Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Message to those who cherish enemity

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Message to those who cherish enmity


In this Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes avidya (ignorance) elaborately and gives a message to former disciples and a Message to those who cherish enemity

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Message To Those Who Cherish Enmity


Today we will enter into the next sutra of Patanjali. It gives us a deeper insight about Avidya. He gives us deeper understandings and methods. Sometimes we may think, why so much of imp on same concepts. Why same concepts are again and again repeated. It is repeated becos we do not listen. We m ay hear, but we do not listen. Today’s sutra works on our deeper consciousness. On a deeper level on the same truth. So let us enter into the sutra. Avidya kshetram, uttareshaam prashutta tanu vichchinna udaaranam Vivek: ignorance is productive field of all those that follow whether they are dormant, attenuated, overpowered or expanded Prabhyava: ignorance creates all other obstacles. They may exist either Satchit: ignorance is the field for other mentioned after it. Whether they may be dormant, The idea patanjali is trying to convey to us thru this sutra is that avidya or ignorance is source of all our obstacles with which we are struggling suffering. Whether they are weak, overpowered or expanded. Whatever it may be, pl understand, ignorance is the field in which all the other problems grow. It is a very unification truth. The truth which unifies. Truth which can be applied in any system. Truth which can be applied with any problem. The truth which unifies everything. Before getting into the sutra, I just wanted to share with you all some wonderful question which I recvd. I am continuously recving questions thru media, devotees, ex devotees and I am sharing my responses to the world thru you tube. Y’day I was sharing some of the techniques, methods I downloaded during my 53 days in prison. Y’day I was sharing some of my insights. And one of our devotee Dr.Krishna, he brought some questions and some beautiful connections. Whatever I was explaining using Hata Yoga, he was confirming based on medical science. He had a question which is directly related to this sutra. If I answer this question, you will have lot of clarity about this sutra. Q: do psychological diseases like depression or insomnia have a physical component also? Not only these 2, even ageing – all 3 of them are directly connected to a chemical melotinin which is directly connected the pineal glands, ajna chakra. All these 3 diseases are connected to this one chemical melotinin and this is directly connected to Ajna chakra. They were asking is there any solution for this? Upanishad provides solution to this. You may think how can Upanishad do this? There is a beautiful Upanishad called Katopanishad. Nachiketa depressed becos of father’s curse. But suddenly he was filled with sincerity – sraddha vivecha and he says – I will face this death, I will listen to my father. Remember when life slaps you with what you think as curse, you have 2 options – depression or expression. If you are sincere, it will lead you to higher consc. Nachiketa was so sincere he was able to handle it and face and live that curse. Suddenly, he opens up and goes to doorway of Yama, lord of death. 3 Nights he sits there with deep patience without sleeping. Yama appears on 3rd day and he asks him what he wants. He gets 3 boons – 1. Parents will accept him when he goes bk 2. Door to heaven 3. Enlightenment. Understand, nachiketa was first in depression. But he adds sincerity to his depression not letting his depression to depress him. Then his sleep disorder is converted into tapas. Sincerity means having deep patience and passion to know the truth. Nachiketa had both. That’s why he waited 3 days even when Yama was not there. No. He was sitting, fasting without sleeping. He had passion to wait and patience to wait. If he did not have patience, he would fought with the gate keepers. And neither did he leave – he had passion to wait. Sincerity means passion and patience to wait. His sleep disorder became tapas. Then lord of death gave him the great technique of anti ageing. All these 3 – depression, sleep disorder, anti ageing – were solved by sitting patiently with passion. This is the techq. Used by nachiketa to overcome all 3. When you add deep patience and passion to depression it becomes yearning, when you add it to sleep disorder, it becomes tapas. Krisna says in Gita Yogis cannot sleep when common man sleeps. Yogi, bhogi and rogi do not sleep in the night. So when you face death with same sincerity, he gives you the science of enlightenment. Sitting with patience and passion is techq. To awaken ajna chakra the very experience of the chemical melotinin. So when he added it to death, it became anti-ageing. Also, another imp. Thing, this chemical’s color is black. In light this harmone, chemical evaporates. Lord of death never appears in light. When light is brought into your system, death is not there. All these 3 problems are inter connected. Dep leads to insomnia leads to anti-ageing. If you are interested in getting out of these 3, learn the science of creating the melotinin – awakeining the Ajna chakra. Upanishads are direct solutions to all our modern day problems. Avidya, which is the source of all these problems – ignorance, it is the source of abhinivesha – clinging to life. Clinging to life is directly responsible for ageing quickly. I have seen with my own experience – civilizations that do not take risk is too security based – they keep on saving – it has become an obsession in Indian civilization. You can see any common idian, middle class Indian will be saving atleast 40% of his income for future or will have an intense tendency to save. It is like, you should save atleast for 7 generations or they will not keep your shraadha. Also, we have the habit of owning the house. Most developed countries do not own the house, bank owns it. That is why, majority of Indians, take birth, live and die in one city. 12% of Indians do not cross their district in their lives. Means stable life. We do not take much risk. Too secure. But the western civilizations take lot of risks. Once in 3 months they change the house, car and spouse. Lot of risk. Lot of insecurity. Lot of new new happenings. That is the reason, we look lot older by the time we reach 40s middle age. If you see person of 70 yrs and Indian of 45 yrs both will be the same – psychological and physiological. Ageing becomes evident when you are too bothered about security. When you are not learning from the happenings in life. When you want to control all laser beams – not taking risks, not getting into life, not letting life to appear in front of you in all dimensions – ageing becomes very evident. Most of the youth in western countries do not own a single penny. They make money only to pay their loan. By the time they finish their life they would have paid 90% - my last cheque should bounce that is the mental set up. But for Indian mental set up of not taking risk makes you age quickly. The ageing process is quickened. Ppl who take lot of risks, constantly play with life, play with diff options. I can see very clearly, developed countries take more risk – they apply and make a big shift in their life style. But somehow Indian cosy life style – even if god comes down, they want him to go to their home and bless them! Not taking any risk, not shifting their thinking style or lifestyle or the way in which they exist. That is mental set up of saftety based and saving based civilization. Saving with intelligence is ok. Saving with deep insecurity brings saving and diseases to spend the savings. By the time you grow old, you will have money and the reason to spend it – diseases to spend it. Ageing is directly related to feeling of insecurity. Constantly clinging to life. I taught my disciples the science of abhiniveshaha experientially through this episode. I am working with them on their courage quotient. I know many of them before – even one small phone call is enuf to shake them. Now nothing touches them – what more can happen now. It is a very hard lesson but the millions of disciples who were waiting with patience and passion till I came back, ppl who were waiting like nachiketa. Many disciples from TN came and literally sitting outside the prison, day and night – doing puja, breaking coconut, meditating for me to give them a darshan. I am indebted to their devotion. There is a beautiful description of Krishna and shiva in bhagavatam – the person who can be bound only by devotion! I am bound to all your devotion – for having waiting with patience and passion for 53 days. I get letters from many of them that millions of them really had insomnia. They were crying. But becos of their sincerity, depression became yearning and insomnia became tapas and now they wilol have the enlightenment process – science of anti ageing. Clinging to life takes away the joy of life. Biggest problem hum,an beings face is not knowing that they don’t know. Biggest problem of avidya is it will not let you know that you are in avidya. It will take care constantly that you will nto feel that you are missing something. That is the quality of avidya. Sutra says ignorance is the field where all problems start growing. Avidya is the source where all problems are created. Y’day we were analyzing. How all pervesions start happening in the system. 1st the architecture of the macrocosm and microcosm is the same. When a critical mass – means cells become molecules and on the molecules super consc. Reflects, diff molecules gather to become organs and organs gather to become your body. Imp thing is each organ and each part of your body is independently intelligent. To every thot you have all the molecules respond. For eg. You get anger. All the molecules will have a quick election – some will say it should be expressed, some say it should be suppressed. Finally your decision happens. But it cannot satisfy all organs. So naturally, whose voice is not heard, those molecules, organs will be dissatisfied. Your avidya or ignorance only makes decisions in you. It not only makes decisions but also tries to suppress other organs. If constantly, their voice is not heard, those organs will go on a strike and that is disease. For each thot every molecule, organ responds. When your ignorance takes decisions, all the organs are suppressed and condemned. But how long will they put up? They will eventually raise their voice. Even after the answer, if some parts are not attended by your decision making authority which is usually avidya in humans – then they decide to non – corporate with you – that is failure of organs. If they decide to attack you – it becomes cancer. But becos of you ignorance and arrogance you will go on with your decision. Going on like this and ignoring your own organs is what I call accumulating karma. But how to handle this then? One imp method, secret is make all decisions from unclutching. If you are unclutching continuously, all organs are handled in a very friendly manner. So let your consc. Give you a guarantee that all your molecules and organs are given friendliness. Suddenly you will see they all become unanimous in the decisions. Coming to a state where the decision is made unanimously without contradiction with all your organs and molecules standing by you, you are living enlight. Means you have infused enuf friendliness and security in your system. Then every organ in your body is responding the way you want, without resisting or attacking you. The person who creates this set up in his body is a Buddha. He who teaches it to the world is Dhamma. One who successfully makes it as an experience to many ppl and creates a community with this set up is Sangha. All you need to do for all these 3 is to keep on making decisions from the zone of unclutching. As long as the contradiction is there in you – uncluth. You will see decision will pop up in you automatically. All you need is the patience and passion to unclutch and be in the vidya zone. The voices may be dormant or weak. Or it may be subdued. Or they may be scattered. Or they may be strongly active. Even active voices can create cancer in you. That is why I tell you make all decisions by infusing deep friendliness in your system. Even ifyou are defending yourself, you will not have internal conflict and disease. It will be unanimous. Ppl keep on asking me you say be compassionate but Krishna said fight in the Gita. Pl understand, Krishna did not have any internal conflict. He had infused deep friendliness and energy into his system. That is why what he did was good for the world. That is why I feel sympathy to the ppl who go on cherishing enemity to me and my mission and vomit their poison in many ways. They do not understand, many of their own organs and molecules are not agreeing. But becos of avidya , arrogance they are feeling insecure and are voimiting venom. They are suppressing the strong voices fo their own molecules and organs. How long can you suppress. It will just protest and bounce back as cancer. That’s why whenever I get news that this person is voimitting venom, first thing I feel oh god, poor guy. This is what I mean acquiring karma by abusing the master. I will not curse. This nithyananda poornima I was in prison. Morning I was walking. Suddenly I felt such a fresh alive and a very strong remembrance and overflowing with compassion and love. I was walking like kaala bhairava. I felt such compassion, I saw very clearly in me – I forgive everybody who is directly or indirectly in this conspiracy. None of them will have any bad karma becos of me. I released such compassionate energy. I saw bhakta writing something. Bhakta was writing exactly what I was feeling within. Exact words he was writing the whole thing. The moment I told him my experience, he said swamiji I wrote exactly the same thing! Whatever I felt, was felt in such a unanimous way that not only were my organs and molecules even the person near me – even his organs and molecules starting reciprocating in the exact same way. I will never curse, but your body is like a mirror reflecting super consc. If some part of the mirror breaks it will still reflect many reflections of the same mirror. Many reflections in one mirror is ugly. Many decisions in one body is dangerous. By strong karma, your body parts can function independently. That is what I call brahmaraakshas. When part of you is not in tune with what you are doing, that part will gather momentum and will naturally create diseases, depression, sleep disorder and finally ageing quickening of the death process. Avidya is root for all problems. Vidya is solutions for all problems. Continously make decisions in unclutched way, not only you even ppl around you will make the same unanimous decisions. Living with ppl without even you telling them, but they making unanimous decisions identical to your decisions isliving in heaven. That is what I call sangha. Ignorance is the productive field of all that follow whether they are dormant, attenuated overpowered or expanded. I sincerely request all ppl who are against me to pl relax and infuse deep friendliness and compassion. I will only be Abhayam sarva bhoodevyam – I will give abhayam to the whole world. But when you are vomiting poison to me and my mission, many parts in you will resist and go on protest. And they will become strong diseases. Pl do not waste life with theise contradictions and diseases. Life is valuable. Let us respect life whether it is mine or yours. Pl come out of avidya, unclutch, infuse friendliness into your whole being. Make your whole being take unanimous peaceful loving decisions.