New Clear Bomb - I Am the Last Lamp Alive to Save Hinduism

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I Am the Last Lamp Alive to Save Hinduism


Video Audio


Understand, I am the last lamp alive, I am the last lamp alive. and I wanted all of you to know in India, neither Vedic education, gurukul education, Hindu education, Shaivate education is legitimate. Madrasas are legitimate, but not Hindu heritage schools or Gurukuls and Hindu education system is not legitimate. Understand, Banaras Hindu University is only named sake Hindu university, there is no Hinduism courses, classes, programs, legitimate which are experiential. You may have some books, but whatever is the book, is it made into experience, if the power manifestation time is there, is somebody manifesting it, demonstrating it? If there a Vaimanika Shastra, Hindu aircraft technology, is somebody demonstrating it, through laboratories? Understand.