Matsyendrasana ii

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Matsyendrasana ii: asana

Asana Type



Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source

Gheranda Samhita II.22-23


udaraà paçcimäbhäsaà kåtvä tiñöhati yatnataù | namräìgaà vämapädaà hi dakñajänüpari nyaset ॥22॥ tatra yämyaà kürparaà ca yämye kare ca vaktrakam | bhruvormadhye gatäà dåñöià péöhaà matsyendramucyate ॥23॥


Keeping the stomach at ease like the back, bend the left leg and place it with care on the right thigh, put the elbow of the right hand on top of it and the face on the palm of right hand. Assuming this posture, fix the gaze in the middle of the forehead. This is Mastyendra posture. 22-23


1. Bend the left knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. 2. Put the right elbow on top of left knee. 3. Rest the face on the right palm. 4. Gaze in the middle of the forehead.

Atma Pramana Benefits

Stimulates internal organs functioning, and helps detoxify the body.

Simple sketch

Matsyendrasana ii (GhS II 22-23).png