New Clear Bomb - You Radiate the Qualities of What You Associates Yourself Too

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              You Radiate the Qualities of What You Associates Yourself  Too 


Video Audio


First and foremost important thing i wanted to share with you on this great subject ‘’ Anti-ageing through super powers’’. The first sacred secret you need to know from Paramashiva, anti-ageing is possible, that’s first. Second, your association of ‘’Chit-Jata’’ means the body and consciousness, if consciousness overlaps the body, body gets the qualities of the consciousness, if body overlaps the consciousness, your consciousness gets the qualities of the body like feeling bound, suffocated, heavy, depressed. Listen, listen carefully! Which component is predominantly active in you? If your consciousness is alive, functioning, if that is operating, all the intra-organs and internal organs of your system, body manifests the qualities of consciousness. Your consciousness, Paramashiva declares, He is a Eternal Sixteen, in His Dhyana sloka in Agama, He says ‘’I am Eternal Sixteen, Meditate on Me as Eternal Sixteen’’. Listen carefully, whether your body takes over your internal organs and intra-organs or your consciousness takes over your intra-organs and internal organs and body. Fundamentally what you strongly believe as you, those cognitions are all based on your identification and qualities of the body or the identification and qualities of consciousness. If you feel you are going to die and remember that continuously, that is the cognitions based on body, you will feel you are mortal and your internal organs will react, respond in the same way and intra-organs, when i say intra-organs, the fourteen chakras, your intra-organs also will respond in the same way, and your consciousness will feel constantly suffocated, caged inside the body, understand! If your cognitions are based on more the qualities of the consciousness, feeling free and deep within you, you know you are not going to die and you are existing for ever and how you exist during the dream and deep sleep and waking state, you will exist beyond death. May be the shell will go through some changes but you are going to exist, for ever. When you are operating from those believes, your intra-organ will manifest the same and internal organ will manifest the same and body will manifest the same. More and more anti-ageing will be happening in you, understand!