New Clear Bomb - You can Change your Gender just with Will Power

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You can Change your Gender just with Will Power


Gender Identification - The Primal Detoxification You Need. Original Satsang ( 04 Nov 2018 ).

Video Audio


Very recently I was reading some of the articles in the research papers on the Internet, I saw literally there is nobody called straight. If you think you are straight, you are middle class, mediocre. Your physical identification, that needs just a simple medical examination, nothing else. Physical examination, nothing else. But, physiological identification, you need to look in. Whenever you feel excited are you more in Kama or Moha, understand both of them are different. In Kama, you just want to manifest the reality of you and the other person or persons involved in your life. In Moha, you just want to exploit everyone for your pleasure. there are two different things, In Kama, you are very sure you want the completion for everyone involved. In Moha it is all about you feeling complete. Oh! I should not have used the word complete, you feeling relieved. Listen carefully, whenever your physiology is pressured, if your psychology feels Kama, it is integrity. You will be such a beautiful being. Whenever your physiology feels pressure and your psychology feels Moha, you will just be exploitative. It will be more or less like a masturbation with another body or a rape, that’s it! Understand, the reflection of Paramashiva in you, Prathya-Atma-Chaitanya, the individual consciousness, has a freedom to align your gender identification in the level of psychology and physiology and physical, all 3. I wanted to make a statement, by your will power you can, may, change your gender completely, even physically. Ramakrishna demonstrated it, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa demonstrated it. There is another one great Yogi called Madura Gopala Swami, Madananaag Agy Swamigal, he used to be called , he lived in South India, he was in Madhura Bhava with Sri Krishna, with his power and will power he just manifested all the female characters in his system , whole system.
