New Clear Bomb - When You're Grounded on Paramashiva You Manifest Shaktis Eternally

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When You're Grounded on Paramashiva You Manifest Shaktis Eternally


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Understand, fundamentally you are Avyakta, Unmanifest is programmed to fall in love with the highest goal of your existence. If your Unmanifest is in love with me beyond your logical understanding rationality, you are manifesting Powers, Shakti, there is no doubt, if not, even if you manifest Powers it is only Siddhi, may be for some time till you have your ability to practice, it will continue, but good, Siddhi also is right, ok, good beginning but Shakti will be permanent, eternal because you are grounded on Paramashiva. Understand, every powerful cognition grounded on Guru Bhakti manifests as Powers, Shakti, otherwise surely it manifests as Siddhis, it’s not that it is useless but it’ll manifest Siddhis.