New Clear Bomb - How to Keep The Science of Enlightenment Alive?

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How to Keep The Science of Enlightenment Alive?


Kailaasa - Reviving the Enlightenment Ecosystem. Original Satsang ( 06 Jan 2019 ).

Video Audio


See, for every enlightenment science to be alive, certain spiritual ecosystem need to be created, certain, the spiritual magnetic mechanism need to be developed. Hindu temples are not just worship altars, or religious congregation place, or just memorial for certain legendary person or incident. Listen, Hindu temples are residence of God, that is why in Chidambaram Nataraja is one of the Diksheetha. In Srirangam Ranganatha is one of the "butlers" ??? who are doing the puja. Understand, Hindu temples are residence of God in Hindu tradition. In reality, not just Hindu tradition, in reality…
