New Clear Bomb - The True Hindu Knowledge Transmission System

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The True Hindu Knowledge Transmission System


Video Audio


The moment I utter the words Planets, I remember how my Guru Paramashiva taught and made me realize about the Grahas in Pratyaksha Pramana, my Guru Arunagiri Yogishwara, how He taught me this whole Science as Pratyaksha Pramana. Still, now, I don’t think I have spoken about it in public, first time I am going to talk. Understand, one day I was sitting at the feet of Arunagiri Yogishwara, He was talking about so many things and suddenly the conversation turned into Grahas. He spoke about Navagrahas. I was looking at Him so deeply, literally, everything He was revealing was getting into my system, so deep, like if He utters one word, like a condensed one petabyte material information will be transformed into my system, transferred into my system. Listen! The number of words spoken, the quantity and quality of the knowledge transmitted was not matching, that is why I am saying Paramashiva teaches in Silence. Listen carefully, when we say Dakshinamurti teaches in Silence, it is not that He never utters a word but the number of words uttered and the quantity and quality of the knowledge information transmitted, the wisdom transmitted does not logically connect or equate, rationally inexplicable. Just by a word, He will transmit almost one petabyte information. Every word He was uttering, petabytes, petabytes of information was getting transmitted into my system, the system was getting loaded. Understand, this is unique knowledge transmission method of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, you cannot use the word education for this. No. Whatever you know by the word education does not equate the Hindu knowledge transmission process. Nithyananda University revives the Hindu knowledge transmission process. What was happening between Arunagiri Yogishwara and me, what Paramashiva shared with me, that very methodology I am adopting and transmitting, that is why even though you spend only half an hour listening to the Satsang, whole day you are in the same mood because time spent is only half an hour but the amount of information, quantity and quality of the knowledge transmitted is disproportionate, it’s not proportionate, Understand! It was like intense cosmic downloading happening from Him to my system like from His body to my body.