New Clear Bomb - Paramashiva's Vision of Sex to enter into the Space Oneness

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Paramashiva's Vision of Sex to enter into the Space Oneness


Video Audio


I will look at the Sex from the vision of Paramashiva. Paramashiva is interested to manifest the ultimate state, space, powers, and His very Being in all of us. For that, how we can use sex , how He has programmed our body , mind, the whole principle of sex in the system. And how this power can be used to manifest the state, space, powers and being of Paramashiva. Understand, fundamentally sex is an intense power, energy. If you have powerful cognitions about what is sex , simply you will manifest powers of Paramashiva in your life. If you have powerless cognitions about sex, you will constantly suffer bondage, disturbance, incompletions. Understand, sex will not bring you completion by oversexed or undersexed. Whether you are oversexed or undersexed, you are not going to have completion. And, it is fundamentally about the powerful cognitions you carry about body, mind, yourself, whether you look at the sex from the dimension of your physical need , emotional need, psychological need, or social need; whatever way you look at the sex, whatever way you try to understand sex, the cognitions you carry matters. Understand, if you carry powerless cognition that sex is mandatory physically for you, you will be powerless forever , whether you are undersexed or oversexed. If you carry the powerful cognition that sex is an act which is under your free will, not directed by the ups and downs of your hormonal flow in the body, it is complete voluntary conscious decision of you without having any blind spots of being pulled or pushed into it by the involuntary hormonal ups and downs, listen carefully, if the involuntary hormonal ups and downs, emotional ups and downs, chemical ups and downs in the body and system, is making the decision about your having or the withdrawal of sex, be very clear, it is powerless cognition. You operate with multiple blind spots. The act itself is neither good nor bad, the blind spots decide whether the act is going to help you, to further your life’s purpose, happiness, fulfillment, completion, or going to bring destruction in your life.