New Clear Bomb - The Third Shade of the Lust Energy - The Pride of Qualities

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The Third Shade of the Lust Energy | The Pride of Qualities


In this New clear bomb, Bhagwan is revealing The third shade of the lust is feeling empowered by the delusory properties, by explaining the difference between the qualities or the Gunas which you feel proud of such as karuna, Moha, Krodha as in Yudhistra or Duryodhana to living a life of powerful Cognitions such as in Krishna.

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The third shade of the lust is feeling empowered by the delusory properties. When I say properties not just land, money, car, gold, even the qualities you are pride of, is considered to be properties. Guna, Guna, giving you the false pride, is the third shade of lust. Please understand, please understand whether you are Duryodhana or Yudhishthira. The Gunas never are from the powerful cognitions. Understand, powerful cognitions do not consist of the regular pattern Gunas. If you are operating from powerful cognition you will be like Krishna, sometimes you will look so compassionate, sometimes you will be so cruel. A real powerful cognition person will not have the pride comes due to the gunas, Whether the guna is Karuna or Moha or Krura or Krodha, Guna is a guna, is a guna, is a guna. Property is a property, is a property, is a property. A powerful cognition person never moves through guna, he never moves through guna, he moves through powerfulness.