free will. If we entertain doubts inside and give in to powerlessness, then not much can be done, because it is your free will to stay in delusion.

The second miracle is that in literally one hour during the session with Swamiji my eyesight got healed. I normally use glasses for reading. Swamiji blessed all with healing if they use glasses. I can see now clearly and can read without my glasses.

The third miracle is I experienced clearly my previous life with Swamiji. First I thought it might be just my imagination so I asked the question in the chat. He confirmed that it is an actual experience because during the session we are sitting in a circular time-space, so all the phases of past, present and future are happening now itself. In that life, He was a female incarnation and me being with Him in this life is a boon from Him from the past life. The words that came clearly were: Because you did so much punya in this life, I give you the boon, you will become me in your next life.

Even without these miracles, sitting with Swamiji the whole day is simply beyond any words or feelings. It is the direct initiation into Paramadvaita, it is a continuous initiation into the ultimate experience for any human being - Oneness.

If you are reading this, He wants you to read it. He is giving you an incoming call to let Him take you to the ultimate liberation, to heal you, for you to reclaim your Divinity. Understand, do not just discard and scroll forward. Pause and think of all the years of suffering, feeling victimized, abused, lost. Give Him a chance to show you what He came here for: "I am not here to prove I am God, I am here to prove You are God." Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam


The intensity with which the program is conducted simply reflects beautifully Swamiji's commitment to our enlightenment. I can see that this same intensity has been simply transferred to me also. I sleep about 3 hours per night, I am highly active the whole day and night, but somehow my body just follows. I don't even have to force it to be awake or active, it just is. The burst of Swamiji's energy is so high that it gets stored in my body and I become like a battery, a powerhouse to charge whoever or whatever needs to be charged.

If a person like me who cherished sleep whole life and could not be satisfied not even with 10 hours of sleep, is now bursting with energy and bliss while sleeping hardly 3 hours per day then you can only imagine the power that Swamiji generates and pours so abundantly on all of us. How much we receive is up to us. If we come with a very small pot for water, we cannot take much water with us. The larger the vessel, the more the water. I on the other hand stopped holding the vessels in front of Swamiji because I realized no matter how big it is, it's too small. So I simply jumped into the river and I am allowing Him to flow over me, I allow myself to be lost in Him and drowned in His compassion. \ During the initiation again 3 miracles happened.
The first miracle was when I experienced myself as the ultimate force, a canvas on which everything is projected but not a single one of those projections can touch me. I felt I was bigger than life itself. Nothing could touch me, nothing could even make a mark on me. The second miracle was when I could see very clearly how Swamiji's third eye was radiating with bright light and a ray of that same light was connected to my third eye which was also radiating. This was not temporary, the glow and the vibration in my third are still there, the umbilical cord between Swamiji and myself is very much firm and consistent.

The third miracle was the sweetest of all. I suddenly felt how Swamiji was hugging me. How he held me for a long time in His arms and I felt so safe, so loved. I wanted this moment to last forever.

During the Satsang, Swamiji was sharing how anti Hinduforces attacked the ashram and made an assassination attempt by burning Him alive in His own hut. Part of me knows very clearly that all this is His Leela, the Divine play and that nothing can touch Him. But the other part of me was feeling like protecting Him with my own life. I could not comprehend how could someone even touch His feet without utmost respect, let alone push Him and harm Him. It was just too much for me to imagine.

This brought me a clear understanding that if we don't stand up with Him with our lives, we are the same as the witness who sees the murder but just looks aside. Because this is not just His Leela, He is playing it for all of us. Understand, if you look away again, after all the abuse, after all His expressions of Love and Compassion then do not expect dharma to protect you. Only if we protect dharma, dharma will protect us.

And it is not some great sacrifice either. As He so beautiful uttered it yesterday:
"Catch "The Space" I was in. That's the best You can do for me. I want all of you to Catch This Powerful Space!!!!
No Rangoli can hurt the Canvas.
No...... Can Hurt You!!!!
Allow this Super Conscious Mutation to happen in You. That's the Best Thing You will do to Me, others, and to the whole world."
SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam Swamiji
Jeevan Mukthi Satsang, March 3 2022

Sakshi Pramana - Saurav Aneja

How to access the Power of the First Parallel Universe - The World of Independently Intelligent Numbers? Also don't miss the first 3 Secret Codes you can use right now.

The 1008th Incarnation of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, His Divine Holiness Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has started to reveal the secret Science of Parallel Universes and Higher Beings.

This is a pivotal moment in modern human civilization as this Knowledge will allow human beings to -
1. Cognize the Universe in all its multi dimensions
2. Realize that each one of us exists in all the Parallel Universes
3. Harness the power of higher dimensions for both material and spiritual growth
Behold the following truths about the first Parallel Universe - Universe of Independently Intelligent Numbers, as revealed by the Incarnation.
1. The whole Universe is nothing but Numbers. Even the basic building block of life, DNA is nothing but an arrangement of Numbers
2. For each type of Being, Energy, Power, Concept, Knowledge, there is a preassigned barcode
3. This Parallel Universe can be cognized by the brain which is trained to handle and process large numbers. This is what was taught in the ancient Hindu gurukuls and in Nithyananda Gurukul today. This is why Hindu rituals are so elaborate
4. One who has this ability will automatically enjoy wealth and abundance (Lakshmittva)
5. Harnessing a power is as simple as invoking the specific barcode in the Parallel Universe. This is how Arjuna and Karna invoked and yielded Cosmic weapons
How to train your brain to access the Parallel Universe of Numbers? Bhagvaan reveals -
One needs to develop the ability to convert the large numbers into language through the linguistic name, process the numbers linguistically, come to conclusions through the linguistic name and convert back to numbers.

Secret Codes that Bhagvaan Revealed -
1. Meditate on 1111111111111111111111 (11 eleven times) - This secret code brings your stress and blood pressure down
2. Meditate on 999999999 (9 nine times) - Meditate on this secret code before a high stress negotiation or interview for maximum attention and intelligence
3. Meditate on 10000000000 (1000crore or 10 billion) - Visualize this secret code for instantly feeling fresh and rested This is just the beginning of the SUPERCONSCIOUS BREAKTHROUGH for all Humanity.
Gratitude Bhagvaan.

Top 10 Reasons to Get Enlightened

Top 10 Reasons to Get Enlightened
1. No Worries; Be Happy!
Express spontaneous creativity for assured success!
2. Intensely Enjoy Life!
Enjoy every moment of life with pure excitement!
3. Always Auspiciousness!
Whatever happens in life will be auspicious!
4. ‘Always-Right’ Strategic Planning!
Relationships, business, or life – always make right decisions!
5. Ultimate Experience Every Moment!
Expand and explode in all dimensions of life!
6. No Study, Just Download!
Science, arts, religion, business, cooking
 Just download from the Cosmic archives!
7. No Greed, No Fear!
Nothing to gain or lose – get all you want right here, right now!
8. Unclutch - the Fastest Gear!
Master-mind – Forever free from the clutches of the mind!
9. Being God!
Master of your destiny – create your reality!
10. Beyond Space, Time, and Mind!
Enjoy being in the lap of eternal bliss!
You are eternal bliss - nithya ananda!

~ Excerpts from Jeevan Mukti, on the occasion of Jeevan Mukti Jayanti today

I gift the world my vision

KAILASA will be celebrating the Jeevan Mukti Jayanti for the next 10 days with its commencement today.


I gift the world my vision ; all that which I have expressed, am expressing and will express is inked in the form of Jeevan Mukti, free to the world.

Use the QR code in the banner below and download it. Share and enrich the world. Let us all live living enlightenment.

World Wildlife Day, observed on March 3

KAILASA’s Department of Human Services in collaboration with KAILASA’s Shri Kailasa Uniting Nations for Animal Rights has been devoted in strenghtening the multifarious efforts of recognising the urgency of animal rights and welfare for a relevant aspect of sustainable development in the world under an international humanitarian agency named – BLUE OM

Advocate, promote, and voice strongly for the ethical treatment of all beings. Animal right is the idea in which animals are entitled to the possession of their own existence and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. The respect for animal rights in Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism derives from the doctrine of ahimsa. In Hinduism, animals contain a soul just like humans; when sentient beings die, they can either be reincarnated as a human or as an animal. Hinduism teaches that God resides in all living things, which forms the atman. In Hinduism, many animals are venerated, including the tiger, the elephant, the mouse, and especially, the cow(Gaumata)

World Wildlife Day, observed on March 3 every year, is an opportunity to celebrate beautiful varied forms of wild fauna. It is also observed to raise awareness to conserve them Around more than 8000 species of wild fauna and flora are endangered and close to 30,000 more are known to be on the verge of getting extinct or vulnerable


Councilwoman Ms. Teresa Cox our Guest of Honor presented the Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor of the City of Fremont, CA, Hon. Lily Mei

On the occasion of the most auspicious celebration of Maha Paramashivaratri organized by the KAILASA San Jose, Councilwoman Ms. Teresa Cox our Guest of Honor presented the Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor of the City of Fremont, CA, Hon. Lily Mei, in deepest appreciation to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA San Jose upon their providing a safe place for worship, meditation, festivals and ongoing involvement including outreach to the Fremont community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

KAILASA San Jose, founded under the auspices and blessings of The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam has been contributing to the welfare of Northern California since its inception in 2010.

Next COVID variant can be severe as Delta, immune evasive like Omicron: Experts answer 2 key questions

1 June, 2021: During the critical period of the deadly second wave of COVID-19, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam opened the campuses of KAILASAs all over India as part of this humanitarian charitable effort to provide relief, safety, social and spiritual welfare to the Indian populace. Save Your Life NOW

Next COVID variant can be severe as Delta, immune evasive like Omicron: Experts answer 2 key questions

In a worrying sign, scientists have suggested that the next COVID variant can cause severe infections like the Delta, Alpha variant and also show immune escape properties like the Omicron

Source Link:

IISER Study: Drugs Made from Neem Bark Extracts May Help Fight COVID-19 Variants

One simple way to realize the benefits of neem in our daily lives is to use a decoction made from the bark. The bark is available in powdered form in most ayurvedic dispensaries. Niraharis begin their day with the Neem bark juice drink after the Pancha kriya. It is best to drink Neem juice before starting Yoga

It is recommended to have the neem juice early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is a panacea and can rejuvenate the body completely if taken daily. Since it works by detoxifying the body, it heals multiple organs like liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, improves eyesight, cures allergies, skin problems and other disorders which are a result of the modern lifestyle

~ SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam

IISER Study: Drugs Made from Neem Bark Extracts May Help Fight COVID-19 Variants

Extract from the bark of the neem tree, indigenous to India, may help treat and reduce the spread of coronavirus, a team of international researchers found

The study, led by a team from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, shows that components of neem bark may target a wide range of viral proteins, suggesting its potential as an antiviral agent against emerging variants of coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2

Source Link:



Glimpses of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva linga of KAILASA San Jose in the alankaram of Shakambari theme, on the auspicious occasion of Maha Paramashivaratri


Glimpses of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva linga in Ardhanarishvara alankaram on the auspicious occasion of Maha Paramashivaratri 2022 from KAILASA San Jose.


On the auspicious occasion of ParamaShivaratri, KAILASA Los Angeles offered various sevas to Paramashiva đŸ™đŸ»
Here is a glimpse into the very divine day!
-Pada puja to The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam
-Presidential address by The SPH from MahaKAILASA
-Initiation by SPH
-Abhishekam to presiding deity
-puja and Arati
- bhajans


Glimpses of Maha Paramashivaratri celebration in KAILASA Toronto's abhisheka and leela alankaram.
Each KAILASA ecosystem that was once planted across the world is now sprouting in glory to function as a full-fledged spiritual hub to radiate the enlightenment-centric lifestyle of Hinduism.



On this day 18 years before - 03 March 2004:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam delivered a Satsang titled Ananda Yoga - Path Of Ecstacy at the IFC Temple in Oklahoma, USA. The grandest happening on Planet Earth, Paramavatara - the Ultimate Incarnation of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam steered the delegates from their intellect to their being, from the mundane worship to the sheer intimacy with the Divine. After the satsang Bhagawan personally healed and blessed each and everyone imparting in them the biggest gift a disciple can have, the Guru Bhakti. Following are a few pictures taken during the event.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang and Healing Session were conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2004 in Oklahoma, USA.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 16 years before - 03 March 2006:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam answered all the delegates' questions on Life and Spirituality. SPH beautifully answered each and every question by personalizing it with interesting stories and quotations from other masters’ lives like Ramakrishna and Shankaracharya. The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam created a relaxing and friendly atmosphere for everyone in order to enable all the delegates to absorb such high truths with ease and understanding. In the end, SPH ended the session with a guided meditation.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2006 in Los Angeles, USA.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 13 years before - 03 March 2009:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam released the Jeevan Mukti(Living Enlightenment) Book in Chennai. SPH was personally organized from end to end the Book Release Mandapam (Stage) Preparations and Set-Up and the Book Release Function. SPH gave a beautiful speech and blessed each and everyone who came to attend this most auspicious event.

Also on this day, while the SPH released the Living Enlightenment book in Chennai, His representatives released and presented the first copies to prominent social, spiritual, political, and economic leaders in several other places. In Kancheepuram, the book was released and presented to the divine Incarnation of Shiva Shankara the Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya the 69th Shankaracharya Guru, and PĂŻÈ›hādhipati of the Kanchi Sankara Mutt, during the convocation ceremony of the famous SCSVMV University.

That day's release of the Jeevan Mukti(Living Enlightenment) Book was conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2009 in Chennai, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 10 years before - 03 March 2012:
On this day's Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam intercepted the Akashic Records of the Bhagavad Gita. From this grand cosmic download and the re-happening of the Bhagavad Gita, the SPH expounded on the concepts of execution and action. SPH explained that executing without feeling that one is acting is a leadership quality. Furthermore, SPH gave profound insights into stress. He explained that the wrong ideas about stress need to be changed because stress is a disease based on beliefs and ideas foisted upon people. SPH also revealed that the concept of stress was invented, similar to the current concept of beauty.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2012 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 9 years before - 03 March 2013:
On this day's Presidential Address, SPH created a new term. In the same verbal style as Socialism and Communism, He proclaimed His ideology as Responsibilism: the epitome of leadership. A leader is one who is with a group but rises above the group, just as an incarnation is within a human body, but is not human. He observed that being in His presence should not be experienced as entertainment; rather it is entrainment. He expected His followers to embrace His example and become responsible leaders, enriching the world. SPH then set forth the revised statutes for His monastic order. Having been coronated as Mahamandaleshwar, He aligned His order’s rule with that of the Nirvani Akhada Peeth, which He was now leading. Post Satsang the Tamil Nadu organizers paid their respects to SPH as the now Mahamandaleshwar of the Maha Nirvani Akhadha.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 8 years before - 03 March 2014:
On this day's Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam explained how everything we have in our lives, whether we want it or not, is our responsibility. Our thoughts are the seed that grows into our thinking which bears the fruit of our reality. SPH explained that the Inner Awakening program teaches us the science to rewrite our future, creating the reality we want in our lives. In His own words: Whether you come to Kalpataru Darshan, NDY , NKY , all I am trying to do is awaken the power of your inner space. Just like eyes can see, ears can listen to the Inner space and create what you want.

Later that day SPH visited Armananda Swami in Salem, there He was received with all the traditional honors, especially the Poorna Kumbha, the highest royal honorary offering given to a guest in Hindu tradition.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 03 March 2014 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 7 years before - 3 March 2015:
On that day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam continued on the Living Advaita Series of Addresses and Initiations from the Upanishads. This day’s Akashic Revelation was a profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad and The SPH urged all Kailasa delegates, diplomats, and disciples to continue daily Vakyartha Sadas, exploring the sacred truths, saying blessed are those who are always focused on the realization of reality; this is the most non-suffering way to live. By moving through perception, fact and truth, we will find Reality.

On this day, after revealing the meaning of Isha Upanishad Verse 5, The SPH declared in summary.. “I tell you, the most non-suffering way of existence is to establish yourself in reality. Don’t go for perceiving about you, life, or God, based on what the larger number of people say. They don’t know, and they don’t have time to analyze, scrutinize. Second, don’t go with your calculation. You know how to calculate only your salary. A person who receives one lakh salary can never imagine or perceive raising and spending zillion dollars. No! It takes literally transformation, understands
 If it goes above your head, listen to this Satsang once or twice, participate in the Vākyārtha Sadas.”

This day's profound Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsangh, and Akashic Revelations of the Isha Upanishad, Kalpataru Darshan, Inner Awakening Convention, Nithya Kirtan, Rudra Homa / Viraja Homa and Paduka Puja were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2015 in Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 6 years before - 3 March 2016:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam announced that 7 years ago today, 1,000’s of Kailasa delegates, diplomats, and disciples around the world watched and celebrated along with The SPH as He released His groundbreaking new book, 'Living Enlightenment' or 'Jeevanmukti' (Tamil). A true gift to the rest of the world from The SPH and Kailasa Nation, as it is packed with practical, sacred knowledge about how to live an Enlightened life in peace and happiness. Today, Puja is offered to this Sacred book "Living Enlightenment" daily. He stated, “Whatever I said, saying, going to say, the essence of all that is in this book.”

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsang in English & Tamil, Living Enlightenment Day (Jeevan Mukthi Jayanti), and Vishesha Deeksha were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2016 in Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 5 years before - 3 March 2017:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam welcomed all Kailasa delegates, diplomats, and disciples to join in for the 8th Anniversary of the Living Enlightenment book – Jeevan Mukti Jayanti. On this great auspicious occasion - Jeevan Mukthi Jayanthi, The SPH stated that this text was not just some book – rather it was a gift from Kailasa to the rest of the world! Living Enlightenment is an independent intelligence – a deity, god, goddess, by Her own right; what is written in this book is very much not only relevant but ALIVE.

“There is a quotation in the book: 'Whatever I said, saying, going to say - the essence of all that is in this book.' That statement still holds good. Whatever I'm sharing, revealing, you may think, ‘Oh, Swamiji comes up with new things!’ Yes, covers are new, content is the same for the last 60 thousand years. Covers differ, content is same for last 60 thousand years.”

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsangh, Jeevan Mukti celebrations, Atma Linga Energy Darshan, Manifesting Powers session, Living Enlightenment Day (Jeevan Mukti Jayanti), and Inner Awakening, Sakshi Pramana sharings were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 4 years before - 3 March 2018:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam explained that the Universe functions with the software called Vedas and Agamas – they are the software for the Universe given by Sadāshiva. Today was also the ninth anniversary of Jeevan Mukthi Day, the launch of The SPH’s sacred text, Living Enlightenment. During celebrations of this contribution to the whole world, sixteen temples and Kailasa Spiritual Embassies from around the world participated in the making of Jeevan Mukti Aushadha.

Jeevan Mukti is the most powerful super-conscious-based software for modern-day human beings to manifest powerful cognitions and powers. Every thought-current expressed in that, every idea expressed in that, is rooted in Vedas and Agamas.

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsang, Jeevan Mukti celebrations, Nithyanandam Healers Initiation, Living Enlightenment Day (Jeevan Mukthi Jayanti), and Inner Awakening convention and Aushadha Process were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2018 in Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India.

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On this day 3 years before - 3 March 2019:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam began by acknowledging the 10th Anniversary of the Jivan Mukti Jayanti and the 9th Observation of the Hindu Holocaust.

This day, The SPH expounded on the Cosmic Principle of Jivan Mukti, and reiterated the same statement that He made when first launched the book for the whole world, as a gift from Kailasa – “Whatever I said, saying, going to say, wanted to say, will not be able to say - I have said everything in this book, and still I stand by that word.”

On this day, The SPH also shared deeper truths about the attacks that happened to Him, His Sannyasis and disciples by anti-Nithyananda, Anti-Kailasa terrorists, which happened on this day and how the fundamental right to speech, right to preach, practice Sanatana Hindu Dharma, His religion, and right to have congregation – all of that was denied.

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsangh, Jeevan Mukti celebrations, Nithyanandam Healers Initiation, Living Enlightenment Day (Jeevan Mukthi Jayanthi) and 4th day of Paramashivaratri Brahmotsavam were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2019 in Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 2 years before - 3 March 2020:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam announced the inauguration of the Breakthrough Program – “Leela Dhyana”. The SPH explained that Yoga or any workout for the body makes the nervous system strong and destroys the fear of Enlightenment. He also further clarified how the following three are related – Atmatattva is knowing that the Conscious Principle is in you, Vidyatattva is understanding the methodology to manifest Paramashiva, and Shiva Tattva is manifesting Paramashiva. The SPH imparted that Tyaga infuses Paramashiva in every Intention, Action, Experience, Expression, and Reality.

This day, The SPH and Kailasa began a breakthrough program called ‘Leela Dhyan’ for Kailasa delegates, diplomats, and disciples, giving a personalized tour of The SPH’s native, Avatar place. “All the participants I commit with you guys. I am with you. The program will be beautiful, successful, manifesting state, space powers in all of us... Leela Dhyan program is built on this very life source material!”

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsangh, Leela Dhyan Inauguration, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam, Jivan Mukthi Living Enlightenment Book Anniversary, and 6th anniversary of Kailasa in Tambaram were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2020 in Maha Kailasa.

Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 1 year ago - 3 March 2021:
On this day’s Presidential Address, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam began by celebrating the 13th anniversary of the Jeevan Mukti Day, the previous days Hindu Holocaust Day (Anti-Hindu Elements Suicide Day), and the 13th Anniversary of Kailasa’s Spiritual Embassy in Seattle – the temple was inaugurated in 2008 with the mission of bringing superconscious breakthrough to the community around the Pacific Northwest area. The temple is also home to the largest Nataraja deity in the world (standing 12’ high) and hosts some of the largest deities in North America. On this day, delegates, diplomats, and disciples representing Kailasa in Seattle offered 185 Naivedyams (foods offered to the Divine).

On this day, The SPH addressed Kailasa and the world stating – today is a beautiful day! “I feel, not only my ability to give Jeevan Mukti, but my ability to put up with all the persecution and harassment, to handle and win through all the persecution – both are the best gifts given to me by Paramashiva
 Let us enrich the whole world with Jeevan Mukti from today.. Let us all spend our time today in reading Jeevan Mukti and enriching the whole world with Jeevan Mukti!”

This day's Presidential Address, Nithyananda Satsangh, Leela Dhyan Inauguration, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam, Jivan Mukthi Living Enlightenment Book Anniversary, and 6th anniversary of Kailasa in Tambaram were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 3 March 2021 in Maha Kailasa.

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Glimpses of Jeevan Mukthi Jayanthi at Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham

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