New Clear Bomb - Hinduism needs to Reclaim it's Legitimacy

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Hinduism needs to Reclaim it's Legitimacy


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Mahabharata war was nothing but destroying, eliminating, mass destructive weapons, warfares under the controlled condition, under the direct supervision of Sri Krishna greatest Incarnation. The purpose of Krishna’s incarnation was that. Of course, there are multiple reasons, this was one of the main reasons. Like this, every time for various reasons Incarnations happen. Now, it is time Sanatana Hindu Dharma has cosmic constitution needs, spiritual legitimacy. social legitimacy, economic legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, judicial legitimacy, and ultimately political legitimacy, Unfortunately, Hinduism has started losing all the legitimacies, finally, understand, during Mahabharata we had fifty-six nations, two hundred states, thousand seven hundred provinces, practising Hinduism as a state religion. Veda, Agama, Dharma Shastras, Shruti, Smriti Vasa, basic constitution, code of conduct, constitution for fifty-six nations, two hundred states, and thousand seven hundred provinces, during the Mahabharata time. Last two thousand years, due to continuous persecution, terrorist attack, brutal attack, one by one, by one, we lost all the territories, all the fifty-six nations, two hundred states, and thousand seven hundred provinces. The last nation Hinduism lost was Nepal in 2007. Because Hinduism lost political legitimacy all the scriptures have started getting destroyed, eliminated, there is not a single place where the original scriptures of Sanatana Hindu Dharma can be stored. The Matakalapu in Sri Lanka, the library was burned for I don’t know how many days. The library burning from Nalanda to Sri Lanka, and destroying Hindu scriptures is continuing. Two hundred years before, Hinduism had ten crore, hundred millions sourcebooks, now, we have only two million, twenty crore left, eighty crore, eight million is gone. Nalanda library got burning for 6 months. I don’t know Matakalapu or Colombo; recently the latest library burning was done in Matakalapu or Colombo. The largest Shaivat library was burned; I don’t know how many days it was burning. The library burning makes Hinduism lose literary legitimacy. We lost literary legitimacy, There is not a single country where Hindu education system is legitimate. Jaffna library was burnt ninety-seven thousand manuscripts, It was one of the biggest in Asia, was burnt in 1981, June 1st.