New Clear Bomb - I Will Reveal these 3 Important Words

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I Will Reveal these 3 Important Words


Manifest Super Powers with your Conscious Conscious Choice & Will Persistence. Original Satsang ( 17 Jan 2019 ).

Video Audio


Understand, I will reveal three important words and that truths. First, first word, natural selection, second word, artificial selection, third word, conscious selection. In evolution of life, listen, in evolution of life if you think still the mediocre ideas of one life theories, you are fool and you are wasting your time and especially if you strongly believe you have one life, quickly go and do whatever need to be done, you want to do, don’t be wasting your life in the reality. In reality, you have multiple lives. Let me expand on this truth, in the evolution of life, fish becoming tortoise is conscious selection in the DNA mutation process, listen carefully, in the DNA mutation process, consciousness goes through a natural selection process, maybe i can use a better word, conscious natural selection. The consciousness of the fish through the natural selection process evolves in its DNA levels through various mutation, understand, no DNA mutation is an accident, it is surely for the sake of better way of existence by the very tendency of the consciousness, is expansion, survival and expansion, living and enriching. The very DNA’s programming is integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, it is integrated to its existence and authentic to its experience of identity ’I’ and it takes responsibility for further expansion, enriching. Because of the fundamental quality of the consciousness, consciousness goes through a natural selection process in the DNA mutation. Second, conscious artificial selection, example for this is, human beings breeding various types of dogs, various breeds and varieties of dogs. First, you understand the dog’s fear, greed and intervene artificially in its natural flow of life and through the external intervention, you start breeding various varieties based on your needs, dog breeding is conscious artificial selection process, that’s an example. Third, beyond these two, something called conscious conscious selection process. You, human being consciously choosing consciousness as the foundation of you very existence and liberating yourself, enlightening yourself. Moksha and Jeevan Mukthi becoming the reality of your existence is conscious conscious selection process, understand!