March 10 2013

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Transforming Your Negativity is Shiva-Power


On this day , the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam along with the Kailasa Nation celebrated the Maha Parashivaratri day in all it’s glory. SPH explained that the Shivarathiri is the day were timelessness, formlessness and Namelessness, assumed, appeared, into the space of the time, name and form as Arunachaleshwara, for conflict resolution and for giving Enlightenment, to Brahma and Vishnu. SPH explained that conflict happens only when there is an EGO and that always its both of the sides that are responsible for the conflict, because even if one of the two sides does not have an ego, then the conflict will not happen. When Brahma fell from integrity and Vishnu fell from authenticity, the conflict happened, then Mahadeva the embodiment of responsibility appeared to enrich, to take responsibility for the lack of integrity and the lack of authenticity of Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma and to remind them and put them back in the space of integrity and authenticity.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 10 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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I welcome you all with My love and blessings. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment in hundreds of places and many places in two-way video conferencing having nayana deeksha. Cities sitiong with us in two-way video-conferencing having nayana deeksha: New York-Varanasi, Malaysia-Palani, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte - Srisailam, St. Louis- Tirumala, Ohio-Prayag,Toronto-Kailasam, Sajah, Seattle- Chidambaram, IceaIcea-Croatia, Tallahassee-Florida, France, Netherlands, Dubai- Thirukovilur, next to Dubai? next to Dubai? Nithyadevi-Singapore, and below? oh again that is also Dubai, Dubai-Jayasree and then next Hyderabad-Shree, Netherlands and Malaysia, Klang-Malaysia, Calgary-Amarnath, Paris-Kalighat, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-puri, London-Kashi, Atlanta-Ujjaini, Dakota- Dunes, Port Washington-New York, Oman- Sivagangai, Mill valley and any other city above mill valley what is that? Mumbai-Kavya Rupini, No above the Port Washington -New York, Kastav-Croatia, Madrid-Spain that is it? I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Before beginning the satsang today an important inauguration, Nithyananda Nirahari’s team has created a beautiful website - Be food free! Website is ready. We are launching it. I am officially launching the website - Be food free to all of you to the world. Give a good hand to the Nithyananda Nirahari team work under Ma Nithya Devi and fulfilled their commitment, honored their commitment. It’s an amazing commitment they took it up and they honored it. I bless you all Nirahari team for honoring your commitment. Beautiful. The website name will be Aap Sabko Shivratri ke Is maha Shubh avsar par mai aap sabka ka Swagat karta hun. Krupaya Dhyan se suniye.


I welcome you all on this auspicious occasion of Shivaratri. Today I am talking because I have something really, really important to talk to all of you. Listen. Listen. Today I am talking to all of you because I have really, really something important to share with you all. Many of you who are coming to the ashram or listening to Me after three months, you have a pleasant surprise. If you are coming to the ashram after three months you have a pleasant surprise, the sangha has become NEW. If you are listening to Me again you have a pleasant surprise, My teachings have become NEW. Especially for the devotees who are coming after a gap to listen to Me or to attend the satsang for all of you I want to introduce four important satyas which are enlightening all of us which we are living to enlighten all of you. Dhyan se suniye. Four tattvas which we are all living to enlighten ourself and enlighten all of you, today I once agin talk about the four tattvas. Aaj Mai Punah 4 tattvon ke baare mein baat karunga


Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. Dhyan se suniye. Integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching - these are the four principles. I will give you simple introduction to these four principles and I sincerely request whoever considers Me as their Guru or teacher, leader, whatever, I request all My devotees, disciples, followers, visitors, yet to be devotees everyone of you just… just apply this four principles in your life. I tell you this is the greatest gift, nectar we received from Mahakala Bhairava at the time we were about to die. Let me be very honest and authentic. I tell you, if these four tattvas have not been given to us by Mahakala, by Kala Bahirava I don’t think there was any way we would have revived ourself and rejuvenated ourself to face anything and now excited to live. How much ever I try to describe, you will not catch the power of these four satyas unless you yourself live it.


Only when you start living it you will know the power of these four tattvas, four satyas. You may be thinking whenever I speak about any satyas, any tattvas this is what I go on saying. Because of that you may think as usual for this also He is giving a build up. But I tell you this attack on us never made Me tired, made Me lose the inspiration. But many, many of My sannyasis, ashramites, many of My sannyasis and ashramites were really tired, bored, unable to face this constant persecution. I tell you just these four satya, nectar, the nectar of these four tattvas, amrita of these four tattvas made all of them just like Me. Based on these four tattvas you can face any problem of your life. In chaar tattvon ke Aadhar par aap Jivan ka koi bhi samasya ka Saamna kar sakte hain. Dhyan se suniye, in chaar tattvon ke Aadhar par aap Jivan ka koi bhi samasya ka Saamna kar sakte hain


Today My sangha has fulfilled My vision of initiating hundred people into Sannyas in one batch. Today hundred and two took Sannyas, krama brahmacharya and naishtika brahmacharya. Listen this is a very authentic decisions they all made because so much thinking through went inside everyone before they took this decision. It is not like earlier ‘because the whole group is flowing let me flow’ or glamored by My charishma. No. Without Me supporting or inspiring, influencing, without Me involving Myself in any decision making process. Dhyan Se suniye. Without Me getting involved in any of the decision making process they stood just on the strength of dhamma, these four tattvas. For twenty days day and night the whole ashram boiled with just these four tattvas; just with these four satyas. And everyone emerged with a clear consciousness and understanding and they declared. I tell you guys they gave Me the courage to give poorna Sanyas. Today, first time I gave kavi from My hand and declared I am responsible for they living as Sanyasis, naishtika brahmacharis and krama brahmacharis. I took the responsibility.


Then just understand what courage they have given Me, what strength they demonstrated in their decision; what strength they demonstrate in their life, the strength they demonstrate in their thinking, in their working. I tell you guys, anything, any gift I receive from the cosmos, first I test it on My Ashramites. Then I share it with the world. I tell you guys this is the best thing I have shared with this world. With the world I have shared so many things: kriyas, yoga, ASP, NSP, many programs, many spiritual wisdom, knowledge, kiriyas, techniques, bandhas, mudras, pujas, what not. I have created the forest of knowledge. Still, still, I am the largest repository of spiritual knowledge in the internet, beyond controversy. This statement nobody can create controversy. That is why people want to create controversy around Me, never touch My teachings. Neither they listen nor they want to touch it. Because if they listen they will be transformed. They are afraid of it. If they touch it, the teachings are so powerful they will hit at them by themself. I tell you many ashramites who really lost all the strength, courage, spirit, inspiration who wanted to leave the ashram or who wanted to just disappear somewhere or thinking of taking up some other choices of lifestyle, I tell you, at the end of the process of adding these four satyas in their life, in their inner space, emerged declaring authentically, authentically they are Sannyas and radiating it with so much of excitement.


I do not know about you guys. I wanted to give a good hand. So nice to see the whole battalion; battalion of Sannyasis. I tell you, so much, so much has happened to our sangha. So many beautiful things have happened to our sangha. This is the best thing I have tested it on My disciples and the Ashramites. See, I have as I said I have created and offered to the world millions of things. And I will continue to create and offer to the world millions of things. But these four tattvas are the best thing I have given it to My Ashramites. So now, today I am opening all that four tattvas to all of you. This is the best thing I have given to them. Please, I am sharing it with all of you. This is the best thing I can give you guys. You came all the way from different places for Shivaratri to have the darshan. This is the best prasada of Shiva. Krupaya punah Ek Bar Chaar tatvon ke baare mein suniye Once again please listen to the four tattvas. Even if you have heard already. Listen. Integrity: integrity is you fulfilling the word and thought to give it to yourself and to others and experiencing a state of purnatva - completion with you and with life. Sampoorti ka Arth hai aap Swayam ko aur Anya Logon Ko Diye hue vichar evam vaakya ko purn Karen aur Swayam aur Jivan ke sath purnatva sthiti ka Anubhav Karen


Listen. When you listen to this definition it may look like some philosophy or a word or some definition. But I tell you, start living, it will open your consciousness. It will peel all the unnecessary things from you thousands and thousands of wonderful amazing gifts. I can tell you just this one principle can make you immortal. Immortal - deathless. I am not giving you false hopes. I am not giving you too many big, big words. I tell you, just this one principle. And I wanted all of you to know, from January 1st 2013 till today, I have not delayed even one program, one session even one minute late; even one program, one session, one minute late. And My working hours and the quality of My work has drastically increased. Listen. If you know about Me, you may know I am a workaholic person, working day and night even earlier. Now I am saying My working time, quality and quantity has drastically increased. Then understand the power of these principles. Keval sampoorti ka yeh ek Satya aapko Amar banaa sakta hai. Keval sampoorti ka yeh ek Satya aapko Amar banaa sakta hai.


This one truth, truth of integrity can make you immortal. When you start working with this integrity suddenly you will see so many negative patterns you created for yourself gets weeded out. Many time before even you start anything new in your life you strongly believe that you will be failure. When you start with that belief ‘you will be failure’ how do you think life can bring you success. Because you are begging, requesting life to give you failure. Naturally life will say, “Tathastu - so be it.” Because you give these negative words to you strongly you attract and experience finally failure. Listen, when you start thinking with integrity your thinking, your talking, everything will become conscious process, conscious process. So much of weeding of negative ideas happens, so much of negativity gets removed just by this one satya - Integrity, just by this one satya - Integrity. I tell you how much ever you hear it cannot be equated to you trying to pull these tattvas into your life, digest these tattvas into your life.


Next important principle authenticity. Dhyan Se suniye. Shraddha. Authenticity means shraddha. Shradha vah hai jab aap apni ucchatam kshamata mein sthit ho, aur Jivan ki Sabhi pratikriya Karen us stithi se jo aap Swayam ko swayam ki Drishti mein samajhte hain, jo aap Swayam ko Anya Logon ke Samne prastut Karte Hain, aur jo aapse anya log apeksha rakhte Hain


Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your capability and responding to life from who you perceive yourself to be for yourself, who you project yourself to be for others and what others expect you to be for them. Dhyan se suniye. krupaya punah dhyan se suniye. sada hua hai Jab aap aap apni uchhtam Dyansaye suniye. Kirupaiya punah Dyansaye suniye. Shradha vah hai jab aap apni ucchatam kshamata mein sthit ho, aur Jivan ki Sabhi pratikriya Karen us stithi se jo aap Swayam ko swayam ki Drishti mein samajhte hain, jo aap Swayam ko Anya Logon ke Samne prastut Karte Hain, aur jo aapse anya log apeksha rakhte Hain


What you feel as you and what you project as you and what others feel as you - aligning all these three to the peak possibility is authenticity. What you feel as you raise it to the peak, what you project as you raise it to the peak, what others expect from you fulfill it to the peak. I tell you, authenticity alone makes the space in you where everything is possible. Everything is possible and everything is possible. Many of My brahmacharis, brahmacharinis… sorry, Swamis and Swaminis, many of My Swamis and Swaminis earlier did not have the courage or the confidence or the feeling it is possible even to run their one department, one responsibility they took it or which was given to them. Now, with authenticity not only they are declaring, they are able to run; I can see they are running a peetha, an organization, a branch by their own strength.


I tell you just bring authenticity to your life, in your business, in your relationships, in your health, everywhere you will see the peak. You will see the peak in your business, you will see the peak in your relationships, you will see the peak in your health. Authenticity brings and gives you the state, the space ‘everything is possible, everything is possible’. Only when you start living you will understand how beautiful the space of possibility feels. Kewal Shraddha hi uchh sthiti mein aapko Leke Ja sakta hai Authenticity alone can make you live all the possibilities of your life. I tell you, I have never felt so much of excitement, so much of energy gushing when I share any other principles than these four. This is unimaginable; the energy I feel, I know I will make these four alive in everyone of you. The power with which I am uttering I trust that power. That is capable of making this as reality into you. Listen, even when I speak about these four tattvas so much, so much of excitement I have. If I can I will just open your mouth and pour all the four tattvas into you like a nectar. I am really feeling if I can make tonic of four tattvas and directly pour it into you, that will be the best thing. They are so beautiful when you start living they do so much, so much to you.


Only the man who is established in authenticity is living enlightenment. Jo manushya Shraddha Mein sthapit hai, vahi Jivan Mukt kehlata hai Each principles infuse a different energy in you all leading one to the next, next to the next. The courage of authenticity alone is a true ornament around the neck of a Sannyasi. Authenticity the courage of authenticity is what you are wearing as kavi or rudraksha, courage of authenticity only is the true rukradsha around the neck of a Sannyasi. Shraddha ka Sahas hi ek Sannyasi ke kanth Mein saccha aabhushan hai. Shraddha ka Sahas hi ek Sannyasi ke kanth Mein sach rudraksh hai Authenticity, the courage of authenticity is the ultimate. Dhyan Se suniye. Authenticity just, just multiplies. I don’t want to use the word adds. It’s too small word. Multiplies your possibilities. I can see in front of My own eyes, small-small broken, spirited, beaten minded, bored, tired young men and women flowering, flowering into Swamis and Swaminis with so much of authenticity, so much of possibility, which even I can never imagine.


And so much authentically happening inside them. It’s almost like a the inner guru has awakened in every being. Constantly they have a inner guru who is guiding, inspiring, enriching the whole thinking mechanism has taken a new shape and new possibility. Authenticity alone can take you to your supreme state. Shradha aapko aapke sarvoch sthiti mein Lekar Ja sakta hai. Dhyan se suniye Keval Shradha hi aapko aapke sarvoch sthiti mein Lekar Ja sakta hai. When you decide to stretch yourself to others annyakara, you do not know the amount of energy expresses through you. Constantly you are made to believe, “Why should I bother about what others want from me”? You don’t need to bother; you will live as mom shop pop shop and die. Life can be lived as a street corner mom shop, pop shop or the Walmart chain stores. It can be lived in a soft way in a corner micro level or Microsoft level. You want in micro level or Microsoft level, you only have to decide. Without these four principles you can live, micro level. With these four principles your life can take a quantum jump, dhyan se suniye, literally quantum jump.


Keval Shradha Se Hi aap apne aap ko aur Anya Logon Ko Labhanvit kar sakte hain Only with authenticity you can enrich others and yourself. Only when you decide to stretch yourself to the others expectations about you. You express a new extraordinary energy in you. What do you think is happening in Me? Suddenly I’ve started in Hindi. I have decided to stretch Myself to the expectations of My devotees. And I can see very clearly, so much of energy is happening, so much of excitement is happening, so much is happening.


Just yesterday or day before yesterday all My Swamis and Swaminis took the collective responsibility by Shivaratri one thousand lives will be enriched with Sannyas, krama Brahmacharya and naishtika Brahmacharya. You will see they will do it. We will do it. You may think how is this possible? When you live in the space of possibility it is possible. If you are living in the space of impossible even grasping this is impossible. Imbibing this is impossible. Power of authenticity even My laziest Brahmacahris and Rishis are coming to the yoga and satsang on time without missing; 4:30 everyone is there. Till night ten o’clock they are not sleeping. Not only the quantity of time they are enriching others, even the quality the way they enrich, unimaginable transformation. I tell you guys your life can become totally different just if you live these four principles.


I promise heaven on the earth in your life to you guys just with these four principles. I can give in writing. Heaven on earth with these four principles. Third responsibility. Responsibility means living and responding to life from the truth that you are the source of and therefore you are responsible for all happenings in and around you. Dhyan Se suniye. Krupaya Dhyan se suniye. Upaayanam Ka Arth Hai Jivan Ko iss Satya ke sath Jina aur pratikriya vyakt karna ki aapke andar evam aapke bahar Sabhi Taraf hone wale sabhi paristithiyon ka mool Karan evam Uttardaayi aap Swayam hai, sabhi paristithiyon ka mool Karan evam Uttardaayi aap Swayam hai. Listen! A man who does not take responsibility even for his own actions lives in the animal consciousness. Man who takes responsibility for his own actions lives in human consciousness. Man who takes the responsibility even for others actions lives in divine consciousness - the leadership consciousness Eshwaratva. when something is bothering you even if you are not responsible for it because it is bothering you take responsibility for it. That's the only way you will sort it out. You will come out of it. You will clear it. Dhyan Se suniye. So, anything even if you are not cause, because it is affecting you, take responsibility, only then you become a leader. Responsibility means living and responding to life from the truth that you are source of and therefore you are responsible for all happenings in and around you.


Upaayanam Ka Arth Hai Jivan Ko iss Satya ke sath Jina aur pratikriya vyakt karna ki aapke andar evam aapke bahar Sabhi Taraf hone wale sabhi paristithiyon ka mool Karan evam Uttardaayi aap Swayam hai When you feel responsible for more and more things, more and more energy, life oozes into your muscle memory and bio memory. Keval in 4 tattvon ke aadhar pe agar aap apna jivan jite hain aap pratyaksh Roop se Swarg ka Anubhav kar sakte hain Just by living your life based on these four principles you can directly experience heaven. I commit with you.


Now I can sing just like a upanishadic Rishis Shrinwantu vishwe amritasya putrah vedamai etam purusham mahantam Oh sons of immortality, I know the path to achieve it. Come on, I am here to share with you all. Shrinwantu vishwe amritasya putrah Listen! Oh, sons of mortality, vedamai etam purusham mahantam I know the path to the ultimate achieving immortality. Listen, these four tattvas, these four tattvas is the path. Anything which moves you out of this four tattvas if I have uttered at any time I disown all those words now. Anything which helps you to live these four tattvas are only My teachings.


The fourth principle - Enriching. Dhyan Se suniye. Enriching is you taking responsibility with integrity and authenticity that you are committed to continuously enriching which is expanding yourself and life in and around you. aapyayanam Ka Arth hai aap sampurthi evam Shraddha Ke sath jimmedari uthaye ki aap lagaatar aapyayanam ya Swayam ka vistar aur aapke andar evam Bahar Ke Jeevan Ke vistaar ke liye Pratibadh Ho Continuously we ask why should we enrich others? Why can’t we just take care of ourself? You don’t understand life happens to you with others. Life does not happen to you in aloneness. You are not sitting in somewhere corner in one forest where you are no way related to life, where you don’t see anybody, where you eat some fruits from some forest trees, drink the river water. No. Life happens to you with others. Listen, life happens to you with others. Your life is nothing more than few identities put together - the identity you being a mother, you being a daughter, you being a brother, you being a sister, you being a boss, you being a employee, you being husband, you being a wife, you being a student, you being a teacher - just some ten, fifteen identities put together. That’s all.


So, each identity is fulfilled only by the other person who is involved with that identity. Your mother fulfills the identity of you being a son or daughter. Your son fulfills you your identity of being father or mother. Your employee fulfills you your identity of boss, your boss fulfills you your identity of being an employee. Your life is connected with others. Aapka Jivan Anya Logon se Juda Hua Hai So, only when you enrich others life happens to you. Only when you enrich others life happens to you. Listen, Mahadeva’s damaru in integrity, fire is authenticity, abhaya hasta is responsibility, the hand with which He is holding Devi is enriching. Through the chatur hastas He is demonstrating these four principles, He is demonstrating these four tattvas. His damru - sound - integrity, fire - authenticity - purifies everything, abhaya hasta - takes the responsibility of the whole universe, and the hasta which holds the Devi - is enriching. Fir se suniye, Mahadev ke Hath mein jo damroo hai vah sampoorti ka Pratik hai. Mahadev ke Hath Mein Jo Jwala hai vah Shradha ka Pratik hai. Mahadev ke Hath Mein Jo Abhay Hasta hai vah upaayanam ya zimmedari ka Pratik hai. Mahadev ke Godh Mein Jo Devi Baithi hui hai vah apyayanam ka Pratik hai.


I tell you authenticity takes you to the next level of living, next level of living. This is the nectar Mahakala gave it to us to enjoy. I am sharing it with you all. Let all of you enjoy this nectar. I can go on and on and on, on these four principles forever and ever. The whole 21 days of inner awakening - nothing more than these four principles. Making these four principles as your life is what I am doing in the inner awakening. Completion is for you to live these four principles. Everything is for you to live these four principles. So, take this as Shiva prasada; Shiva’s prasada. I will continue to expand on this four tattvas, four principles in further satsangs every morning. I am already expanding on these four satyas every morning. I sincerely recommend and request all of you to bring these four principles into your life, alive as your thinking, as your feeling, as your living, as your cognition, as your very being. It does miracles in you. It just does miracles in you. I can tell you if somebody will practice these four tattvas if I touch their feet and teach them, I am ready to do it!! I am ready to go to any extreme to make somebody live these four principles; because they are so powerful.


Just understand I literally request you to apply these four principles in your life as much as you can. Start with as much as you can, then you will understand because even if little is practiced miracles start happening in your life. Once the miracle starts happening then nobody can stop you practicing these principles. I can touch anybody’s feet and request them ‘please live these principles’ because it does so much good to you. It does so much good to you. Straightaway it increases your physical health day one. Mental health the moment you start hour one. Leadership consciousness starts happening to you the minute you start taking the responsibility minute one. Enlightenment starts expressing in you when you start enriching others - the second one [means - the first second]. Listen, the day one, hour one, minute one, second one, these principles, these tattvas elevates you, makes your life heaven. Of course today we don’t have much time. We have limited time. Because next we have Shivaratri puja. Then darshan and bhajans. But I wanted to tell this much.


Essence of what I wanted to share with you - the ultimate nectar is these four principles: integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. Just remember these four words and these four principles; go on start living. If you want deeper and deeper insights, everyday morning satsangs I am speaking, expanding only on these four principles. Listen to the morning satsang through Nithyananda TV. I know in one satsang you cannot grasp all the four satyas completely. Even to each one I need to conduct a separate programs. How will you grasp all the four in one satsang? Aaj ke Satsang ki Saransh hai - Keval in Char tattvon ko Yaad kijiye aur aapke Jivan Keval in Char tattvon Ke Aadhar pe Jeene Ka Abhyas kijiye


Remember only these four tattvas and practicing, practice living your life. This can be… these four tattvas can solve all your problems - happened, happening, can happen, may happen - Everything can be solved. Dhyan Se suniye. These four principles are the four vedas. We need to live not only for enlightenment, even to live and breathe, every step of your life becomes extraordinary when you live these four principles. Dhyan Se suniye. Aapke Jivan ki Har Sambhav ghatna ka Saamna kar sakte hain in Char tattvon se. You can face any possible happening of your life just with these four tattvas. I do not want to give you too many words because you will forget the essence. Listen I just wanted to give you these four words: integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. This is My message for today’s Shivaratri. This is Mahadeva’s prasada.


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ll Sadāshiva samārambām Jnana sambandha madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām. ll


I welcome you all with My love and respects, I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, visitors, viewers and yet to be devotes sitting with us around the world, at this moment in 559 places through Nithyananda TV, 40 places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in 554 cities, sorry 559 places through Nithyananda TV and 40 places two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 254 cities and 32 countries around the world as per the statistics. Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferring having Nayana Deeksha, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Malaysia-Palani, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Los-Angeles - Arunachalam, Nithyanandam - Nagar Hyderabad, New York -Varanasi, Seattle -Chidambaram, Washington DC -Sripuram, San Jose-Madurai, Ohio-prayag, Sharja, Toronto-Kailasam, Guadeloupe Rameshvaram, Kastav-Croatia, Dubai-Thirukovilur, Bridgetown Barbados, Hong Kong-Seerkazhi, Matakallapu-Iankai, Hyderabad-Sri, Kathmandu Nepal, Andelta Canada, EastLondon-UK, Chicago -Sri Rangam, London-Kashi, Oman- Sivagangai, Vancouver-Puri, St-Louis-Thirumala, Atlanta-Ujani, Paris-Kalihat, Charlot-Srisailam, Bangalore North, Houston-Kalahasti, Sandiego-Thirualavai, Port Washington-New York, Singapore-Singapuram, Wellington-New Zealand, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, Dakota -Dunes, Houston-Kalahasti, Bangalore North, Australia_Melborne, …..


Aaj Shivaratri mahotsav. Today Shivaratri, the day timelessness, formlessness, namelessness, assumed, appeared, into the space of time, name and form as Arunachaleshwara for conflict resolution, and giving Enlightenment to Brahma and Vishnu. So, the appearance itself happened for conflict resolution. There was conflict between Brahma and Vishnu; conflict happens only when there is a EGO. in the both side responsible for the conflict, even if one side does not have ego, conflict will not happen. For the conflict two ego is required, which is not ready to resolve, which is not ready to take the responsibility, which is not ready to be authentic, or responsibility for others inauthenticity.


For a conflict to happen the lack of integrity, lack of authenticity and lack of responsibility, and lack of responsibility to take responsibility for others irresponsibility. And selfishness, lack of the tattva of enriching. Only when there is lack of all the four, conflict is possible. Between Brahma and Vishnu, conflict happened who is great. So in that conflict, both of them were exposing others inauthenticity to them, but they are not ready to realize their inauthenticity or take responsibility for others inauthenticity. In a way it is a fight between father and son, generation gap. Son is trying to teach a lesson to father, you may be elderly but I know much more about computer than you know. I can use, I am tech savvy. I can use the gadgets much better than you know. The conflict started between Brahma and Vishnu. Anybody in the space and time and name and form, if they forget to take the responsibility for others irresponsibility there will be conflict.


Listen! People who don’t feel responsible even for their action are living in poverty. When I say poverty, not physical wealth alone, the low level existence. The existence of animal level. People who take responsibility for their actions are Human Beings; people who take responsibility even for others irresponsibility, others actions are leaders. Even though your actions or you are not responsible, taking responsibility of others inauthenticity and others irresponsibility makes you leader, makes you divine. Here unfortunately neither Vishnu nor Brahma is ready to realize their inauthenticity and take responsibility for others inauthenticity.


Realize one truth, the moment you have conflict, you lost the space of ultimate in you; in the space of ultimate there is no conflict. If there is a conflict, the space of ultimate is lost. So, the Brahman and Vishnu, both lost the space of ultimate in them; now the universe is at stake. One guy who is responsible for everything, who has to come and rescue everybody, and who has to take the responsibility of everybody's irresponsibility and inauthenticity, enters into the time of space and time, name as Arunanchaleswara. As a jyoti stambha, Mahadeva appears to teach the truth. Anybody who is bound by the space, time, name and form has to take responsibility for their existence.


Koi bhi jo jagah samay naam aur aakar mein bandhe rahte hain unhen Apne Astitva ka jimmedari Uthana Padega. Dhyan se suniye Koi bhi jo jagah samay naam aur aakar mein bandhe rahte hain unhen Apne Astitva ka jimmedari Uthana Padega. Anybody who is bound by space, time, name and form has to take responsibility for their existence. Mahadeva appears to do the conflict resolution, remind Vishnu and Brahma to take responsibility for their way of existing.


Srishti and sthiti thinks they are ultimate till destruction enters their life. Only when the destruction enters their life, they realize they are not ultimate. That is why Mahadeva has to happen in the form of Rudra. Realize all Rudra happening in your life is reminding you, your inauthenticity. All form of Rudra happening to you in your life, is reminding you to take up the responsibility for your inauthenticity and irresponsibility. Koi bhi jo jagah samay naam aur aakar mein bandhe rahte hain unhen Apne Astitva ka jimmedari Uthana Padega. You have to take the responsibility when you are bound by the space, time and name and form. Mahadeva appears to Brahma and Vishnu to expose their inauthenticity to themselves, make them responsible for their inauthenticity and others inauthenticity also. Today is the day Mahadeva appeared to resolve the conflict between Brahma and Vishnu, remind their inauthenticity to them and ultimately enrich them with enlightenment.


Maha Shivaratri is the day, we celebrate timelessness entering into time. I can say, in a way today the Hindu calendar starts. The time, calculation of time starts from today. So, naturally Shivaratri is the oldest celebration, because time starts today, calendar starts today, calculation of time starts today. Mahadeva has to again and again appear in your life to remind you to take the inauthenticity, remind you that you are in the state of inauthenticity and making you to take the responsibility. Mahadev Rudra bankar aapke Jivan Mein prakat Hote Hain Jab aap ashradha mein rehkar jimmedari Nahin uthate Hain


Whenever you look at any destruction, as reminder of your inauthenticity and irresponsibility, it is no more a destruction in your life; you learnt how to make anything negative into positive to strengthen your life. If you are able to make anything negative into positive the moment it enters in your life, you are SHIVA - causeless auspiciousness. I am grateful and thank, congratulate My sangha for being and becoming continually Shiva. It is so beautiful, they are fulfilling My vision of hundred sanyasis today. So refreshing, feeling so alive, so joyful. …… Music ……


Feels like just born today, to live forever. There are some things which has birth and death - your body. There are some things which has no birth but death - illusion and delusion, maya. It has no birth, it has no beginning, but it has death, it has end. There are some things which has only beginning no end - that is sangha of the Master. It has only birth, no death. Ganga has only birth no death. It is born, it never dies; becomes ocean, but never dies. In the olden maps even the Bay of Bengal is called as Ganga sagar and Arabian sea was called Sindhu sagar. So, understand it may become ocean but it is alive. There is no death. Arabian sea was called as Sindhu sagar, Bay of Bengal is called as Ganga sagar. So listen, any destruction comes in front of our face, we will know Rudra is coming to remind us to take more responsibility and become more authentic. We are doing it. So in this way we will convert everything into the space of positivity and possibility.


Listen. Intense integrity brings you the space of positivity, because if you are integrated, constantly you will be looking at the words you utter to you and to others. You will weed out all the negative prophecies, negative commitments you are giving to you and to others. This will leave you with the prasada of positively positive space, real positive space and authenticity gives you the prasada of space of possibility, just the space of possibility. When Rudra comes face Him with integrity and authenticity He becomes Shiva. Rudra becomes Shiva, causeless auspiciousness. He becomes the space of rejuvenation, not just destruction. When He becomes the space of rejuvenation He is no more destruction. The word does not suit Him. The space of positivity, space of possibility makes Shiva happen in you, Shiva happen in you, Shiva happen in you. Whenever you see any destruction happening in your life with the view that it is happening only to expand you, you are in state of Shiva - Rudra. Rudra becomes Shiva.


Dhyan se suniye, kripya Dhyan se suniye, Jab Bhi aapke Jivan Mein Hone Wali koi bhi vinash ko is Drishtikon se dekhte hain ki vah Keval aapko vistarit karne Hetu hi Hui Hai, tab aap Shiv Rudra ke sthiti mein rehte hain


Realizing the space of Shiva…. Brahma should have been established in integrity because - the word; Vishnu should have been established in authenticity - sarva vyapi. When Brahma fell from integrity, Vishnu fell from authenticity, the conflict happened. Then responsibility has to appear, taking responsibility for lack of integrity and inauthenticity and remind them, put them back in the space of respon… integrity and authenticity. This action is enriching. Mahadeva embodiment of responsibility appears to enrich Vishnu and Brahma, remind them about their inauthenticity and lack of integrity. Fortunately Brahma and Vishnu completed and restored their integrity and authenticity. That is the reason still universe is functioning, available to all of us. I tell you, whenever there is lack of integrity and inauthenticity among the human beings Mahadeva due to his ultimate responsible feeling appears into the space of time, form and name to remind people and bring them back to integrity and authenticity.


Today is the day we celebrate Mahadeva’s happenings, all happenings, not just one, all happenings. It is so beautiful to see sangha restoring their integrity and authenticity and taking up responsibility and enriching themselves and the world. I can feel, I know what joy Mahadeva would have felt when Brahma and Vishnu restored their integrity and authenticity. I can feel the same joy. When Rudra comes in your life in the form of destruction, face Him with integrity and authenticity. He is not your enemy, He is your own being reminding you to get centered to authenticity and responsibility. He is Shiva who is your very life because he loves you because He is you, he is causeless auspiciousness.


jab bhi Rudra aapke Jivan mein vinash ke roop Mein prakat Hota hai tab Unka Samna sampoorti evam Shradha se kijiye. tab aap Shiva ya akaaran mangalatva ke sthiti ko Anubhav kar sakte hain. Dhyan se suniye jab bhi Rudra aapke Jivan mein vinash ke roop Mein prakat Hota hai tab Unka Samna sampoorti evam Shradha se kijiye. tab aap Shiva ya akaaran mangalatva ke sthiti ko Anubhav kar sakte hain.


Listen, Listen! This makarathadanka is to remind you to listen. This is a traditional jewelry worn by Mahadeva and Meenakshi. It is called makara kundala. Makara is the vehicle of Ganga. It is a form of crocodile; crocodile family but not crocodile. Another one form of crocodile is Makara. Ganga is called Makara Vahini because in Ganga Makara lives, which goes on purifying Ganga. So, listening purifies your Jnana Ganga, listening purifies your inner Ganga, that is why the Makara Vahini the Makara is used as the kundala in the ears.


Listen, today is the day for everyone to restore their integrity, authenticity, take responsibility and enrich yourself and others. Because Mahadeva did all the four today. He appeared for conflict resolution and He decided to enrich, gave enlightenment. Let us celebrate Mahadeva’s happening into the space of time, name and form by restoring ourself in integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. From today morning extraordinary strength and the power and authenticity I am feeling. I know something extraordinary is going to happen from today. Today is the day for you to re-establish integrity, authenticity, take responsibility, and enriching yourself and others.


Aaj ka din aap apne aapko sampoorti Shraddha jimmedari Mein Punah sthapit kijiye aur apne aap ko evam Anya Logon Ko labhanvit kijiye. Dhyan se suniye Aaj ka din aap apne aapko sampoorti Shraddha jimmedari Mein Punah sthapit kijiye aur apne aap ko evam Anya Logon Ko labhanvit kijiye.


Today is the great possibility opening, the door is opening, for all of us to restore our integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. This is the message of Mahadeva’s happening today as Mahakala, who is beyond time. I can see that happening. Hundred people Sannyas! Sangha, sangha is taking up, restoring with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. It is like a huge door opening, like what Jnanasambandar did, on his marriage day, he opened the whole door of Kailasa. Whoever wants he took the responsibility for all their inauthenticity also and took them along with him, to the space of enlightenment. Today I am opening that door for all of you. So, today whoever declares, I give you the freedom to declare and I take the responsibility for your declaration. I take the responsibility to make you responsible and authentic, integrated to your declaration. I take responsibility even if your declaration is inauthentic and I take responsibility to make it authentic, make it responsible, make it integrated, make it enriching.


Morning we will start the sanyas initiation ceremonies, with the shraddha, pinda shraddha and atma shraddha, and evening viraja homa. Morning there will be shraddha, swa-shraddha, atma shraddha, pinda shraddha ceremonies in the Vaidya Sarovar. After the satsang, 45 minutes break, in 45 minutes the ceremony will start and then everyone will take the maha snan, in Vaidya Sarovar, who are getting initiated into krama brahmacharya, naishtika brahmacharya and sanyasa. Then all of them will come out and declare. Of course Rishis also will be taking bath and declaring their Rishi hood. After the declaration they will receive the cloth because after today evening initiation, viraja homa… evening viraja homa will happen. After the viraja homa each one of them will be given the title as per their declaration. Krama bramachyaris will have just the title brahmachari, naishtika brahmacharis will have the title brahmachari and chaitanya in the end. Swamis will have the title Sri and Swami in the end. Sri in the beginning and Swami in the end. Swaminis will have ma in the beginning and Swamini in the end. And Peethadishwars will have the title - if they are male Peethdishwar. Peethadishwaris will have the title if they are female Peetatheeshwari and Pravrajika in the end Swamini and Prana.


So, each one will have their clear title and by day after tomorrow Ramakrishna’s birthday the consolidated Nithyananda order will be declared to the world. These four sampradaya: krama brahmacharis, naishtika bramacharies, sannyasis, rishis. These four of them will consist Nithyananda order and any committed devotee, volunteer, organizer, whoever has declared their commitment to volunteer or being an organizer, or being part of the sangha in any form: coordinator, acharya, yogacharya, head of the temple, head of the ashram, head of the monastery, whoever has declared their commitment clearly, they will all form Nithyananda sampradaya. So, on Ramakrishna's birthday, we will be declaring to the world officially Nithyananda order and Nithyananda sampradaya. The order will form the core group, and sampradaya will form the sangha. This will be My spiritual army and arm, to take the responsibility for the world, to take the responsibility for the world. You would have heard the viraja homa mantras, I will read out the meaning of the mantras so that you know what commitment you are giving to yourself and to the Master, and dhamma and sangha. And I also request anybody who is interested in declaring for sannyas, who is going to declare for sannyas to make the decision end of the mantra and I will be asking raise your hand now itself, after listening to the mantras.


Tilan-juhomi sarasaa(ga)m sapishtaan gandhaara mama chitte ramantu svaahaa | Mantra means, O! the smell of the presence, Ananda Gandha, I offer the sesame seeds which represent the strength of integrity, along with the nectar called “feeling connection”, along with integrated inner space, let the strengths of integrity dwell delightfully in my inner space. Let there be blessings. Hail, I offer the oblation!


The second mantra: Gavo hiranyam dhana-mannapaana(ga)m sarveshaa(ga)m sriyai svaahaa | Translation: I offer to the Cosmic Auspiciousness, the earth, cows, gold, wealth, food, and beverages that originally belong to the Cosmos. Let there be blessings! Means, with this offering, you surrender everything – personal wealth, I and mine.


Sriyam cha lakshmim cha pushtim cha keertim cha anrinyataam | brahmanyam bahuputram | sraddha-medhe prajaas-sandadaatu svaahaa || Means, kindly bless me with power, prosperity, wealth, completion, glory, the ability to enrich, the state of being the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, authenticity, intelligence and people. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation. In this, you declare to the Cosmos, “I am the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos!” So, everything is in my disposal. You offer all the things you possess and declare everything is in your disposal. Sannyas means, renouncing the possession, keeping everything in your disposal. Understand Sannyas means, renouncing the possessions and keeping everything in your disposal. You don’t possess anything. You don’t own anything, but everything is in your disposal. The Strength, Energy, the Power you radiate, everything is in your disposal.


Tilah krishnaas-tilaa-svetaas-tilaas-somyaa vasaanugaah | tilaah punantu may paapam yatkinchit-duritam mayi svaahaa || May the sesame seeds which represent the strength of integrity, which are black, white and fit to be offered in sacrifice, the strength of integrity that follows one’s will and commitment, complete whatever karmas, sins, negativity and incompletion that is in me. Let there be blessings! Understand this offering is to represent the strength of integrity which are black and…, white and fit to be offered in sacrifice. The strength of integrity that follows one’s will and commitment complete whatever karmas, sins, negativity and incompletion that is in me. Let there be blessings.


Please listen! Even if there are some incompletions and inauthenticities, you declare out of your authenticity of brahmanyam bahuputram. Listen! Even one single moment, one percent of your inner space feels you are the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, even if you have one reason to feel you are the chosen inheritor of the Cosmos, with holding that you can declare even your incompletion to become completion, your inauthenticity to become authenticity! How many of you cognize this? Here, the Rishi is declaring, ‘With the strength of my… even if it is one ray of authenticity or integrity, with that strength I am declaring, even my inauthenticities be burnt, even my lack of integrities be burnt.’ Even if it is a small fire, it will burn the whole. There is a huge cotton godown. And the whole world. The cotton godown is like inauthenticity and lack of integrity. The world is irresponsibility. And whatever, whatever… you visualize – selfishness everything. Even if there is a small fire on the cotton, it will burn all the lack of integrity and inauthenticity, and then it will take the responsibility and enrich the whole world.


So you don’t need to have fear. “I have fifty percent integrity, fifty percent authenticity, fifty percent I don’t have. What can I do?” I tell you, Nobody, Nobody, Nobody ever declared brahmanyam bahuputram after having hundred percent authenticity. It is always, including Me, it is always the strength of one ray of authenticity, one ray of integrity that makes you declare your… the state of brahmanyam bahuputram! With the strength of declaration, now burns all the lack of integrity and inauthenticity. Jnanatma, you are clear? No! I wanted to now honestly open to the world, one hour before taking, receiving sannyas from Hamsanandapuri, I was in confusion. One hour before. The ritual happened early morning around 4:30. I got up, and I was taking bath in Ganga. Maybe it was 3:30 or 3 O’clock. I was in confusion. Being an incarnation, decided to take up the sannyas life at the age of five, body was prepared by two great yogis, body was prepared by Raghupathi Yogi, and mind was prepared by Kuppammal, the psychological mutation has happened at the age of twelve, death has happened at the age of twenty-one, in twenty-two, before the initiation, before taking up the… doing the Viraja Homa and taking up the kaavi, confusion!! Don’t worry if you are in confusion. You are exactly in the state of your Guru! There is nothing new. There is nothing to worry. But I declared! That made Nithyananda into NITHYANANDA!


Confusion is not wrong if you declare it! It is wrong if you missed it! Very clearly this mantra shows the Rishi who declared is in confusion! Don’t you see? After declaring brahmanyam bahuputram, he says, “Let my lack of integrity be burnt by the will of my integrity, by the power of my integrity.” If he is in completion, he would not have even remembered. Anybody in completion, do you remember even the negativity you left behind? If you are remembering, there is still incompletion and fear. With that he is declaring! He is declaring. Strength of the Rishi. He is teaching us the lesson! Black sesame seed represents Integrity. White sesame seed represents Authenticity. Offering it into the fire represents Responsibility. And the confidence you radiate in your body language is Enriching. O’ My sons, today we are all liberated with this sannyas initiation! brahmanyam bahuputram! Because I don’t need anything, everything is in my disposal.


Next verse: Chorasya-annam nava-sraaddham brahmahaa gurutalpagah | gosteya(ga)m suraa-paanam bhroona-hatyaa tilaa saanti(gfa)m samayantu svaahaa|| Let the same sesame seeds that are representation, that are the representation of the strength of integrity, restore completion and the complete… and complete the incompletion. Listen! Let the sesame seeds that are the representation of the strength of integrity and authenticity, restore completion and complete the incompletion, and the sin born out of eating the food of a thief, eating the food offered in the specific rituals during the funeral rites.


Aathma May sudhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(g)am swaahaa || Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify my body, the Self, and the identity that I project towards others, and I feel as me, and others’ anyakaara, others perceive about me. May I become the Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation! Aathma means, all three put together: what I feel as me, what I project as me, what others perceive as me. All three put together.


Antharathma May sudhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(g)am swaahaa || Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation! Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify my inner space and identity that I project towards myself. May I become Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation!


Next verse: Paramaathmaa May sudhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(g)am swaahaa || Let the sacred fire, and the energies invoked in it, purify the Supreme Self within me which is covered by my ignorance. May I become Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail, I offer the oblation! Today, the day, when the Supreme Cosmic Light has expressed itself, you are all… we are all becoming Supreme Cosmic Light.


Kshudhey swaahaa | Let this oblation be unto the energy of hunger. Let there be blessings! Hail! Means, even your hunger is purified. The possibility of you becoming Nirahaari. Kshuthpipaasaaya swaaha | Let this oblation be to…..unto the combined energy of hunger and thirst. Let there be blessings! Hail!


Vivittyai swaahaa | Let this oblation be unto the all-pervasive cosmic energy. Let there be blessings! Hail! These few verses are chanted as Paata bedhaa. Means, in few sampradayas, these few verses are part of Viraja Homa Mantra. In few sampradayas this is part of the next set of mantras. But in our sampradaya, these verses will be part of the Viraja Homa Mantra.


Rigvidhaanaaya swaahaa | Let this oblation be unto the One who ordains the Rig Veda and Rig chants. Let there be blessings! Hail!


Kashotkaaya swaahaa | Let this oblation be unto the Lord who is excited in the process of creation, and let there be blessings! Hail!


Kshuthpipaasaamalam jyeshtaam malakshmeernaashayamyaham | Abhoothim Asamruddhim cha sarvaan nirnudha may paapmaanagum swaahaa || I bring authenticity, I am bringing authenticity and removing all the inauthenticities arising in the form of hunger, thirst, misfortune, inauspiciousness, powerlessness, lack of expansion, and growth, and the space of impossibility. May this oblation eliminate all my inauthenticities. Let there be blessings! Hail!


Annamaya-praanamaya-manomaya-vijnaanamaya-aanadamaya | aathma May suddhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(ga)m swaahaa || Let the sacred fire and the energy invoked in it purify the five-fold Self comprised by the sheaths of food, life-energy - breath, mind, intelligence and bliss. May I become the Supreme Cosmic Light which is pure and free from suffering. Let there be blessings! Hail! I offer the oblation !


Agnaye swaahaa | Vishvebhyo devebhyo swaahaa | Dhruvaaya swaahaa | Bhoomaaya swaaha | Dhruvakshithaye swaahaa | Let this oblation be to…..unto the energy of fire of Agni, to the God Vishwadeva, Dhruva, Bhooma, and Dhruvakshithi. Let there be blessings! Hail! This is the Viraja Homa Mantras.


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Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 178 (Upanishad Under Bidadi Banyan Tree 10 Mar 2013)

Link to Video:


Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule - 231 (Shivaratri MoolavarAbhishekam, 10MAR2013)

Link to Video:

Photos From The Day:


Dwajastabam - awaits the start of MahaShivaratri along with the rest - devotees, disciples, ashramites. Dwajahoram welcomed the dawn of the day every Shiva devotee is waiting for - Maha Shivaratri. The Nithyostav flag - that will make way for the Shivaratri flag. Flowers grace the Trishul - Shiva's ayudha. Gurukul also waiting early for Swamiji to arrive and start the celebration.

Swamiji arrives at the temple

The most early awaited moment arrives when Swamiji arrives at the temple. Swamiji inside the temple. Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyananeshwari in beautiful, alankar. Swamiji moving towards the most sacred area.

Swamiji paying His respects

Swamiji paying his respects to ........ Dakshinamurthi, who stands majestically in royal splendor. Swamiji paying respects to the Banyan Tree. The MahaShivaratri flag makes its way up the dwaja stamba/flag post. The flag unfurls signalling to all worlds that Maha Shivaratri is celebrated here and people from all worlds are welcome!

Paada Puja

Padha Puja

Swamiji at the morning satsang

Swamiji at the morning satsang. Swamiji greets all devotees, disciples, samajis, yet to be devotees viewing from around the world on the auspicious occassion.

Swamiji spoke on the significance of Shiva and Shivaratri

Swamiji spoke on the significance of Shiva and Shivaratri.

Shivaratri is the day Shiva revealed Himself as a Column of Light

Shivaratri is the day Shiva revealed Himself as a Column of Light. Devotees all gathered for the auspicious occassion. Mahashivaratri is the day of Arunachaleshwara. Swamiji reveals the tattvas of Nithyanandeshwara demonstates and stands for.

Damaru stands for Integrity.

The Fire in hand stands for Authenticity. Abhaya hasta (lower right hand) symbolizes Responsibility. and by his lower right gracing Mother Nithyanandeshwari symbolizes Enriching. Swamiji also spoke on Sanyas And the various categories of Sanyas.

Swamiji at Vaidya Sarovar during sanyas initiation

Swamiji at Vaidya Sarovar during sanyas initiation.

The fortunate ones who took Sanyas initiation on the auspicious day

The fortunate ones who took Sanyas initiation on the auspicious day at the Viraja Homa listening to Swamiji.

Swamiji conducts Viraja homa

Swamiji conducts Viraja homa, which is part of the Sanyas initition. Swamiji blesses the newly iniated As they step into the next level of this time-honored path of Sanyas. Swamiji conducts the Viraja homa Swamiji during the homa.

Swamiji with purna ahooti

Swamiji with purna ahooti. Presiding deities Nithyanandeshwara and Nithyanandeshwari also present.

The satsang on this most holy evening

Swamiji starts the most awaited part of the celebrations - the satsang on this most holy evening. Swamiji greets all devotees, those who are there physically and virtually. Swamiji delivers his message on this occassion.

Swamiji does arathi to the Syavambu linga

Swamiji does arathi to the Syavambu linga.

Rudrabishekam at the temple

Rudrabishekam at the temple was done immediately after the evening satsang.

vibhooti abishekam

Swamiji does vibhooti abishekam.

Beautiful view of the Ananda linga

A most beautiful sight - Swamiji doing Lingabhishekam. To the Ananda linga at the Vaidya Sarovar. Beautiful view of the Ananda linga in full alankar receiving the holy abhishekam from Swamiji on this holy day.

Devotional songs at the evening musicals

Singers singing devotional songs at the evening musicals.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, initiation, powerful, ceremony, blessing, world.

Photos Of The Day:

Mahashivarathri Celebrations, 2013

Photos Of The Day:

Photos Of The Day:













More Photos from Nithya Satsang

More Photos from Viraja Homa
