November 17 2020

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Re-telecast of the Satsang - Kala Tattva || Founding Father of Kailasa || Paramashivoham Season 16 || Dakshinamoorthy Bhava Darshan || Power manifestation- Consciousness over Matter || Guru-Disciple Relationship || Uttamotama Seva ||


KAILASA's Department of Information Broadcasting, in collaboration with SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations for Peacekeeping, aimed at eradicating violence and promoting peace, telecasted the Nithyananda Satsang on Kala Tattva as revealed by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. In this retelecast entitled | 09 October 2020, His Divine Holiness (HDH) revealed the Truth that any knowledge can become reality only when you decide to cognise stating that one’s decision to cognise is far more important than any knowledge. He ended Satsang by stating that all SJP Yajamans until December 14th are going to be Founding Fathers of KAILASA and that a list is being prepared. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism worked further on raising the Consciousness of delegates by bestowing them with Dakshinamoorthy Bhava Darshan on this day.

There was a special Power Manifestation session conducted focusing on the power of Consciousness Over Matter. Season 16, Day 3 delegates received an introduction into the Third Eye Awakening. Truths related to Amrutasya Putraha, Unclutching, Kriya Pada, the Guru-Disciple Relationship and Akashik Readings were also explained to delegates on this day. Today’s Uttamotama Seva events included sacred Rituals, Abhishekams, Archanas and offerings of traditional dance and music, inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.

Photos Of The Day:
