New Clear Bomb - Swamiji, ArunagiriYogishwara, NavaGrahas & Thiruvannamalai

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Swamiji, ArunagiriYogishwara, NavaGrahas & Thiruvannamalai


Video Audio


Now let me come back to this story. He showed all the Grahas and taught me the whole thing then after everything was done, He just moved the hand, I don’t know whether if He brought me back to this Planet Earth or He sent the Grahas back to their place, everything was normal and it was too much, I tell you. I was in Aaawe… Anyhow, the whole knowledge transmission was done, then I asked Him ‘’ Swamiji, did you take me there and showed the planets or did you bring the planets and showed me here?. He laughed and said ‘’Hey, I brought them here, see’’. I saw nine stones on the floor, He was laughing, He was trying to tell me that hey, through these stones only I taught you, I brought them here. I said ‘’ Then, what was happening there, if the Grahas are not there, what would have happened to the world, Planet Earth? If somebody looks up if the Sun is not there, what will happen? He laughed and said ‘’ I froze the time, nobody was allowed to look up’’. Please, understand, I am telling as it happened, that’s why I told Him, please you reveal, you utter the right words, I wanted the whole thing to be integrated, in integrity, with integrity, let complete integrity be maintained with Paramashiva. He laughed and said ‘’I froze the time, so nobody can look up till the whole thing was happening’’ It was too much, I asked Him ‘’Can I take these nine stones? I wanted to keep them in my Puja. He laughed and said ‘’ Why is just these stones? I installed them, I put them in a land which will be later on, can be a beautiful Temple. He just blinked His eyes, both of us was sitting in a place where now the Banyan Tree is planted in Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, that is the precise spot. That was the spot He put all the nine stones and we both where suddenly seating there, we just disappeared from the Temple and appeared here and He pushed all the nine stones on the ground and said ‘’This place will radiate the powers of Navagrahas, later on, you will understand why I did this here’’. Of course, maybe after decades, many years we got the property, now the Ashram is there. When I went back, I know that is (the property) that is the reason I put Navagraha Vanas there, Nakshatra Vana in that area for all the Grahas and Nakshatras to be present and bless everyone, whoever goes and sits and meditates on Arunagiri Yogishwara there with the powerful cognition of Paramashivoham, Arunachala will bless, Arunagiri Yogishwara will bless, Paramashiva will bless and liberate all of them from all the malefic effects of Planets. Go and sit in that Navagraha Vana, Nakshatra Vana and meditate on the powerful cognition, do samyama on the powerful cognition ’’Nithyananda Paramashivoham’’, ‘’You are Paramashiva’’ chanting Mahavakya, do Samyama and be humble to Navagrahas, be humble to Navagrahas, you will be blessed, liberated, no malefic effects will touch you, you will be free from all malefic effects and you will be only blessed and supported and blessings will be showered on you.