March 26 2004

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Sex, Meditation & Death || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 26 Mar 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Sex, Meditation & Death Part 1 Date: 26 March 2004 Venue: Columbus, Ohio, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives insights on how we can bridge the two ends of deeply rooted fear of death and greed for sex (life) through adding meditation into the equation. When meditation happens in us, we can purify death and sex and ultimately bridge all three experiences into one when we reach spiritual life. When we are impure, these three experiences appear totally contradictory to each other. Fear is a deeper layer than greed. From fear, greed appears. From "I", "mine" appears. "I" is the ego of the being, it is the root of fear. "Mine" is the root of greed. Too much greed makes us go against life, too much fear of death makes us shrink from life. When we add meditation, the very concept of sex and death changes. The greed for sex and the fear of death are taken away through meditation. Once meditation is added, sex and death start to compliment each other. Once we face death without fear, we understand death is not end of life, it is the climax of life. When we meditate, our passion becomes compassion, our lust becomes love, our dreams drop, our imaginations get burnt away, our life go through transformation.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Sex, meditation, death. When I gave this title, one of My ashram resident was sitting next to Me. I was giving titles for America discourses. When I gave this title she suddenly commented, “What Swamiji? Total three contradictory terms. Totally contradicting terms, three terms You are giving under one title.” I gave the explanation… of course even when you hear the title you will feel ‘what total contradicting words’. When they are impure they are totally opposite to each other, contradictory to each other. If the meditation starts happening in your life, it can purify sex and death and ultimately bridge all the three experience into one, when you reach the spiritual life. Spiritual life is the ultimate thing which can happen to any being. We will see all these three terms in three planes. First, how they are in our life, contradictory to each other in a impure state. Once you add meditation, how they start complementing each other, and when the meditation ends how they become one with each other. How they are common, what is the common point in the three experience?


First, how the three experience contradict with each other. Then how they complement each other and how they become one, they meet and merge. The basic understanding as on now what we have, not only understanding, as an experience about death… sex, meditation, death - I will come from this way. Because you understand fear more clearly than greed. Fear is the deeper layer than greed. We always think from greed, fear appears. No, from fear, greed appears. We always have an idea from ‘Mine’, ‘I’ appears. We always think first the ‘Mine’ and then the ‘I’. But it is wrong. First the ‘I’ then the mine. ‘I’ is the root for fear; mine is the root for gear… root for greed. ‘I’ is the ego or the being, it is the root for fear. Mine… mine this is mine, that is mine, this is my house, this is my car, this is my bungalow, this is my relations, my friends. That mine is the root of greed. ‘I’ is the root of fear, mine is the root of greed. First the root of fear appears, the ‘I’ appears only then the mine appears. First the ‘I’ only then the mine.


So, let Me explain the death. The very word creates an agony, very word creates a fear; very word immediately we think ‘why should we talk about all these things now, when it comes let us manage. Why should we think about all these things now?’ As on now our understanding about death is totally negative. Death is more or less an enemy for us. That is why, in all the religion, in all the culture, death is painted as a black. In Hinduism Yama Dharma is black. In Christianity Satan is black. In all the religion. In Buddhism Mara is black. In all religion death is always painted as a black, big, big mustache 😀 We paint death as a villain, never as a hero. Death is always painted as a villain. The idea of death is always approached with a negativity. We feel death takes away everything from us. Whatever we want, whatever we enjoy, whatever we have, everything is just snatched by force from us. Somehow we always want to escape from death.


From the time immemorial, all the traditions, not one or two tradition, all the civilizations are trying in all possible methods to conquer the death. Scientists are trying through medicines which gave birth to allopathy. Siddhas, the ayurvedic siddhas are trying through herbs, which gave birth to whole siddha tradition and kayakalpa. The yogis are trying through mantra which gave birth to mrityunjaya mantra and pranayama techniques. The Lamas are trying with meditation which gave birth to our mahamantra technique. Almost all the tradition, all the culture is trying to conquer death to go beyond death. Why? Why every culture, every tradition is trying to go beyond death in their own way. If they believe in medicine through medicine, if they believe in meditation through meditation, if they believe in yoga through yoga, if they believe in herbs through herbs. Whatever possible way but the goal is how to conquer death? How to go beyond death? Why, why whole humanity is struggling against one thing which is proved fact? We are struggling against one thing which is a proved fact. Can you make the whole earth flat? No, it is a proved fact earth is round. It’s a globe. But if you struggle against the fact, something wrong in our struggling, in our understanding. Whole humanity is struggling against this one fact: the death. Why? And even after such a lot of struggle I don’t think even one person has achieved, one person is successful.


There was one guy in India, in Tamil Nadu, claiming himself as a great spiritual figure. You know in Hinduism you don’t need anything except two, three bit notice claiming that you are a spiritual figure. In other religions you need to get the agreement of the headquarters or their organizational president. In Hinduism you don’t need anything. Just ten rupees to print a bit notice or a fool who will print that. That is more than enough. That guy was claiming that in two thousand.. two thousand the whole world is going to be destroyed. He was predicting all sorts of this types of things and he is the only one man who is going to outlive the pralaya. And anybody who wants to be saved, you should follow him. This was the preachings he was giving. And the guy is a real orator so he could convince few thousands of people by appearing in TV and what all the possible ways. He could convince few thousands of people. Around that time suddenly instead of world dying, he is dead. Instead of world dying and he surviving, suddenly one fine morning the newspaper announces that he is dead. He claimed that he used to speak with the birds and all those, these, that things. Finally one day the news came that he is dead.


Of course, the sentiment which he exploited is fear. The fear of the people he tried to exploit. He tried to capitalize the fear of the people. I tell you, almost every tradition, every religion, every science, not only the allopathy, pranic healing, Reiki, homeopathy, siddha, ayurveda, what not, all pathys have worked on this death. Why, why are you so anti-death? Why are you so against death? Because we have not understood the truth or the fact behind the death. We never had the time to look into it. Once you decide somebody as your enemy, you will never look into his eyes and then whatever he does you feel only it is against you. Even if he sits and takes his coffee or his cup of tea you will feel he is thinking against you. Even... even if he writes something you feel he is planning something against you. Once you decide somebody is your enemy you don’t look into his eyes just like that. Once you decide the death is your enemy, you never look into it. Because of our basic decision, ‘death is our enemy’ we don’t look into the fact. We are continuously fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting just to drop dead. Just to drop dead you fight till you drop dead.


Our understanding about death, I can say misunderstanding about death, makes death as a fearful experience, frightening experience. The man who resists death, he dies even when he lives, moment to moment he dies. Every moment he is eaten away. He is mad, he is tortured by the idea of death. Death means, I don’t mean only the physical death; losing anything is nothing but death. Losing the outer comforts is also a one type of death. Losing your relatives is also one kind of death. You may ask why people are so attached? Why people get so much depressed and disturbed when they lose their close relatives? Even if you are not emotionally attached to them, even if you feel when he will die I don’t know,even if you are waiting for their death, once they die you will feel terribly shaken, you will feel some part of your being is dead.


Whenever your mother dies you will have attack of left side, your whole left side will suffer. Whenever your father dies your whole right side will suffer. Whenever your brothers die your hands will suffer. There is a… every part of your body is connected to someone of your relatives. If those relatives, especially if they live really very close to you, very loving way with you, you can very clearly feel that part is actually losing the strength for the thirteen days. Terribly you will be suffering, because your being is not individual being or alone, separate, as you think. We are all actually interlinked. Don’t think you are alone, you are an island. No man is island. Everybody is interlinked. That is why we undergo terrible suffering. Every missing, if you miss the outer comforts or the relatives or the love or your own health, anything is only death. Why are we afraid so much about death? Our misunderstanding, our misconception about death makes death more worse experience. As on now death means it’s a total devastating or shaking experience for us. The very word shakes us. Nobody wants to even think about it.


That is why all over the world, in all the countries, all the religion, all the tradition, graveyards are always built outside the city where nobody will see and decorated very nicely. So that you don’t remember. Very nicely covered and decorated. Here I heard that after death they do full makeup to the body and you have to purchase your graveyard plot and all those things. That’s nice. You can reserve for your site. Anyhow death means anti-life. That is what is our understanding. Let us go to sex. Again, because of our fear we think too much about death. The original experience death is not so bad. But because of our fear about the death we project and see that as a very big thing. If the real death is six feet tall, because of our fear we see that as a cut out size, sixty feet tall. Because of our fear we make six feet death as a sixty feet tall. Sameway because of our greed we make small experience sex as a sixty feet tall. That is why such big, big tall cut outs of actors and actresses. Just as we imagine and make the death as a big thing, due to our fear we make sex also a too big thing. We contaminate or we mix too much of dirt into it by too much of imagination and dreams; too much of expectation and unnecessary or unfulfillable - the things which cannot be fulfilled, you create such big dreams.



Sex, Meditation & Death || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 26 Mar 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Sex, Meditation & Death Part 2 Date: 26 March 2004 Venue: Columbus, Ohio, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives insights on how we can bridge the two ends of deeply rooted fear of death and greed for sex (life) through adding meditation into the equation. When meditation happens in us, we can purify death and sex and ultimately bridge all three experiences into one when we reach spiritual life. When we are impure, these three experiences appear totally contradictory to each other. Fear is a deeper layer than greed. From fear, greed appears. From "I", "mine" appears. "I" is the ego of the being, it is the root of fear. "Mine" is the root of greed. Too much greed makes us go against life, too much fear of death makes us shrink from life. When we add meditation, the very concept of sex and death changes. The greed for sex and the fear of death are taken away through meditation. Once meditation is added, sex and death start to compliment each other. Once we face death without fear, we understand death is not end of life, it is the climax of life. When we meditate, our passion becomes compassion, our lust becomes love, our dreams drop, our imaginations get burnt away, our life go through transformation.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



There is a small story. Mulla Nasruddin was telling his friends, he is actually weeping and wailing and complaining about his salary. “I am receiving only twenty thousand dollar per month. I do not know how will I run my life? How my life will go?” This guy said, “For your standard and for your qualification it is too much. Why don’t you feel satisfied? Why don’t you understand that its really too much. When you started what was your salary?” This guy said, “When I started it was two thousand.” “Now it is twenty thousand. Why don’t you feel satisfied”? This guy says, “The moment I hear that my salary is twenty thousand I started thinking my weight is one lakh. I start imagining about myself is something always more than my salary.” Your mind projects yourself always big than what you are given. The moment the reality increases your imagination jumps. Reality comes by train, imagination comes by telegram. Before the reality reaches your house the imagination has reached you. Before you start living with the reality the imagination has taken over you, taken away your life. Because of your unfulfillable imaginations you contaminate sex also.


The too much of greed and too much of fear, sex and death both creates hell in your life. Both makes your life miserable as much as possible, as much miserable as possible. This pulls you one side and this pushes you the other side. Pushing and pulling between death and sex. Sex is life, death is anti-life. Both look like a two banks of rivers. This is one side and that is other side. It seems both will never meet each other. Both looks totally contradictory to each other. The man who is having too much of greed, he will be always against death. That is why they try their best to hang on by hook… putting yourself into the wires and all possible machines. Too much of greed only creates too much of fear against death. Deep greed only wants you to live continuously. In ancient days, once the person crosses the state of vanaprasta, vanaprasta means once your kids are matured and are ready to take up the responsibility of the life, you are expected to become a vanaprasta. Vanaprasta means waiting in the forest for the sake of ending the life.


The last phase of the life is specially dedicated to prepare yourself to leave the planet earth. You have lived, now it is time to leave. It is time to pack up your bags. The last phase is dedicated in the Gurukulam system… In the vedic system brahmacharya, grihasta, vanaprasta, sanyasa. Brahmacharya means the period of studying or learning your profession both are brahmacharya. Grihasta means living your life joyfully and sharing your energy with your husband or wife; living together is grihasta. Then vanaprasta - once your kids are matured to take the responsibility of life on their own, you relax. You drop out from the rat race, the social struggles and take time to grow inside, get ready for leaving the body. Then naturally your life becomes beautiful; living was also beautiful and leaving is also beautiful. But now no time is given to you. Too much of greed. Till the end you want to achieve everything. Till the end you want to do something. You are in the rat race till you drop dead. You are in the rat race till automatically you drop dead.


I have seen many guys, even at the time just one or two days before the death also they will not stop going to their office. So much of greed, too much of greed makes you against the life. Sameway too much of fear of death shrinks you from your life. The fear of death makes you totally depressed, makes you dull, makes you move away from the life. As on now, in the impure state both are contradictory to each other. When you add only one thing… as on now both are two banks of the river - life and death, sex and death, fear and greed. Fear and greed, death and sex both of them are two sides of the river, two banks of the river. Once you make a small bridge called meditation between these two river… between these two banks, the whole concept or the whole life transforms. If you add meditation in your life, your sex also gets purified and death also gets purified. I tell you, when you add meditation you come out of sex, you come out death, you come out of both. When you add meditation the very concept of sex changes, the very concept of death changes. You grow out of both. The very idea ‘sex’ as you think disappears. The very idea ‘death’ as you think disappears. The greed from sex is taken away. The fear from death is taken away. If you really meditate, in a way you die and you are reborn. So, you are not afraid of death as well as life. Your fear about death disappears, your fear…. your greed for life also disappears. The imaginations of life, fear of death both are dissolved, purified by this bridge meditation.


Just now we saw what happens, what is death and sex before meditation. Let us see what is death and what is sex after meditation. Once the meditation is added to your life what happens to the concept of death and what happens to the concept of sex. How they start complementing each other once the meditation is added. Almost all the traditions have tried to conquer death, to outlive death, somehow to manage without dying. Only one group of people really intelligent, intuitive after struggling a lot understood that we are struggling against death in a wrong direction. If they really want to outlive death this is not the direction to be struggled. They decided to take a 180 degree turn, they started working on the death in a different way through meditation. Those few intelligent are only called as rishis. In the age of upanishad they started working; the report or the paper submitted by them is called Kathopanishad… the research which they did on death. Of course I am presenting a ultimate truth, the struggle of whole humanity, almost it is a history of whole human consciousness. You all must have read about the history of humanity. I am presenting you the history of human consciousness.


These rishis did a deep research on death and finally they have discovered by resisting death nothing can be done. By resisting death you cannot go beyond death. If you really want to go beyond death, if you really want to go beyond the cycle of life and death becoming enlightened is the only way; entering into the death, penetrating into the death, dropping the fear. That Upanishad says beautifully... the hero of the Upanishad, Nachiketa, he faces directly the death face to face. He directly faces the death without the fear. And the beauty of the upanishad, first time and last time death is depicted as a hero, death is portrayed as a hero. In this upanishad death is a god and master, God and Guru; God who gives all boons, Guru who gives ultimate intelligence. Death acts as a god who gives all the boons to the boy and the guru who gives the wisdom or the intelligence to the boy. When that boy face the death face to face without fear, without any prejudice, the Yama gave him all the possible boons and the wisdom.


You may be thinking how can death give all these things? Understand with few more dimensions, in few more ways. As long as you are afraid you will never look into the eyes of the death. Only when you look into the eyes of the death you will understand how much you are showered. If you meditate, if suddenly death comes to you what will you do? Then you will understand how much you have now. If you really understand what all the things you are going to miss when death comes, only then you will understand what all things you have now. As long as you take the accounts… Just meditate, in two days if death is going to come, what will you do? How much of things you are supposed to do? Or what all the things you will finish it. If you take accounts then you will understand how much you have to do or how much of things you have in the life which you have taken for granted because you are going to live for long time. Only when you understand the death, you will understand you have a very big life. That is what is told ‘by facing the death the man understands what is showered on him.’ Once you face the death without the fear, you understand death is not end of the life it is the climax of the life. It is not the end of the life. It is the climax of the life. But for us death is the end that is why we continuously pray. We continuously pray to avoid death.


A small story today Kamala was telling Me: One day a bus driver and a preacher both of them died and reached the heaven. Bus driver was given accommodation in the heaven, Preacher got accommodation only in the hell. Immediately Preacher started shouting against the judge, “I will sue you. How can you put me in hell? I was preaching the god's word all over my life, all through my life, all over the world. And this guy is a simple bus driver, you put him in the heaven. How can you do that?” The judge says, “Here, up in the heaven, we don’t bother what you do. We bother what is the result. When he was driving the bus people was praying for their life. When you were preaching people were sleeping.” So, here up in the heaven we don’t bother what you do. We bother what is the result. We pray only when the question of death comes. Whenever the question of death comes immediately we started praying.


I have seen so many atheists the moment doctors declare that you are going to die immediately the first thing is Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Shankara. So many atheists politicians secretly asking for healing and asking, requesting for vibhuti. All these things happens in India. Outside they are big atheists but inside when it comes to themself, totally shaking. I have seen even the great philosophers, the vedantis, actually the vedantic students by reading, reading, reading, they start thinking that they are god, they are enlightened. If you want to see the greatest fools on the planet earth, see the vedantic students. They are specially chosen. Actually by reading continuously, they start thinking that they have become enlightened. Whenever you don’t practice meditation, just do the intellectual gymnasium of reading and listening… Intellectual gymnasium I call it as a, trying to grab the things intellectually. If you eat the food if you digest it will become power for you it will become energy. If you don’t digest what will happen? Your system also will be disturbed, you will vomit on others. Same way, the intellectual ideas, the great philosophy, vedanta, if you meditate it will become your experience. After taking them in if you meditate it will become your experience if you don’t you will misunderstand and you will catch everybody and start vomiting on them. You will start preaching them.


…is a greatest vedanti he is an enlightened person, but what he spoke is a great truth but to whom he spoke is something wrong. He spoke the great truth to the wrong person… persons. These guys after listening or reading these great truths, they start talking, “Oh, no guru is necessary, no technique is necessary, no god is necessary. We are everything.” And the moment death comes or pain comes even those guys I have seen, they will start singing Hare Rama, Hare Krishna. Whenever the fear comes you call the god. Whenever the fear comes you raise your voice towards the heaven. I tell you, your greed and your fear, both can be transformed only by meditation, never by anything else. When you add meditation when you start facing the fear face to face, not by praying, praying is one more escaping method. Never pray when you get the fear. I have seen many people when they walk alone they will start chanting the Muruga stotras. They will start calling Rama-Rama, Krishna-Krishna. When they walk alone only, when they are in fear only. I have seen many women in TamilNadu, when they have to be alone in the house they will start chanting the Skanda sasti kavacham. The stotra towards Skanda.


Whenever you are in fear you start calling god, you start praying Rama-Rama, Krishna-Krishna. You feel good also because your mind is diverted. You don’t remember the fear. Otherwise your mind will be imagining, “Oh, some sound is listening… some sound is happening in my bedroom. Let me go and check. Some shadow is coming inside my room. Let me go and see.” Your mind will be just imagining. But your mind is diverted, Rama-Rama, Krishna-Krishna then you see, you think, “Oh, things are going okay.” Don’t think Rama has come or Krishna has come to help you. Even if you chant Coca-cola, coca-cola, coca-cola, your mind will be diverted. You will not have that fear. But that is not the way to face the fear. That is not the way to overcome the fear. Face it; only when you face, only when you directly face the fear face to face … tomorrow evening we will be having a meditation technique to face the fear. Only when you face you will understand death has no value. It is you who is creating too much, it is you who is giving too much of value to it. Death has got only one power over you - that your faith on it, that’s all.



Sex, Meditation & Death || Part 3 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 26 Mar2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Sex, Meditation & Death Part 3 Date: 26 March 2004 Venue: Columbus, Ohio, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives insights how we can bridge the two ends of deeply rooted fear of death and greed for sex (life) through adding meditation into the equation. When meditation happens in us, we can purify death and sex and ultimately bridge all three experiences into one when we reach spiritual life. When we are impure, these three experiences appear totally contradictory to each other. Fear is a deeper layer than greed. From fear, greed appears. From "I", "mine" appears. "I" is the ego of the being, it is the root of fear. "Mine" is the root of greed. Too much greed makes us go against life, too much fear of death makes us shrink from life. When we add meditation, the very concept of sex and death changes. The greed for sex and the fear of death are taken away through meditation. Once meditation is added, sex and death start to compliment each other. Once we face death without fear, we understand death is not end of life, it is the climax of life. When we meditate, our passion becomes compassion, our lust becomes love, our dreams drop, our imaginations get burnt away, our life go through transformation.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



When you believe that death is too big thing for me, it has got same effect on you. It is just like a mirror. When you believe ‘it is too big, too bad, it is going to disturb me terribly’, it disturbs you. If a donkey sees himself in the mirror what he will see? Donkey only. The sameway if you are totally afraid, frightened of death, death will be death for you. If you really look into it, you will see it is not against you, it is for you. It is not contradicting your life, it is complementing your life. Death is a deep relaxation. When you purchase a house, without knowing, after purchasing only you come to know there are so many things to be repaired, so many things to be done new, sometimes you get frustrated. ‘Oh so many things to be done, better let me sell this house and get new house.’ That is the same this; when you sell that house to go for purchasing new house do you feel you are missing something? No. The same way when you feel in your life you have not lived totally up to your expectation, it is not as you wanted, you sell this body, you leave this body to take the new body. You wanted to start again from the beginning without messing like this. You wanted to restart, you wanted to do it again; the god’s boon, god's blessings to start again. He gives you the choice, He gives you the choice to start again.


Your choice to start again is only death. You just rejuvenate your body, rejuvenate your mind, take fresh set of memories, fresh set of body, fresh set of relatives and new place. You take everything new. Sometime if you feel totally disconnected or against particular community, you move from their city. You feel like ‘let us go away from this city. Let us go to new city and start new way of living.’ The sameway when you feel that you want to start something new, when you want to start new way of life, you decide, “Let me leave this body, enough. I have used it. I cannot stay in this body anymore because it has become old. I cannot enjoy through this body. I cannot use this body. I cannot achieve what I want through this body. Let me take up the new birth.” The choice given to you by God to start again is only death.


But without understanding that we resist it. We resist as much as possible. Once you understand, once the meditation is added into your life, you face your fear. Facing the fear demystifies, clears all the fog, all the snow, all the ice collected on the death. You start facing the death face to face. When all the fog is removed, when the darkness is cleared, when the demystification happens, when you face the death face to face, you see it is nothing but life. Because every moment you die, in every moment you die, next moment you are born. The death and birth are just cycles. If you die, you will be born. If you are born, you will be dying. You understand it is just a cycle. Today the physiology people, they say once in eighty days, whole body, in your body, whole blood cells are changed, replaced by new blood cells. Not even one blood cell will be the same which was there eighty days ago. In eighty days the whole blood cells, millions and millions of blood cells are replaced. In one year your liver is totally replaced. Like this your whole body is just getting replaced.


In the total span of seven years your whole body is replaced. You are not the same person as you were seven years ago. But do you feel that… do you cry or do you feel... you feel that something is taken away from you, you feel that you have lost something, you feel bad for the.. your growth? No. Seven years ago who was here, he is not here now. You are totally new person. Continuously death is happening and life is happening to you. You don’t feel you are disturbed. You don't feel you are losing something. Then why do you feel with death? Because you have not faced it. You have not faced it. This you are facing everyday. That you have not faced it. That is why you feel so sick. You feel so much frightened about the death. When you face the fear, the very concept of death disappears. Death becomes god and the guru. Death is master and master is death. Death teaches you beautiful things even which life cannot teach you. There are so many things which life cannot teach you, only death can teach you. Death is the greatest master. He teaches you lot of things.


The life, again the sex, if you add meditation to your sex it gets purified from all the imaginations and dreams. It flowers as a love. It blossoms as a ultimate love. I always tell people, nowadays if you want to spread anything all over the world, you just put it in the website, it spreads all over the world. It is anything, personal possession, if you put it in the website it reaches the, all over the world. It becomes universal. Just add dot com, it becomes universal. When you add just dot com it becomes universal. Your things becomes universal things. Sameway add dot com to your passion it becomes compassion. If it is directed only towards one person, if it is too much covered, it is passion. If it is directed towards one being it is a passion, lust. Add dot com and make it universal, it becomes compassion, that's all. As long as it is towards one person it is passion, when you give the passion to the whole world, when you give it for the whole world, when the person who receives becomes universe or when the universe, you start giving your passion to the universe it becomes compassion. Just add dot com, over. Passion becomes compassion.


When you meditate your passion becomes compassion. Your lust becomes love. Your dreams drops. Your imaginations gets burnt away. Your life totally sees a different transformation. So, when you add meditation you bridge life and death. You understand the life or the sex in a different dimension. You penetrate the death in a different dimension. Last, how all these three can become a single experience? Or how all things three.. can unite? First you saw how they are now, and second - how they can become, and ultimately how they lead to a same being. In sex, death and meditation, in all the three your mind gives gap. Your intellect stops working. Your being floods the energy into your system. Your mind for a moment stops working. Meditation gives you the glimpse of the mindless state through mind. Actually you can reach the mindless state, you can reach the energy through three ways. Through head - intellect, it means physical. And next through mental. Third through spiritual - being level. Physical is a sex; through sex also you reach the same state for a moment, for a moment. But it is not permanent, that is the problem. It is not permanent. For a moment you reach the same joy, same ecstasy but mityananda not nithyananda. Mityananda means ephemeral, which can disappear, which is not reality.


In death, if you deeply penetrate the death, again you get the bodiless experience, outer body experience. That is why in our meditation camp ASP we always have a special meditation called death meditation. And most of the people get deep experiences only in that meditation. Tomorrow we will be having the meditation. Entering into the sex, entering into the death, entering into the mediation all the three leads to the same experience, leads to the same state. Tantrics enter through sex and reach the enlightenment. Vedantis enter through fear, death and reach the enlightenment. Yogis enter through meditation and reach the enlightenment. In all the three mind is put aside, in all the three logic is put aside. In sex also you need to put your logic away. Man who is logical cannot really relate with the other. Man who is too much of mind, man of too much of head will not be able to live with the other. Too much of head never lets you to relate with the other. In sex also you need to drop your head; illogical, you have to become illogical. In death also you have to drop your head because you cannot… your head cannot work. Your logic cannot face. How much you argue, death is not going to argue with you. You can say, “I have a small children, why don’t you let me for two, three days at least, I will write a will and come back. I have this, I have that, why don’t you have little bit of compassion?” No. Death never argues. Argument or logic cannot be used with death also.


And same thing with meditation also. The man who is logical can never meditate, can never let go. In meditation also you need to drop your logic. All the three is almost the same type of experience. In sex you are born, in meditation you are reborn. In death you die, in meditation you die once for all. In sex you are born once, in death you are dying once, in meditation you do the both. Death of the old and birth of the new both happens in meditation. You become enlightened. The last death and last birth both happens in meditation. In sex the regular birth happens, in death regular death happens, in meditation the last birth and last death happens. Your last death is your enlightenment. Your last birth is also your enlightenment. You dying as a ego is the last birth… last death. You taking birth as an enlightened one is the last birth.


Your last death and last birth, nirvana is the last nightmare, enlightenment is the last dream. So, with death your last birth and the last death both… with meditation your last death happens and your last birth happens. Add meditation into your life, both will be bridged. Otherwise… if you are wise you will add meditation to bridge both, to unite both. When you bridge both, both becomes one. As long as you don’t have bridge both are separate cities, two banks of the river or separate cities. When you bridge, they are no more two separate cities, they become one. So, bridge the life and death with meditation. You will understand the life is totally different, you will see the ultimate birth and ultimate death. And I tell you, meditation enriches your death and enriches your sex. It enriches your death and enriches your sex. It enriches your death and it enriches your life, both. Make a bridge, bring meditation into your life, both will be connected and both will be useful for you. If you are wise you bring meditation and use the both. Otherwise you are other-wise. That's all. Meditation is the way to unite, to communicate between birth and death and to commune between birth and death. It transforms your life. If you bring meditation between birth and death, the life is worthy. Otherwise it is just one more cycle.


Ramana Maharishi says beautifully, if you wake from your dreams you come out of your dreams. If you don’t wake up, you just dream and fall asleep, again dream fall asleep, again dream fall asleep. That same cycle will be going on. Just like that, same way, in the life if you become enlightened you come out this dream, otherwise birth and death, again birth and death, again birth and death. The same cycle will be going on till you wake up, till you meditate, till the meditation is added to your life and death, the cycle of life and death will be continuously going on without your consciousness. Somebody asked Me, “Swamiji, why in every graveyard the life and death is mentioned”? I told him nothing worth mentioning happens in between, that’s all. In most of our life, only the life, birth and death, only these two things are worth mentioning. Nothing worth mentioning happens. If you add the meditation, really something worth mentioning will happen in your life between life and death, which can transform the life and death. Add meditation as a bridge between these two. If you miss meditation, I tell you, really you miss not one dimension of your life, the real dimension of your life; because the meditation does not mean something part of your life, it transforms the whole life. This side death and this side life, both are transformed by the meditation.


Meditation is not a luxury, it is a necessity. We always think meditation is a luxury. We always think, “No, no, Swamiji, I have so much of work to be done. Bch.. I think once I settle my kids then I will come for ASP. Now I have so much of work to be done. I have to… I have this project, that project, I have to go to this work, that work. I have kids Swamiji, I have this Swamiji, I have that. I cannot come for ASP. Once I settle them all, after two years I think I will be able to attend.” You think meditation is the last need, it is a luxury, don’t think it is a necessity. Meditation is like a torch to your life. It is the necessity to explore every dimension of your life. Every dimension is lit up. You understand every dimension in a new way. That is why I tell you, add this bridge you will understand in a different way the both banks of the river. This bridge can make both cities into one city. When you make a bridge both city almost becomes one city. Sameway when you put the bridge of meditation, life, death, meditation both meet and merge into the river of existence, into the river of Brahman or god or the divine, Eternal bliss. So, let you add this bridge to these both banks and not only unite them and reach the experience which all the three leads to, the enlightenment, the eternal bliss, nithya ananda. Thank You.



Sex, Meditation & Death || Part 4 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || 26 Mar 2004


Name Of The Convention: Initiation Into Powerful Cognitions Session on: Sex, Meditation & Death Part 4 Date: 26 March 2004 Venue: Columbus, Ohio, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam gives insights how we can bridge the two ends of deeply rooted fear of death and greed for sex (life) through adding meditation into the equation. When meditation happens in us, we can purify death and sex and ultimately bridge all three experiences into one when we reach spiritual life. When we are impure, these three experiences appear totally contradictory to each other. Fear is a deeper layer than greed. From fear, greed appears. From "I", "mine" appears. "I" is the ego of the being, it is the root of fear. "Mine" is the root of greed. Too much greed makes us go against life, too much fear of death makes us shrink from life. When we add meditation, the very concept of sex and death changes. The greed for sex and the fear of death are taken away through meditation. Once meditation is added, sex and death start to compliment each other. Once we face death without fear, we understand death is not end of life, it is the climax of life. When we meditate, our passion becomes compassion, our lust becomes love, our dreams drop, our imaginations get burnt away, our life go through transformation.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Few questions. HDH reads out the question: Is kundalini awakening the only way to reach enlightened state? HDH: Actually when you become enlightened the kundalini gets awakened. The kundalini awakening is not the only way. It is also one way, it’s not the only way. There are so many other techniques. In the ASP we do only one technique to awaken the kundalini. All other techniques are different kinds of methods. It is actually vice versa. When you become enlightened the kundalini automatically gets awakened. But to reach the enlightenment state there are so many other paths. So, you can reach through any technique. But when you reach that state, enlightened state, the kundalini automatically awakens.


HDH reads out the question: Why do we do prostrations and touch feet? Is it not a dehumanizing experience? HDH: It is the only humanizing experience. I tell you, if you don’t touch the feet of the god or the Master, you will be touching the feet of your ego. If you don’t follow the god or your Master, you will be following your ego. If you chant divine name you will not be chanting the other things. I don’t say you should chant the god’s name. But if you don’t, you will be chanting coca-cola, coca-cola, pizza, pizza. That’s all. If you don’t touch the feet of the god, touch the feet of the Master’s, you will be touching your own ego’s feet. Two things: either you will listen to the Master or you will be listening to your ego. Master is a man who has achieved already the eternal bliss, nithyananda. So, if you follow him you will get that state. Your ego, what it has achieved and towards what it is leading you, you know. If you are quite happy, comfortable, content, blissful towards the path which your ego is leading you, then you touch your ego’s feet. Nothing wrong. If you are happy, ecstatic, blissful with your ego, then you follow your ego, you follow touching the feet of your ego. Nothing wrong.


If you are a little uncomfortable, if you want to change, follow the Master’s path. Then only two things: Master and mind. If you follow the Master you cannot follow the mind. If you follow the mind you cannot follow the Master. If you touch the feet of the Master you will not touch the feet of the mind. If you don’t touch the feet of the Master you will be touching the feet of the mind. That’s all. That is why there is a beautiful word ‘namaha’; when you touch the feet of the Master they say ‘namaha’, means ‘not mine’, ‘I am not’. “I surrender the ‘I’ and ‘me’ at your feet, I and mine at your feet. The ‘I’ and ‘mine’ is surrendered at the feet of the Master or the god. So, touching the feet of the god or the Master is only the humanizing experience. If you don’t touch, you will be touching your ego, you will be following your senses, you will be following your mind which is the greatest dehumanizing experience. Touching the feet of your mind and the ego, carrying the ego and the mind is only the real dehumanizing experience; you drop from your divinity, you become human, not even human, animal. So, touching the Master’s feet will make you a human being. Imbibing his teachings will make you divine. So, this is the only humanizing experience which can happen to your life.


HDH reads out a question from a Participant: Is learning about your past life, a good way to help resolve some of your issues in the present life? If it is, would You be able to uncover my past life and tell what it was like etc? HDH: Learning about your past life is really a good way to help resolve some of your issues and we will be doing this meditation of touching your past life tomorrow in the ASP. If you can attend the ASP you will be undergoing the meditation or cleansing of the chakras which has given experience or glimpse of their past life for many, many, many participants. Any more questions?


Participant: Swamiji, it seems that from what you are saying about the illogical nature of death and sex and meditation, the following the being with an enlightened Master is a logical process. The mind has to at some point surrender or step away from the picture. Because then you are just doing the same old thing what you always do whatever that is - pizza, coca-cola, go to movies, whatever. So, to let go and to be illogical is very difficult. But at the same time the last part of my question but you are so unhappy with the logical way, you have no choice, you have to; just like go crazy. Go illogical, maybe … , go illogical. Is this true? HDH: You asked a right question. You are undergoing the last nightmare. Nirvana the last nightmare. Ramana Maharaishi was questioned by some devotee. How can seeing the Master help us wake up, to wake up or to become enlightened Bhagawan? He says Master is a simha swapna for you. He is the nightmare for you. If you see a nightmare in the dream, you suddenly wake up. If you see a elephant chasing you or a snake biting you what happens? You wake up from the dream. The same way Master is a simha swapna; He just frightens you. In the two ways you will wake up. You get the dream of deep desire, if you are going to get something which you have longed for so many days, the moment your desire or the greed, your desire or the fear, both appears in your dream you will wake up. If you see somebody whom you want to see for a long time in your dreams, the moment you are going towards him or her, to grab him or her you wake up.


The same way the fear also. If you see the nightmares the dreams which totally shakes you, frightens you, you wake up. In the dreams in which your deep desires are getting fulfilled, in that moment also you wake up. The moment you are about to get your dreams fulfilled you wake up. Dreams related to sex wakes you up. Dreams related to fear wakes you up. Both wakes you up. In both you just wake up. You come to the conscious state. Same way Master also uses the both technique. He shows you the greed of bliss. He continuously he is blissful. He is so joyful, ecstatic. You always feel greed of him. I have seen many people feeling jealous of Me. “Swamiji, what You speak something we understand, something we don't understand that is different. But the state in which You are living, it is really jealous, creating jealous Swamiji. Continuously happy even after so much of problems and so many person comes and tell the difficulties and so much of work and so many things are happening. But continuously happy, really I feel sometimes jealous of You.” He shows, creates a tremendous greed in you, something more is possible.


Master is a tree, you are a seed. He shows you, you can become a tree. Master shows that you can become a tree. He proves your potentiality. He is the certificate or authority of the state in which you can flower, to the state in which you can blossom, or the state which you can reach. He continuously creates greed in you to awaken to become enlightened. And for some people who will not work towards the greed, for them He creates a deep fear of logic. You are in the hell, seventh hell. The desire of seventh heaven and the fear of seventh hell is created just to wake you up. Slap your face, wake up, you are Buddha, that's all. Just to wake you up the deep possible greed and the deep possible fear both are created in you. HDH reads out a question from a Participant: Death penalty was enacted in US constitution not long ago. Now government executes people who murder someone. Is this spiritually correct thing to do, that? Would this help the overall spiritual development of society or would it not inflict more negative emotions? HDH: Of course, we are nobody to comment the law. We are nobody to criticize or comment anything legal; but from spiritual point of view I can give you a small explanation. Eye for eye, if you just … if somebody takes your eye if you take his eye, he will take one more of your eye, you will take one more of his eye. Then his person's will take one of your person’s one eye and your person will take one of his person’s eye. The eye for eye if it goes on, goes on, goes on where it will end? The whole world will become blind. It will end only in the blindness of the whole world. So, the eye for eye is not the punishment. But for the social reasons, but for the social things what for the government is executing we are nobody to comment. We cannot criticize the political structure or the constitution of a country. They will be having their own reason but from spiritual point of view this is the idea. Surely not death for death. Any other question?


Participant: In the meditation we had on the first three days I am not used to this particular kind of meditation. You ended it with a chant and it started with ‘OM’ I believe. Could You say clearly what that is. I mean could you say it so I can relate with what that chant means. HDH: Oh, Oh when the meditation is ended. It means, Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Shanti means peace. That is the vibration which creates peace in you, which creates a silence in you. It’s like a bridge. Actually in the deep meditation state you may be in the other plane. You need to come down to this plane; suddenly bringing you may give you a shock or a jolt. It may give you a little bit of shaking. You should be brought in a very loving, beautiful way. You see, when the babies are delivered, these nurses, they behave so rudely with the kids. They get a shock actually. Of course we have to make them cry nothing … nothing is wrong about it. We should make them cry, only then they will start breathing; but not so rudely. They get the shock, they are not received with love or welcoming mood when they come on the planet earth. The first moment how their being reacts that will be the same reaction which will be carried till the end. So, when you come down from meditation, a small bridge is necessary to connect yourself to this plane, so that you can carry that silence with you continuously. That is why ‘om shanti, shanti, shanti’ to bring you down to this level. It is like a bridge. So that you can carry that joy and the peace and the silence throughout your life, throughout the 24 hrs of a day.


Participant: Is there is some importance or something behind that because I don’t haven’t seen anything …. like this. HDH: Turban, turban..what you are asking? the head covering? Participant: Please forgive me if I ask anything wrong. HDH: : No, nothing wrong. What is there nothing wrong in asking. I am inspired actually by Vivekananda. That is the reason the dress of Vivekananda I am using. That is the reason why I am wearing that in the day to day life. Philosophically there is nothing much behind it. Even when Vivekananda used, it is nothing much philosophical reason. Actually I do not know why he is used. I have some love for him. Just to express My love for him I used that same thing. And in My personal life whatever I use, whomsoever has guided Me or helped Me towards the enlightenment I give My respect to all of them. My dress you can see it is like a zen buddhist monks. Hindus don’t… Hindu monks don’t wear like this. It is a dress of Zen Buddhist monks. Because for My enlightenment zen Buddhism has helped a lot. I vow My enlightenment to zen Buddhism. Zen Buddhism and their meditation techniques has helped Me a lot. That’s why My dressing method will be just like zen Buddhist monks. So, all the… all the gardens which has helped Me, I plucked.. plucked flowers from all the spiritual gardens and made a beautiful bouquet. So, My dress and My teachings, My life, nothing belongs to one tradition. Nothing belongs to one religion. Wherever I found some beautiful flowers I collected that. Whatever way I am helped to reach this state, whomsoever helped, I collected flowers from everyone and I am using it.


That is why in our meditation camp we use the meditation technique from seven different traditions. The first mediation tomorrow which we are going to practice will be from Tibetan Buddhism. Tomorrow we will be having seven different sessions. One on love, second on worry, third on death.. third on sex, fourth on death, fifth on jealousy and creativity, sixth on ego, seventh on contentment. Every meditation is brought from the different religion: one from Zen buddhism, one from Tibetan buddhism, one from Christianity, one from Tantra, one from Vedanta, one from Sufism, one from Sikhism. All the mediation techniques are taken from different religions. Whatever tradition, religion helped Me I have taken techniques and the methods from all those traditions. This is also just My respect to the Vivekananda. Just My memory, loving memory to him made Me wear this turban. There is no spiritual reason or background behind it. People ask Me, “Is it Swamiji too much of energy You are covering it”? I told, ‘No, no, no, only too much of hair I am covering it, not too much of energy.’ People actually asked Me this, people what all questions they ask you don’t know. “Swamiji, how do You keep Your hair so long. “And what all curiosities they get you don't know. Instead of asking how to grow the brain they ask how to grow the hair. Then any other question.


Participant: I have one question. Actually everybody has to realize their own self. How the teacher or guru can help to realize the self, him, that person? HDH: He is like a navigator. Navigator can guide you the shortest way. See, even if you don’t have a navigator, if you don’t know the path also, any one day you will reach after thirty years or forty years. If you just go round, some one day you have to reach that place. You have to reach your destination. With navigator it will be only three hours, without navigator it will be thirty years. Master is just like a navigator. He has already reached so he can give you the guidance. I always tell the people “I am just ten miles ahead of you in the same highway. You ask Me through cell phone, “Swamiji, how is the traffic? Can we travel? Can we come”? I tell them, “come, no fog, no ice, no snow, no accident, no congestion. Follow, come.” I give the clearance. That’s all. With Master path becomes more easy. Time of traveling is reduced. Next.


Participant: When you come here and sit quietly and the tape runs, what is the meaning of the ?? (inaudible) HDH: It is not even a Telugu, it is Tamil. One of the devotee, one of our devotee, he had the vision of Kailash when he sat and meditated with us. When the… in the ASP in the two days meditation course there is a meditation called ajna meditation. We work on the third eye. He had the vision of Kailash. That whole scene of Kailash, Shiva is dancing and… no, everybody is dancing but just Shiva is sitting and meditating. Nandi is dancing, Bhringi is dancing, Ganesha is dancing, Devi is dancing, everybody is dancing. But just Shiva is sitting and meditating. He had that vision. So, he saw in My form that Shiva is sitting and meditating and all others are dancing. So, he wrote the whole thing as a poem. ‘Everybody is dancing O Shiva come down to dance with us.’ That is the poem. It’s a reception song. It’s a beautiful meaning… it has got beautiful meaning, it’s a reception song. Yes.


Participant: Does awareness of past life assist you on journey to enlightenment? HDH: Is it necessity? It is not necessity actually. Awareness of the memory of the past life is not a necessity towards the enlightenment. Okay. So let you understand all this knowledge and let you digest and have the experience of eternal bliss, nithya ananda. Thank you.
