Midakipava asana 1

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Midakipava asana 1: Asana

Asana Type: Forward Bend


Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Yoga-Asanamala Sacitra 61

अìगुñöहन्äभिपर्यन्तमधोभ्üमौ विनिन्यसेत् । कर्äभ्य्äïच धर्äà ध्åत्व्ä üर्ध्वçéर्ñअù फëéव हि ॥४१॥ देह्äग्निर्वर्ध्दते नित्यà सर्वरोगविन्äçअनम् । ज्äगर्ति भुजग्é देव्é भुजìग्äसनस्äधन्äत् ॥४२॥"

"püraba bidhi pari pagathalé sampüöa ñola yeòé milé räñai yeòyäsyü mähilé käné agüla do ätarai liläöa dharaté lagävai hätha doü goòä upari lagävä aòaväirachä parä pasärai"


Sit with legs extended. Close two heels together while keeping toes apart. Knees are spread sideward. Lower the body forward to touch the forehead on ground near the heels. Spread hands sideward over knees and place palms on ground. Gaze is fixed at the nose.

JP.265-267; AYG-46. Similar to asthi-pava-asana illustrated in NS-72


1. Sit with the heels together while keeping the toes apart.

2. Knees are spread sideways.

3. Bend forward and bring the forehead to the ground near the heels.

4. Spread the hands sideward over the knees and place the palms on the ground.

5. Gaze at the nose.


Improves and facilitates the flow of the five secondary vayus.