March 26 2007

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INTERNAL || A Staunch Vision of Young Avatar for Hindu University || 26 March 2007


Name Of The Convention: A Staunch Vision of Young Avatar for Hindu University
Session on: KAILASA’S Hindu University
Date: 26 March 2007
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, US

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam in his 20's shares his magnanimous vision on Hindu University. In this meeting with the delegates from all genres of lives like doctors and professors they all share their suggestions and HDH responds to each with pure firmness and confidence about His Vision of having and authentic Hindu University in USA. As HDH mentions he has it all planned and He knows what exactly needs to be done in each step of making it.

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actually want as a doctor said market uh your skills but um if you are really concerned about the con conservancy of the culture um there are institutions like in france for the example of sorbonne you know unless it is useful to the society we have to make it as a utility also only when it can be preserved unless we make it as a utility also we won't be able to preserve it okay so so let me let me put it in this way the first phase i want is more to be centered on the tradition based on the tradition because uh this university is part of my mission which is vedic renaissance so the source itself is vedic renaissance no doubt about it that will be the source that will be the base but because we are here and we need to touch the mainstream society what what what you all suggesting that going for the um presenting ourselves positioning ourselves as an alternative therapy as an alternative system and all these things also will be done as a part which part will receive more energy will be decided by the people who are coming and settling into insight that's all is the truth as and now more energy will be spent on vedic traditional in the core thing because i am sitting see the mission and the passion will be the will be the core sure no doubt about it but for survival whatever we need to do from the other side we will do it it should be swamiji that if a student wants to know about where the philosophy otherwise i don't think see unless he knows about the utility as you say the science research and all those things are done people are not going to respect the tradition so we need to present in that utility form also so that they will come to the mainstream so i feel i can say that the two department doing the research and development and presenting it to the connecting with the mainstream that should have enough that should that we should put a lot of energy and time into that at the same time holding on to this tradition i wanted to add to all this in terms of alternative medicine that one of the things looking at it from a karma industry pharmaceutical industry one of the things that's important is individualized medicine and the pharmaceutical industries are really groping with trying to diagnose every patient but if somehow ayurveda and your you mentioned about no human being is the same can be integrated with this type of alternative medicine that can be used for diagnosing patients that come from pharmaceutical and and for the medical that will be really a good international it is very difficult and i no no it is it is really difficult i understand i thought about all these things very clearly only then i took up was that great three things one age second thing um whatever you call that spiritual power or enlightenment all those things third important thing i have done it last three four years i've done uh the things so i have confidence i've done a lot of things in this three four years i started with a 13 rupee doctor means how many cents 13 rupees 20 cents just with 20 cents the whole mission is started we have 78 ashrams now 1 000 full-time astronauts and 150 sadhus the whole 150 yes would be of course you to me this is a great opportunity because with this we can connect the young the middle age and the people who are retired and who have a place to come and be useful and be able to contribute in a big way and i think this is a wonderful opportunity for everybody including the one who is yet to come and who is here and after one more thing we are trying to make that university more like a pilgrimage center we have other attractions for people coming there and populating the place and getting the funds and we are eight we have already collected 800 musical instruments of india to have a museum 800 different musical instruments will have a museum there like this this dancing show was 108 type and 1008 shivalinga all unique a couple of comments uh swamiji the good analysis uh why this project has not happened so far even though it is being the richest americans you know contribute quite sizable money to the federal treasury and a lot of work even in india and his observation was that our culture or our religions don't have a centralized leader so here we have a master who is going to be in a physical body for a couple of generations with a good leadership and he's going to make it happen and as swamiji says like they use words you know this work of dharma is going to happen you know we have to just let the shoulder this has not happened whatever is said and done indians need a leader indians have faced so many kinds of problems and they withstood they are standing so we have enough hands to stand even all forcing unforeseen problems so only thing i i feel that the one master did not stand up and organize them and say that we will have university [Music] it has to be done so i'm thinking authentic source and the tradition the mainstream university presenting itself through the research and all these things and connecting with the mainstream of sadhus and the householders and devotees who are living around that will take that will give the hands to run and help and support apart from the technical hands or academicians we are bringing outside the other things many other responsibilities can be taken taken care by this community this is the full-fledged community they've done extremely well i think this university has to happen uh the number of reasons is so much uh get our own children you go to any major university you will see at least anywhere from two thousand to four thousand indian heritage kids and the american education system requires them to study some other cultures where our kids end up going to south america central america spain england indians are the largest student body in this country sixty thousand and over and over this is the greatest country to live this is one of the best country to live for and i think we have to give the best to the best country yeah which is the challenge yes swamiji i wanted to give you a beautiful example of what this university could have in terms of like psychology although my background is in the biological sciences in the 1970s i was invited to be on a phd committee of five professors uh four who were psychologists of a student who was using meditation a meditation um i don't recall the name of it now it's been 25 years ago but anyway i was invited because uh this is the phd candidate in counseling psychology where he could use this meditation technique to work with people who had psychological problems and so he did his research study and he had some skeptical faculty members but his major professor in the psychology department at the university of texas at austin was very supportive and i was invited in because uh uh he uh the professor and the student knew that i had a serious uh scientific interest in meditation and so that was a beautiful example and then i had another i had a friend of mine who actually got his phd from the same department uh doing a physiological and biochemical research study on on the effects of meditation so at that time i became aware that there's a great deal of research and a great deal of interest for example in this whole field of psychology you can also look at biochemistry the hinduism itself is universal it has got enough potential and power to be presented as a life solution for whole planet earth i very clearly feel the tradition vedic tradition has got enough power and potential to be presented as a life solution for the whole world so it won't be a small hindu but a small letter h a ndu it will be it will be mainstream organization the depth of the knowledge about the ancient wisdom and a unique uh way of presenting in the modern idiom that is the very family maybe 100 topics that i have happened to read in books and tv actually so i think and i have never seen such an extraordinarily deep commitment and resolve and determination that this project has to happen and i think even though he has so many pressing commitments and engagement in india and uh around all over the world putting everything on a secondary level just to come and sit down and make this happen i i decided to stay one year completely in usa leaving the headquarters in india so when i went to at one point i have himalayan just one of the many projects that you have on your mind or what he said no this is the project i remember importing their secondary and this got to happen and i think since then repeatedly on in a brain i have still the same transparent uh depth of his intensity commitment and determination so i think we all will be fortunate to to join hands and make this wonderful thing happen as a very precious legacy i think one and a half years i am constantly going around and seeing places and working this is not just today we started talking it was a last one and a half years i am spending on three months i spent completely went through at least five thousand books to choose the syllabus on this paranjali and basic shadbarshana we already created syllabus also created syllabus for even for doctorate sitting and going through i have personal library of 40 000 books and sit and i was constantly spend three months in there we are doing a lot i think as you say that we will go and see the other things got also i think it's only what we have to put that pieces together that's all it is the blueprint vision is already there i don't think because they have the white print and 200 books lectures everybody who comes here to us takes the money and goes to india to start something there but this is the first time the money is put here to educate people here not a single penny is taken to india and all these are donated by indian ashram to the early ashram to the american movement all these things are donated and indian ashram is supporting them that's the critical thing we've got to remember that everything is put here for this culture this country this culture yeah actually in time people from india will come to university like this [Music] yes [Music] um [Music] i think education is now we are making it as a universe international standard once we have that international standard then we can send the kids to india to study and then bring them here i understand i want to thank everybody for uh to see that so many people have come today with one uh interest is to make a university this is the first meeting that they ever held all of us are very uniquely connected with swamiji and we should have a group photograph before we leave yes we are not against any tradition we are not against any religion we are not against any culture we are very clear about it but we are going to work for hinduism and for the vedic tradition so anybody wants to work with us should be sympathetic and feeling connected to this tradition to this culture so we put that as a prerequisite please understand we are not uh asking you to convert or anything but we practice what is necessary for university here dr g and the whole work we have already done it in india only thing now i have to adopt the whole thing to this country and clearly make it happen otherwise the amount of work which is necessary to establish a university that much of work has already come out of this body to do established mission