New Clear Bomb - NLighten App makes You Paramashiva from wherever You Are

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NLighten App makes You Paramashiva from wherever You Are



Video Audio


I am beginning a new journey for Humanity. Through this NLighten App whole universe will be raised to the next level of superconsciousness. As a Living Representative of Paramashiva, i commit with you all, through this NLighten App, you will all manifest, you will all manifest the State, Space and Powers and everything of Paramashiva, the very Being of Paramashiva. Understand, whether the great cosmic principles you receive through this App or Sastra Pramanas, the Ancient revealed Scriptures given to you in a decoded form or the great spiritual music, spiritual visuals, Apta Pramanas, my own Atma Pramana and Sakshi Pramana of many people who are benefited, whatever you are going to receive through this, will enlighten you directly, It will make you manifest the Powers, State, Space and Powers of Paramashiva. State, Space, Powers and Being of Paramashiva will manifest in all of us. Understand! Through this App you will receive, through this NLighten you will receive precise words you need to receive in right time. The cosmic principles will be directly mapped into your bio-memory, it will be mapped into your muscle memory in the forms of powerful cognitions, the spiritual umbilical chord connection between you and me and highest spiritual initiations will happen through this NLighten App which will manifests Paramashiva in your bio-energy and you will see this NLighten App causes continuous miracles in your life, you will be living with Paramashiva, literally it will be living with Paramashiva.
