New Clear Bomb - Paramashiva Assumes the Form for Various Reasons

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Paramashiva Assumes the Form for Various Reasons


Mysteries of the Kailaasa Civilization - How Paramashiva Saved Life on Earth, What’s beneath Earth. Original Satsang ( 19 Feb 2019 ).

Video Audio


First thing i want to tell you, there is a civilization what i call Kailasa above, because human beings don’t know them for last two thousand years, i don’t want to say nobody knows, i only say mass does not know because the common man does not know, we think they’re aliens, they are not alien, be very clear. There is a civilization above, Kailasa and there is a civilization inside the Earth, Earth is not solid as you think, it is a hollow, there is layers, layers and layers of hollowness, inside the Earth, there is a civilization and there are ways, entrances, Thiruvannamalai is one Entrance for that under Earth civilization and above Earth civilization and our Adi Kailash Banyan Tree, that place is one Entrance for above Earth above Earth civilization and under Earth civilization, both, and Madurai is one of the Entrance. Please understand, Paramashiva assumes form, at many times comes to Earth for various reasons and He even goes and stays inside the civilization inside the Earth.
