New Clear Bomb - If You Feel Connected to Me, Be Very Clear You are Paramashiva

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If You Feel Connected to Me, Be Very Clear You are Paramashiva


In this New Clear Bomb, Bhagwan is revealing the difference between the Unmanifest and Manifest component in us and saying "If You Feel Connected to Me, Be Very Clear You are Paramashiva".

Video Audio


I’ll give you experiential understanding, Pratyaksha Pramana. Understand, if you are feeling that your Unmanifest is in love with me, centred on me, be very clear, your Avyacta, Unmanifest, has already accepted the foundation point that ‘’You are Paramashiva’’, Paramashivoham. Unless your Avyacta, Unmanifest component of you decides to accept this truth, Paramashivoham, ‘’You are Paramashiva’’, it will not fall in love with me, please be informed. Every day before morning Puja‘’ Whatever people may tell about You, whatever Swamiji is right or wrong, but I am in love with You’’, be very clear you are centred on the truth, Nithyananda Paramashivoham and the powerful cognition you manifest will be only Shakti, Powers not Siddhis. There are two cognition, listen to it very carefully: ’’ Whatever people may say, whatever I hear, right or wrong but I am in love with You, I know You are Paramashiva and I love You’’. It means your Unmanifest is centred on the cognition, I represent Paramashivoham. If you say ‘’ I know you are Paramashiva, I love you also but…’’ then forget about it, even if you manifest powers it is only siddhis. See there is two things: ‘’I love You but’’… siddhis, even if you manifest, it is siddhis, miracles, not Power ‘’ Whatever I hear, right or wrong, good or bad but I know You are Paramashiva and I love You’’. If the ‘’but’’ comes before the sentence or the ’’but’’ comes after the sentence, decides whether you are manifesting siddhis or Shaktis, that’s it! Whatever it is, ‘’but I love you’’, ‘’I love you but’’…there is a big difference.