May 13 2011

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Science of miracles 163 Patanjali Yoga sutra

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Friday, May 13, 2011 Prayer. Welcome. From now a special unique powerful energy is going to express through my body and in our mission because I made a unique and special spiritual pilgrimage. Please understand a unique special spiritual pilgrimage to a great energy field called Palani. It is a Jeeva Samdhi means the living tomb of 100s of Siddhas and I had a very strong pull from the young age to Palani. Maybe one reason is the Siddha who installed that deity and his generations is the same family from which I am born and brought up. It was a surprise discovery I had yesterday the present peetadhipathi is my direct relative – from the family I am born and brought up. I can say maybe some DNA pull I have to Palani. That shrine houses the unique powerful energy and the deity. Yesterday I was attending the abhishekam of the deity. They were pouring honey & vibhooti and what not. Immediately I told some of our devotees to sit in Samaana mudra to teleport. Immediately that panchamrutam, vibhooti, chandanam was teleported immediately. The deity is a powerful energy center. After a long time I climbed up the hill by walk. I went all the way up by walk ☺ Anyhow, it was a unique nd powerful pilgrim. Not only that before talking on the Kaivalya Paada I wanted to visit this temple. This temple was installed by a great saint Bhogar whose Guru is Agastyar and Agastyar’s Guru is Maha Deva Shiva himself. Bhogar’s disciple Vyagrapaada (pulipaani Siddhar) and his disciple is Patanjali. So I went and had Darshan of Patanjali’s Guru and Parama Guru – I went to both their Jeeva Samadhis. I will continue on the last sutra. I will talk on the science of miracles where Patanajali talks about Janma Aushadihi mantra Tapa Samadhi jaat siddhayaha I will expand Janma – how by birth you can inherit siddhi. I think before talking I should experience it. That is the reason I went to Palani. I can say the very Puli Paani Siddhar’s DNA has helped me to pick up so many different experiences. You can make people enlightened or experience extraordinary powers just by birth. Please understand in my case it happened. but we can consciously plan, prepare the mother when she is carrying the child teaching her the proper processes, meditations. By the time the child is delivered it will be enlightened. Instead of crying, it will sit and laugh and say – Come on nurse! Take my blessings! ☺If the bio memory can be developed, built, it can directly change the very DNA system. Please understand, if you change your mind you can change your brain. If you can inspire the pregnant mothers to meditate and go through this proper processes, not only you can have enlightened kids, you can have kids with extraordinary powers. By birth, something can be downloaded. Making knowledge out of the child’s bio memory is very easy. When something is getting created, that is the best time to build and create as we want. Janma – by birth we can bring extraordinary powers, experiences, enlightened itself to the child’s body. understand, till the delivery, till the moment the baby is delivered, the bio memory or the body or life is extension of mother. Only when the baby comes out, soul assumes the body, consciousness reflects on the body. if the bio memory is developed, planned, created, that kind of highly evolved soul descends on the body. it is possible you can create an extraordinary highly powerful, highly evolved, highly inspire spiritual soul to the planet by the conscious process. I am already evolving an intense program. Now my own experience with Pulipaani Vyagra paada and Bhogar – I know the science now – how by birth this can be transmitted. By birth, it can be handed over. In all Shiva temples especially Nataraja temples, the Pulipaani – Vyagrapaada and Patanjali will be standing. Even in our Seattle temple, Devi will be siting and one side the snake bodied Patanjali and other side the tiger bodied saint Vyaagrapaada who is Guru of Patanjali will be standing. From this experience, I now create the unique program to give the highest spiritual experiences and powers and enlightenment to the human beings by birth. It will be wonderful! The moment the child comes out it will materialize and give nurse and doctor and says blessings ☺ it is possible, we can do it. See sadhana is nothing but programming your bio memory to reflect your consciousness as much as you can. If your consciousness is reflected on your bio memory more & more, more & more extraordinary powers express thru you. when I materialize something through devotees hands or house, all I do is align them to the super conscious state and automatically the materialization happens! Instead of aligning a body which is created, you can align a body when it is getting created. If pregnant mothers can just stop creating suffering and depression for themselves, world will be out of terrorism! That is enough. Nothing else is required. because then they will not create depression bio memory. Suffering bio memory is responsible for creating suffering. Violence grows on suffering. If somebody… I am creating a program not only where kids will be non-violent, they will be expressing extraordinary powers & energies. By Janma the extraordinary powers and experiences are possible, is possible. Bhogar is the great saint who went along with his disciple Puli paani to China. Chinese medicine is gift from Bhogar. Kaaba, Mecca, Kabeshwara Shiva was installed by Bhogar. The same Nava Paashana material from which the Palani Subramanya is made – Bhogar went and installed Shiva Linga in area now called as Mecca. There are some more evidences available and the karna Parapamara story. He is the founding father from the great Siddha tradition. Very interestingly he talks about just by look and the energy transmission creating a divine child around the exact time, date and birth place of Jesus! Exactly around the same time, same space, place he mentions he looks at somebody and blesses and that lady carries a divine child – immaculate conception. Lot of extraordinary truths, secrets, techniques, methods are revealed by Patanjali’s great master the extraordinary tricks and experiences revealed by Patanjali’s great master Puli paani, the great disciple of Bhogar about this science of giving Siddhis, enlightened and extraordinary powers & experiences by birth. Maybe I will bring you the original sutras and talk about it to you all referring to the original sutras and translations in a detailed way. I will take at least 2-3 sessions on this part – how by birth you can give extraordinary siddhis, powers, experiences and enlightened itself to a child. So that we can create a course on enlightened pregnancy, bring enlightened souls to planet earth! I just had a revelation. We will first time try & prove scientifically immaculate conception! Under proper controlled conditions we will do it. through this proper Yogic procedures. It is too controversial. So we will take it very properly and in complete controlled conditions with a thorough DNA test and scientific evidences. Blessings!

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