New Clear Bomb - Your Lifestyle Directly Affects Your DNA

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Your Lifestyle Directly Affects Your DNA


Manifest Super Powers with your Conscious Conscious Choice & Will Persistence. Original Satsang ( 17 Jan 2019 ).

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Everyday your lifestyle directly affects not just your muscle memory and bio-memory, your very DNA. Every night, the way you sleep, the quality of sleep directly affects your DNA. You need to understand, day in and day out choose to manifest Paramashiva understand, the lifestyle of Kailasa, Charyapada of Paramashiva which i am proposing, whether vegetarian food or Brahmacharya life or yoga is all for this purpose. I tell you, if you decide to have the conscious conscious selection as your lifestyle, Kailasa is here to provide the ambience, support you completely with the right food, right way of lifestyle, waking up in Brahma Muhurta helps you tremendously for your DNA to go through the conscious conscious selection process.