New Clear Bomb - You Can Never Be Brainwashed into Brahmacharya

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You Can Never Be Brainwashed into Brahmacharya


Manifest Super Powers with your Conscious Conscious Choice & Will Persistence. Original Satsang ( 17 Jan 2019 ).

Video Audio


Why this Brahmacharya, you know, unless you decide with your conscious will-persistence you can never be successful in Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya proves whether you have decided with your will-persistence, even your decision to practice Brahmacharya proves the strength of your conscious conscious choice and your will-persistence, your decision nobody else has brainwashed you, you can never practice Brahmacharya through brainwashing. Understand, only if you received the ferociousness from the Adi Guru Dakshinamurthi, you can be Veerabhadra or Gaja Samhara, Veerabhadra, Gaja Samhara both the ferocious forms came out of Dakshinamurthi from the same face Aghora, Veerabhadra, Gaja Samhara, Dakshinamurthi all three. Dakshinamurti, the Adi Guru, such a silent beautiful smooth teaching form and ferocious form, Gaja Samhara, Veerabhadra and (Nilantaka), Nilakanta, sorry, Nilakanta who drank the poison, all of them, all the ferocious forms came out of same form Aghora, same face Aghora, South face, it is not coincidence. If you have received ferociousness of the Guru you will have a strength, conscious choice, conscious decision strength, practice Brahmacharya. Nobody can practice Brahmacharya by getting brainwashed only if you decide consciously, you can practice Brahmacharya. Every time you practice, your DNA goes through a quantum jump in superconscious level, conscious conscious choice, conscious conscious selection happens in your DNA, with will-persistence your whole DNA evolves to the superconscious level, you are not bred, nobody is breeding you, nobody can breed you if you decide to choose conscious conscious selection process and i tell you no human being should allow artificial selection process to be done on them. Every human being should decide conscious conscious selection.
