New Clear Bomb-Krishna had to Protect the Planet Earth

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Krishna had to Protect the Planet Earth


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Krishna has to happen to empty all the weapons in a controlled condition where Srishti will not be destroyed, only the people with violence and wanted to use all these astra shastra powers for their selfishness and vested interests in evil designs, only they, need to be destroyed. So, He collected all of them in the Kurukshetra and finished them off. I tell you, the ultimate compassionate act done to the planet Earth is Kurukshetra war. Because of this war, Krishna gave up even the so called good name and brand. Understand, till now everyone blames Krishna for this Kurukshetra war. But you don’t know that’s the greatest sacrifice Krishna did to save the planet Earth. If Kurukshetra was not conducted at that time under the controlled conditions and direct supervision of Krishna, planet Earth would not have survived more than three years. Within three years war would have erupted in a small, small packets and different corners and the whole planet Earth would have been wiped due to large availability of astra shastras , like brahmastras, atomic weapons, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons. The widespread availability of the Astra shastras without Shastra, without the knowledge and vision, was posing a huge threat to the whole humanity and planet Earth, and for life itself. So, Krishna had to sacrifice his good name. He was ready. The Thyagarajah I tell you, Askhalitha Brahmahari Thyagarajah Jagadguru who was ready to sacrifice his good name, was ready to be blamed by the historians. I tell you, if Krishna has not conducted destruction of the mass, destruction weapons like brahmastras , agni-astra, the atomic weapons and chemical weapons available those days, biological warfare weapons available in those days, the whole planet Earth and the life would have been destroyed within next three years. Understand.